
How to checkmate Atheists ?
What is the perfect argument against atheists?

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why bother, youre trying to reverse marxist brainwashing, its not really possible or worth it. just let them kill off their own bloodline so that their genes dont pollute the world any further


You can't, in the same way you can't "checkmate" religious people.

Nobody has any concrete evidence for their beliefs. Everything's speculation.

Pantheism is the most accessible/effective way for an atheist to see why God is real

>How to checkmate Atheists ?

How insanely insecure are you to even think such a thing?

Most Atheists are socially isolated, just make fun of them.

I'm totally serious. You won't ever have to deal with socially adjusted atheists because they'll never willingly bring it up, irl or online.

See i dont like saying "everything is a speculation" I want a good argument to make the atheists to shut up.

i strongly believe the need of God's concept for the best function of society. The "God" helps people but atheist are going against that and going against religion is radical and revolutionary. Atheist are dangerous people for the society. Revolutions always bring pain to people
How ? Have a joke in mind ?

In the US maybe.

>See i dont like saying "everything is a speculation" I want a good argument to make the atheists to shut up.

That's basically what it boils down to though. Speculation is the base for all belief systems.

Quantum theory and how it connects to consciencious.

>be athiest
>believe that the sum total of my sensory apparatus is sensitive enough to apprehend all of reality
>find no objective evidence of the mystical
>decide that therefore the world as it is perceived is the complete extent of reality
>believe the universe is obligated to unfold itself in a scientifically or empirically verified manner
>believe that "god" or whatever you want to call the source of creation is obligated to present itself in the narrow band of the universe we call "reality"

Entitlement fallacy, anthropocentrism, flawed premises.. the athiest position is quite easily the most dreary and the dullest of all metaphysical conceptions.

Well played

ask them to imagine a more perfect world

you cant, we are dead inside because we know there is no god

wait 10 years tommy, achmed will legally decapitate you for it.

>What is the perfect argument against atheists?

I've redpilled a few atheists with pic related.

And also this, atheists found my point to be irrefutable and they succumbed to God's glory and wisdom

>How to checkmate Atheists?

Its easy

Come up with the most inane shit you can think of then make a strawman and destroy it.

Then act smug and say checkmate atheists

>dat circular logic

Why bother? You gain nothing from arguing with idiots about things that aren't political

Fuck off, atheistscum

if God isn't real then why am I blessed with your presence?

...anti atheism?

you mean Theism?

you can't really check mate a standard agnostic atheist unless you prove without a shadow of a doubt that a god exists.

altho if you could prove a being exists, with all the comic book superhero powers, what would make them anything more than an intelligent alien with abilities we dont understand that happened to make something because it could... and why would we call that a god.

Think about any complaint the Atheist+ spergs have made about normies, and mimic it.

It's a lot easier these days since the usual atheist has had his beliefs deeply ingrained in liberal ideology.

>>The bible says love is only possible between a man and woman!
>>You really believe we just came from nothing? Are you a nihilist?

Something like that, the more patronizing the better. It'll infuriate them.

Good point

atheists think that this is a totally sick burn on people without brain damage

watch closely everyone, the cuck flags will start coming out in support of the nation destroying marxist death cult commonly referred to as "atheism"

You can't.
Atheists use their brain, unlike you faggots

I am an atheist and you sir are an idiot.
We atheists are less likely then any other group to comit any crime, i myself am a capitalist.

Atheists aren't people

The probability that our universal laws made it possible for life as we know it to exist.

I believe in a God and his magic Jew.

You really can't checkmate atheists in any way since the pope officially surrendered to Islam.
You can't really say that atheists are any worse after a literal mutli-culti supporting Marxist extremist was elected to be a pope.

You're retarded if you think any belief has anything to do with genetics.

We see people from religious families become non-believes and the same the opposite way.

I don't beleave christ but

I dont need to be an athiest to tell you your logic is flawed, specifically the error of circular logic. Your argument is not nearly as neat as you think it is my dude.

>t. Not an athiest

In addition. Why won't you work to somehow stop the Islam from checkmating the church before trying to checkmate atheists?

May God have mercy on your heretic soul

Weak bait.

