Nope, since they aren't french and deserve no vote.
honestly, who gives a shit about france?
This is what traitors in the west actually think
That they can import foreigners to vote for what they want because whitey is too evil racist to vote for it
how can there be substantial mass of muslim voters in france? the path to citizenship takes a lot longer time frame.
Visit Paris or Marseilles. Its looks like a fucking Middle East. It even sounds like it everyone if speaking in fucking Arabic.
>Trump NEEDS the Mexican vote
Worked out well for London.
yeah, but they CAN vote you nog.
>can 10% of the population sway an election
Yes, absolutely. Usually like 40-50% of the population vote, more if it's a big deal. 72% of Britain voted during the Brexit referendum which was absolutely staggering.
I do. The future of the EU could hinge on this election.
> It even sounds like it everyone if speaking in fucking Arabic.
welcome to every western capital in Europe
Voting for man made laws/leaders is Haram m8
>this is how a liberal democracy gets conquered
you cant vote if you are in jail or didn't get your vote card (hood rats dont vote)
muslim vote wont change anything
Well, votes is how it works, so...it fits.
it doesn't mean they can vote and not only due to the fact that they do not know the law of the land properly (the language). So obviously this refugee and migrant crisis is manufactured by using democracy as self determination instrument for those invading hordes and swarms of trojan horses where they will displace the locals by turning them into the similar caste like native americans in USA. So who is in business of steering them. Of course it's not about business - these are instruments that are part of tar budgets, but all over our society - think community organizers, unions, fraternities, societies, associations, military, law enforcement, etc..
France has this al-qaeda like institution called "french foreign legion". It's something right away that is rotten.
This is democracy being played out, don't get butthurt when you don't win you rural retards
It's quite unbelievable, Coming from Australia I was shocked at the state of French and German cities. Eastern Europe seems much better and not as poor as people make it out. How is it in Austria?
Not *every* capital
t. Goes to Lisbon once a month
And how do they do if it's le Pen vs Fillon?
Why is their site logo testicles?
democracy is fucking bullshit when you have mass immigration
Didn't they say this about Hillary?
I bet at least Merkel and Juncker do.
Legion is based, fuck off.
If Marine isn't elected today with 50% you can say hello to macaron and goodbye to france.
I dont care either way. Die if you must, live if you can.
These people never vote.
People in multiracial areas have a lower and more extremist voter turnout to begin with.
Macron was pure media hype, won't beat Fillon.
Legion is one the major reasons why France is targeted as part of red, white and blue axis of Dr Evil. There are plenty of those shitbags here in lithuania running all kinds of huge scams.
only confirms their baseness
unless you're rooting for ISIS and boko haram, then I understand why you wouldn't like them
>tfw Soumission was right all along
When is the moderate Muslim Brotherhood candidate going to show his face?
It's gonna be nice seeing a new
>drumpf BTFO
posted every fucking day.
he was here all along
Oh they do if they're promised free money.
Don't you see what the ISIS is trying to do all the time? They WANT to get Le Pen elected in order to break the EU. That's their ultimate goal and therefore they're as stupid as the mainstream media (i bet they only focuse on reading and translating this, not the alternative media which has the actual truth) and leftists. They're digging themselves a grave and they don't even realize it. Check-mate.
BBC knows.
Why are slavshits this dumb.
Until there is an explicit 'immigrant party'... which got record numbers of shitskin votes here in Holland
it's GG
yeah but there's no difference between poortuguese and muslim immigrants
oh they do user,their mousqes run an operation in exchange for cash from mps and councils
they get back handers and building permission for mousqes if they do mail ballots and they do aa the paper work for the muslims to vote left
Le Pen 28%. She doesn't need the muzzie vote. Just needs muzzies be muzzies and keep doing uncivilized stuff.
Must be nice living inside that little bubble. I wonder what you'll tell your children (lol I know but hear me out) when they ask why the world is such a piece of shit.
>when it's a democracy so you import your entire electorate
>understanding anything
why are whites so good at everything lmao
nah. they are running big portion of this scattered castle here in lithuania as setup by CIA lemon party gestapo. they have their hands red with lots of blood.
Légionnaires aren't exactly UN peace keepers. They're sent to do the dirty work.
Careful there baguette. Our niggers came out to vote for Obama. But none showed up to vote against trump. Your sanding gets might just come out
The answer is NO. Less than 10% of the population is muslim despite all of Sup Forumss claims.
Let France fucking burn to the ground
This is what you cucks deserve
i guess you don't have to be operation paperclip rocket scientists to know that government, intelligence, military and of course politics of it is one of those dirty fields. Medicine serves as cover for red hands for all those evil doctors embedded performing life saving surgeries. Meaning they are saving some lives abroad by making some room in lithuanian real estate cement shoes. So shit martini stirrers you better be stocking on those duffel bags for stuffing themselves with.
Hey Yusuf
Did you vote for erdogan at the referendum?
Lol the working class have been divided again. They can either vote for a labour candidate that wants them out of the country or a economically right wing globalist that wants them working minimum wage.
my neighbourhood in SW london is one of the few good blue constituencies in a sea of cancerous red. white as fuck, clean and wealthy.
am a bong on holiday if you hadn't guessed btw
Still enough to sway a vote in which the candidates are less than 10% apart.
But yeah, the main problem are the cucks/women in our own midst.