
>Sie könne nicht beurteilen, ob er mit der Mentalität des türkischen Kulturkreises das Geschehen, das sie als Vergewaltigung erlebte, vielleicht für wilden Sex gehalten hat.
It's not up to her to judge the mindset of the cultural environment of turks. What she experienced as rape might have been just rough sex to him.

>Der Staatsanwalt räumte ein, dass der Freispruch ein „schwerer Schlag“ für die Geschädigte sein müsse. Andererseits sei eine Verurteilung nicht möglich, weil kein Vorsatz nachweisbar sei.

The prosecution admitted that it might be a blow for her but prosecuting the man is impossible.

He restrained her on his bed and roughed her up despite her protesting verbally and with force.

Not even the court was debating that she was restrained, brutally violated and clawed into him crying "stop", the court just said they cant rule out that he thought it was a roleplay since turks like it rough.
judge is female btw

Other urls found in this thread:





Kill every Turk you see

>when you're an egalitarian that says there's no such thing as race/cultural differences but you subscribe criminal acts to cultural differences through moral relativism....

Needs to be a meme ball

I screamed reading this

Can I move there as refugee and rape Jerry vagina if I identify as a nigger?

You can hardly lock up your future now can you? Ethnic germans are a minority of people in Germany that are young enough to have children.

Look it up.

This can't be true. I refuse to believe it.

going there in a couple of months
this is really useful information thank you OP

>This can't be true. I refuse to believe it.
It is.

It's only legal if you're a rapefugee, try that as a pure blood aryan and you'll see prison time.

thanks for copying the thread


image unrelated

It's fake news. Alt-righters are trying to stir racism up again by spreading fake news.

speaking of germany.. whats the name of that movie where it looks like these 2 people are in a park and this girl tells the guy that shes a jew and the guy hangs her in the next shot?

Willkommen bei den Hartmanns.

Sheeit that does it i'm moving to Germany

By God, their punishment is coming. I know Germans can feel it in their spirit, it's coming.

This can't be real.

So? What's the big deal? Liberal SJW type women love being raped. She probably had the best orgasm ever and now she can raise a child to be a Muslim.

Fuck off to t*rkey

Whenever you post these threads it's quite simple in terms of a solution. German men must remove the mental chastity cup that surrounds their mind.

fuck off aquafresh

im going to Germany for a rape tour now

thanks my dude



Muh fake news.

Prepping meme cannons

anyone got the quote of a german soldier who was young and said "the soviets are coming, hide to not get raped" and the female says "i dont care we will just open our legs for them"

You will see just as much prison time for publicly using the term rapefugee...sucks to be a German once again. Get your shit together Germany

Well done, Germany. Well fucking done.

Well done Gercucks

Nah. Nah, no way. I know Germany is vying for the position of World Cuck Capital, but there's just no way.

Crusades when?

I can believe that Germany would do this. I agree though that there is no way Germany can catch up to Sweden at this point.

Holy shit that's fucked up. He literally shoved her head between the metal bars on the headboard, then raped her for 4 hours straight....and they say this is not rape? It's funny how Germans can apply so much scrutiny when it comes to "racism," yet when something is obviously rape they try to play dumb. Fuck Turkroaches btw.

It's not, you lying sack of shit.


Reputable newspaper, existing since 1946.
Not a tabloid but a regional newspaper.
Belongs to the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurter_Allgemeine_Zeitung

FAZ group.

Now kill yourself you toothpaste commie nigger.

Two words:

Think it's Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter but I'm not 100% sure.

Well well well. I had to run the article through google translate just to verify, but it's true. The female judge thinks the T*rk thought he had consent even though the chick literally said no and resisted physically.

If these T*rks are too simple minded to understand yes and no, why are they allowed to reside within Germany? Deport them all, even the ones who hold citizenship. But of course they'll be allowed to stay and more will be brought in.

Women truly are women's worst enemy. Anywhere they are allowed to lead goes on a fast trip to oblivion.

Don't you Germans have congressmen that are elected?

Democratically elected representatives worried about their positions too?

It's just hard to imagine the government going so far against the will of the of people for so long.

what the fuck is this
im so happy i live in a rural area with a 100% white population
no crime, nothing bad ever happened
and this mentality is foreign to us

German turk here, yeah we like it rough.