The fact is that as far as believing what's real, Atheists only care about evidence. You don't have any and, let's face it, you never will.
God does not exist. Therefore you should change your goal from "checkmating Atheists," (you can't, they will always checkmate you,) to some other goal, like getting Atheists to agree with your values. As an Atheist, I've come to respect Christianity for the way it can bond us together as a nation. That being said, I don't believe in God and never will, unless new evidence comes forward.
Let's face it, though. Religion has always been a tool for keeping people under control, and not in a bad way, necessarily.

I'm over 23 and don't have autism

>the pope officially surrendered to Islam

Yeah, that was disturbing

>>In the US maybe.

Good point, I'd forgotten you have a larger contingent of atheists there.

Probably just best not to engage those people anymore and jump on the Islam train while you still can.

Not a bait.

If God is not real then who takes these pictures?


I meant the more recent surrender, but thanks for bringing that up.

if you think all christians are catholics you are deluded and most likely such a brainlet that you cannot into basic history.

i pity your kind. i think a lot of it stems from a lack of imagination

I am an atheist, try to checkmate me.

Sorry, I only know how to anger Christians

Really? I point out that your argument is false (and thus actually weakens the theist position btw) and suddenly im a heretic?

Are you perhaps a priest?

Sup Forums being theist started as a meme and now religious people think it's serious.
How could they be so stupid if God existed ?

look up William Lane Craig. Debates atheists, mops the floor with them.

I'm not a priest, I'm a humble worker in the Lord's vineyard.

after listening to sam harris tonight it seems there is a connection with Atheism and higher IQ.
IQ is tied to Genetics, so lower IQ people will be more prevalent in religious circles.

religion = shit genes, to the pyres.

>if Krypton didn't exist then where did Superman come from?

Flawless logic

protip: not everybody is convinced that Jesus actually existed


Atheists are 99% of the time memesters who only disbelieve their own caricature assumptions of godliness. Skywizard meme for example.

Atheism="oh you believe in god? Then you believe in the most ridiculous caricature that I made up. You're stupid and I'm smart."

As am actual atheist, no. This demonstrates why you're so bad at arguing with them, you have no clue whatsoever how they actually think about that kind of shit. It's all off.

OP, there is no perfect checkmate against atheists or any other kind of belief system, that's the point, its all metaphysical shit we can't know or understand. HOWEVER as an atheist the best argument you can provide for me is one which dismantles the materialist viewpoint; that is the idea that we can just trust our senses and perceptions. The reason why I consider myself an agnostic atheist and still somewhat spiritual is because I recognize the fact that my perceptions may be falsified or not reflective of a "true reality"; essentially you can't put 100% stock in your own consciousness. Of course this just applies to general metaphysics shit, less so if you're an Abrahamic cuck or something.

>How to checkmate Atheists ?

Step 1: dont be the religious equivalent of a fedora - a lot of people fail at this one.
Step 2. Bin the following arguments:

-you are only an atheist because you are rebelling against God/ have family issues

-anything based on utilitarianism (easiest way to spot a false or dishonest christian if they make these)

-The notion that any objective belief = automatic belief in God.

Step 3: Understand how to refute metaphyical naturalism which is the logic that underpins athiesm

or fluster them with

The historical evidence for Jesus' miracles is one

>protip: not everybody is convinced that Jesus actually existed

How is a pitiful state of perpetual historical ignorance a "pro-tip"?

Those people are to be pitied.

>infinite universe
>thus infinite possibility

We're not that special senpai


your days are numbered white goys. the useful idiots will be shoveled into the fire when the last christian is dead.

Ah yes, because it's not like shitloads of other Christian churches are Marxists too.

>the crown of God's Creation
>"not special"


just show atheists how logical the crypto kike story is
pic related
also, keep chopping baby dicks for your cult god, goys

then dont go to them you stupid faggot, all aspects of life are pozzed now. if you arent smart enough to avoid cuckchurches and cuckclergy then you dont deserve to be white anyways.

Christianity isn't eaven european religion you fuckface, christfucks atacked my country and killed thousands, fuck the lutheranism!

you cannot prove a negative so atheists don't need proof of their claims
the onus is on the positive claim that god exists


>Most Atheists are socially isolated,

I doubt this is true even in the US.

>You won't ever have to deal with socially adjusted atheists because they'll never willingly bring it up, irl or online.

Socially ajusted people don't talk about beliefs in general... Or at least, they shouldn't.

>I want a good argument to make the atheists to shut up.

There is none. Let it go.. Just keep your concept of god private.


