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French elections
Spoiler: Macron will most likely win. Look at the polls of the second round. If Macron comes first or second in the first round, he will win the second one by a wide margin. If, let's say Macron comes third or fourth, and LePen first or second, she will still lose against Fillon or Melenchon, but by a smaller margin.
Thanks for correcting my record.
le record = correcte'
In my polling place in paris there is 2 security guard and 1 police car, it's weird. Also 2 people in front of me took a macron bulletin.
It doesn't matter who wins, France is fucked beyond the point of saving, and that is before you take the Muslims into account. Le pen willl bring about the end a bit faster than the others, that is all.
Where abouts in France is this? I imagine Northern cities to be hotspots for him, whereas country-side and south to be Le Pen?
Not shilling for Marcon. I personally don't want this French version of Hillary Clinton to win. I'm referring to a poll I saw last night, but I'm not sure if it was just some fake news poll.
If it comes to Melenchon- Le Pen, I actually think this would be the only scenario in which she wins
well i guess they might as well not bother with elections if we're going to believe the polls of 900 people on this
All the big cities will vote macron, my polling place is near the highschool where his wife worked
Even if she lost against Melenchon, we'd still have an anti EU-candidate. It would be the ideal scenario. Fillon isn't this bad either imo, because he's even more right wing than LePen, but sucks the globalist cock.
A voté !
Bon ils sont pas trop doué dans mon bureau et du coup ils m'ont tamponné à l'envers.
Good luck French bros
Jersey come back
Just like how Hillary won the US election right ?
Polls don't mean shit...
Les boulets...
Good on you though.
Le Pen needs our high energy!