Come on, Sweden. This is something else entirely

Come on, Sweden. This is something else entirely.

Other urls found in this thread:

How is this NOT white genocide?

Someone should arrest PeterSweden7 for watching child pornography.

>can't understand what "no" means

oh my fucking sides.



>implying shitting on Sweden is bad
Not wasted.

serves her right
theses dumb cunts like her mother wanted feminist government

Hope legit collapse happens soon, within 3 months it will decay into full blown proper race war and the white people's savage warrior genes will kick in and they'll snap out of this Jewish docility.

you're retarded

>ITT: niggers cant crosscheck simple sources.

That's not what the tweet says, but Abdul is guilty and should have been jailed either way

Source for video?

I retract my sentence, i'm the nigger in this case, just end this senpai

a small & peripheral point, there's a broader issue at play beyond this particular case

Would he understand what being beaten to death means?

That point still stands retard, Abdul raped a girl and is still free. because of feminist Sweden lax laws against immigrants

Feminist Sweden will rather allow children to get raped then be called racist

just like Rotherham

link to the vid?

Some times I have to pretend that this shit is just trolling from an edgy fucker because how unreal it sounds, some times I wish that I hadn't knew the truth but still I feel the need to know it despite all. But it's really fucking depressing to know that some sandnigger is free for raping a kid with such an excuse, it's like making rape legal in the first feminist country.
How the fuck is this allowed? if this were happened on my town, we would burned him alive, how is there no fucking outrage from there?

>captcha: gas stations

There's only one way to find out.

Probably not.


Where is the video?

so i can just go to Europe and rape all the women i want because i have ADHD? sweet

>How is this NOT white genocide?

he raped her anally... pussy still good to go

>Someone should arrest PeterSweden7 for watching child pornography
He didn't watch it, he's just reporting what the court documents say. It's not like he e-mailed the rapist and bought a copy.

Not in Spain though, at least if the girl has a mother.
She shall burn you alive and be praised as a national hero afterwards.

Spanish mothers are scary.

Friendly reminder that Sweden identifies itself as a feminist government
So according to feminists:
Male POC>>>Women>Shit>White Men

I have ADHD, Took an IQ test to prove it. 112 Verbal 105 non verbal. I know what no means I hope someone murders this fuck

Normally i would be upset, but Sweden and Germany have it coming. Have at them sandnigger.

>if this were happened on my town, we would burned him alive

I wish I had been born in Mexico. My soul here is dead.

Where the fuck are the bloodsucking feminists on this!?!?!?

What Jion Gohmeshi did in Canada isn't even fucking close and there were protests for days.

Or Brock Turner's case which had much more questionable circumstances they protested around the country.

Fuck this pisses me off

how does an iq test prove that you have adhd?

Exactly! That racist swede tries to claim that people of colour are capable of rape! Disgusting, and I pray to Allah that the police will get him.

Did you just forget about María del Carmen García?

It shows how tolerant and good our justice system is!

The court all watched the video of abdul fucked the 14 year old girl in the ass, and they said collectively: YES, YES she wanted it, it wasn't rape

and so, they freed him to much applause

Lol really? Show video of swedish justice

Where is the sexy footage

>no no no - not rape
but if she'd screamed "yes, yes, yes" but woke up the next day and had second thoughts then it would've been rape
why can't you retards understand these simple rules?

Low working memory/poor short term memory

>went from going to war with half of Europe for protestantism to letting refugees fuck their daughters

There is a litteral baboon out there who can casually fuck 14yo girl in the ass while filming it and get away with it.
manwhile, most of \pol\ didn't even kissed a girl.
Let that sink in

I haven't kissed a girl since I was 14 now I'm even more mad

>Import the coal
>Pay the toll

This thread again?
She wasn't raped, she dated and fucked that abdul for quite some time already. She was enjoying being fucked by a sandnigger when he suddenly put it in her pooper.
She consisted to sex, but not surprise buttsex
Feminist-tier "rape"

Sweden Yes!


Jesus christ your flag even looks like shit

Sweden is gone. It's a Muslim country now. Eventually they will make it into the political system.

And what was the girl doing there in the first place?

Pay the toll etc.

so you poo in orange white and green ?
My god that is the most retarded post i have seen.

I am sure being born in a nation of bastards has caused some mental and emotional problem

But still your post is so shitty i am going to designate you as a shitting street

will fuck my girlfriend for both of you today, white dude here

they reap what they sowed

no matter what you say, you're still posting from a slum next to a shitting street :^) miss me with that shit

Why aren't these guys hanging from a tree, Sweden ?