I would not use the f-word because I am sure Jesus would not find me using profanity pleasing, and I would not advocate murder because it's against His commandments, but I, too, wish atheists and marxists didn't exit, they make me sad.

If you didn't realize my point was that checkmating atheists is just a waste of time when Catholicism and large part of Christianity is supporting Maxism and multi-culturalism.
Even if you somehow managed to "checkmate atheists" you'd just be left with religious Marxists - now fighting for social justice because that's what Jesus would do.

Dumb people are often mentally weak and religion is a coping mechanism that is preferred by mentally weak people because it frees you from responsibility.
Everything that took a bad turn in my life is part of a greater plan.
That's what I could observe when I talk about religion with my highly religious aunt.
It offers you a refuge, an answer.
The dumber the people the more often they are fanatics.

Evidence. You even admit that it takes "faith"
because the text isn't logical coherent.

Besides, I like animal-god's myself. Of course this religion is no longer main-stream but Anubis was worshiped for a lot longer than Jesus.

That's retarded. First point is already dumb as fuck. Nobody rebels against something they think isn't real.

Are you revolted against unicorns? Is it why you don't believe in them ?


germans have severe brain damage

Why are you so full of hate, has atheism made you this way?

>I don't know if absolute truth exists
>No option for not knowing if above statement is absolutely true or not
That was quick.
Metaphysical naturalism doesn't underpin atheism anymore than it underpins your lack of belief in

maybe if you are prone to marxist thought no matter what you believe, you just deserve a bullet to the back of the head.



Kys leddit fag

Well you should look up circular logic as it really dampens the zing on your "lel btfo atheists" attempt at an argument.

Or go read a convincing argument for the existence of god, as there are actually some very potent ones - potent arguments which you are shaming and discrediting by attempting to place your "babbys first original thought"-tier argument (that isnt even that original) on the alongside.

In fact if you read my first post, you'll realise that your argument (if we can call it that) is doing far more harm thany position is. Thus i conclude that you must eithet be a heretic or a hypocrite (aka priest).

Paganism for the win!
pic related

This guy gets it

Argue for religion from a social perspective not a theological I don't believe in god but i think i'm culturally christian.

>muh logic

That's literally atheist talk. It's how you spot an atheist.

>maybe if you are prone to marxist thought no matter what you believe, you just deserve a bullet to the back of the head.e the more often they are fanatics.

Thought that was the leading consensus. Still doesn't make checkmating atheists productive.

>It's a lot easier these days since the usual atheist has had his beliefs deeply ingrained in liberal ideology.
America is such a bubble.. I sometimes forget.

>>>The bible says love is only possible between a man and woman!
>>>You really believe we just came from nothing? Are you a nihilist?
Why do American theists make such retarded leaps? Why even try to rationally argue beliefs? Just say it's what you believe and be done with it.. Anything beyond that just deminishes your own position.

i dont like satan and his synogauge. i dont like watching goyim throw away their imagination to feel smarter. theres nothing wrong in having faith that some crazy shit happened in a time nobody can remember, especially when it reinforces positive pro-white values such as family and others

>caricature assumptions of godliness. Skywizard meme for example.

some religions believe their god created the universe. that is some next level gandalf wizardry.

to merely call some of these god concepts wizards is downplaying the extent of the powers these gods are claimed to possess.

>I don't believe in god but i think i'm culturally christian.

That is NOT enough, you're still doomed to burn in hell. Please repent.

Fuck off you ussr peace of shit!

This type of thing makes me not want to be an atheist. Only problem is I can't force myself to believe something that I don't. Try genuinely believing that Santa, Superman or Atlas are real, even if I go to a room full of people who do believe it I never will. So I'm stuck being an atheist.

Then why attack me, a fellow brother in Christ?

Yes infinite space/time but the laws and constants are all predefined. So only limited possibilities for life to exist.

Other universe other constants other life forms or no life forms at all.

If Muhammad isn't the last prophet than why does't the holy Quran says so ?

Checkmate Christian infidels

you can't avoid them since christians are pathologically driven to evangelize to you and politicize their gay beliefs because they believe shoving their savage dick mutilation cult down your throat falls into "muh religious freedumbs"

>That's retarded. First point is already dumb as fuck.

'binning' things, as 'bin that knife, get a life' means to put in the trash(bin).


t. Judith Shekelstein

Daily reminder christianity is a kike psyop built with the intentions of weakening European peoples and getting them to love kikes to prep for (((their))) takeover