In Germany when that Lebanese girl was stabbed by the Somali, they tried to make out he was the victim of abuse in Somalia of which they had no proof.

wrong reply :^)

How does this work again? How is person who doesn't understand what "no" means capable to invite 14 yo girl to his house?

>In Germany when that Lebanese girl was stabbed by the Somali, they tried to make out he was the victim of abuse in Somalia of which they had no proof.

you mean Sweden:


I tried to make a thread on reddit (r/sweden) about this
I can't fucking believe this shit
I live in an orwellian dystopia
wake me up from this horrible nightmare
what the fuck

no one thinks your posts are cool or funny
you sound like an edgy 14 year old
maybe go back 2 rebbit?

>wrong reply :^)

cant even shit post properly.
dude just stop, i know you are bastard with daddy issue why don't your jerk off to some cuck porn like a good little bitch

Stop acting so tough, making poo jokes on the internet doesn't make you tough,
You come from a country where 67% of children are born outside of marriage.
Just let it sink in for a movement how cucked your country and men really are.

please go back and stay there
rebbit is a shit website, but whats worse than the website are the posters who have flooded Sup Forums with their inane virtue signaling

Swedish women blame this on Swedish men, right?

I've been on here for years before reddit you faggot
I just use reddit to interact with normos

I agree with Pajeet

>not being above 130

sweden, it is your responsibility to kill these creatures that invaded your land.
Simply put, you fail not only as humans, but as an animal of this planet.

>Incorrect opinions

Expose Jewish control over Swedish society and this permissive attitude toward non white crime stops cold as the Jews have to circle the wagons to defend their own lies and treachery.

Link to the video?

How the FUCK isnt her dad killing this subhuman right now?

I think it would be a question of killing myself or the shitskins if this had happened to my daughter. You barely get a fucking prison sentance for murder in sweden either.

He probably got himself a copy of the video and jerks off to it while cursing white people.

Ok so Sup Forums is full of autistic nerds but surley people with actual testosterone know about this shit too and STILL Sweden is fucked as though everyone is castrated there.
I just....

Hahaha fucking reddit.

who cares? sand nigger either way

>not being above 140

I don't know how small your dick or how loose the asshole at hand has got to be in order to just slide it in when both parties aren't agreeing.

I've done anal and getting it actually in is quite hard

How far do you have to push a country? Until the people finally realise that spending life in jail or dying is better than living in (((free society))).
What's it gonna take for Sweden and Germany to snap? I mean for for fuck sake

>10% or more of the population of Sweden are allowed to anally rape 14 year olds

My feminist friend said that Sweden and Canada are the only countries that have their shit together. I'd laugh at her if it wasn't so sad

>feminist friend
dude what the fuck

Sup Forums serious question..
What do you think it would take to actually get Swedish people to wake the fuck up?

Get a bonus ride for me too.

even if only 1/10th of the shit i read about sweden on pol is real sweden is literally doomed

Alright lads I think we need to all put aside politics and focus on the real issue here. Where can I watch this video?

>Brock Turner's case which had much more questionable circumstances
nigga are you retarded?

This needs memed RELENTLESSLY all over the normie sphere. Fuckbook and Twatter.
Operation END REDDIT

please post the video so i can judge

At this point I truly believe they're too far gone.
The few non-complete-cucks should ask for asylum in the US or somewhere else and write songs about the times of old and how the rise of feminism destroyed their once beautiful country and people.

I'll take a bastard country that knows where the loo is over your curry shithole, Pajeet. You know, if you didn't get triggered by the fact that you live in a disgusting place surrounded by disgusting things, people might respect you around here.

Any reputable sources to corroborate this?

Not saying it didn't happen, but I'd appreciate confirmation.

>Incorrect opinions

Holy shit. Good thing the thought police didn't shoot you.

can someone post the webm when a POW getting executed by an AA?

I'm sure he would understand that either

>ADHD means you don't understand the word "no"


>A-rab anally raping a 14 year old Swede qt

Sounds hot otherwise.

uplifting news

We could try, but they'd probably report and block it.

do it extra hard for the nation

I have ADHD

brb, raping spree

>Not being above 175

implying i give a dame about earning your respect

Women in your country literally drink piss and fuck niggers
Western countries specially USA is the Largest producer of cuck porn, gay porn and child porn
If you have teenage daughter or sister she is probably sucking cock and that's normal in your country
One of the highest suicide and divorce rate and most pro homosexual countries
A literal generation of bastards raised by single moms
paying child support and alimony to you cheating wife

Why would anyone want your respect ?

but that doesn't matter cuz you have toilets
toilets will fix everything right cuck

Godspeed Mohammed.