The female judge even believes it was rape but the poor turk just didnt know the meaning of "rape".
>„Ich glaube Frau G. jedes Wort“, sagte die Richterin nach ihrem Urteilsspruch. Doch wahrscheinlich habe ihr Peiniger nicht gewusst, was er ihr antat

>"I believe every word Mrs G. said" but her tormentor simply didnt know what he was doing to her.

The female judge thinks the turk was just really confused and didnt know the meaning of rape and thus cannot be sentenced.

>mainstream media
>real news

Plauen is jetzt auch nicht unbedingt ne Kanakenhochburg, oder?


So if you don't understand that you're committing a crime in Germany, you get off? If I were to kill someone because I was "confused" and thought I was helping that person, I'd be set free?

shut up toothpaste

Since when did german turks have australian cultural icons on their computers

Apparently being a muslim and appealing to emotion with fake sob stories about how you "dont understand" because of your "culture" or adhd is enough to be able to commit any crime without punishment.

Why are you even mad?

Women are retarded whores as completely proven by this case. Why even defend them? You know both the raped cunt and the retarded judge both will vote to import even more rapists.

Clearly they want rape, just let them have it.

What the fuck is that? Please tell me there will be a fucking appeal, or that at LEAST the guy is locked in a psych ward involuntarily for apparantly being a danger to society?

What happened to "Unwissenheit schützt for Strafe nicht". Can I kill people now pretending I didn't know they'd die if they are killed?

Germans should just start killing themselves before they do even more damage to the white race


so if it wasn't rough then it wouldn't be a problem for her? she was already fucking him

>ignorance of the law is now a valid defense in Germanstan

Remember when Ched Evans went to prison and had his career ruined because a woman who fucked another dude the same night at the same place retroactively claimed he raped her?

they are, theyre fucking non-germans

hes white so that means hes responsible other people's actions. Non-white get a free pass for any horrific act. It's all about brainwashing in schools that makes people hate white people.


Do you think I could get away with it by claiming to be foreigner and therefore of different culture?

Even though you have some nice digits there, no.
This shit only applies to (((refugees)))

Here's a good one: a German girl is being raped by 12 men. She cries out "Nein Nein!" So three of them left.


>race is a social construct
>cant be held accountable because of race

This feminist ideology is guaranteed to fail. Only question is, how badly can they fuck things up before it does.

Nah, dude is probably back to selling drugs to little girls again.



What the fuck. If people are too fucked to understand that they've commited a horrible crime, they should be locked in an institution indefinitely..

If I was a angry person I would suggest that the judge gets dou ex ex ei dy hard and memed into the social networks as hard as Eric Clanton... Of course I wouldn't do that. But if someone did it and made a vid for youtube about it, MOAP (mother of anti-propaganda) machine would be in full steam.

- What's the difference between a refugee and E.T?
- E.T learned English and wanted to go home.

Mich würde interessieren welche Stadt die meisten Kanaken hat.

Who would've thought that Germany would become a part of the Ottoman Empire?

Yes, every judge with their address should be public after such a decision.

Glaube Stuttgart und München haben den höchsten Ausländeranteil, aber in München gibts auch viele Yugos und Itaker.

Nur Kanaken wahrscheinlich Hannover oder Berlin.

All of these stories are literally russian propaganda. They're using race hatred as a wedge to get their candidates elected and destroy the EU. Over 90 percent of these stories are just made up and the rest are massively exaggerated.



>All of these stories are literally russian propaganda.
That's from a regional newspaper that has been around for more than 60 years.
Thats no infowars or breitbart where those excuses would work.


germany is the only country which does not fell for the femist meme definition of rape

Okay Soros

Your house is burning Krauts. Doesn't matter if you're in a bathroom once the roof collapses. Grab that fire extinguisher.

The Enrichment March is coming.

Were these women abducted or did they willingly go into the homes/bed rooms of shitskins?


>Ignorance of the law is not an acceptable defense.
It knew what it was doing, rapefugees can get away with anything. Can we turn the feminists onto this somehow? They will complain about it, lefty governments and media love to support feminism. Pol gets justice, tge people turb on the rapefugees, Germany becomes right wing.
Pol wins again.

Its good to see that the german courts are not racist and islamophobic.

Chances are the judge is a feminist.

Tell me then why it's happening in Sweden where not knowing what no means is enough to rape with impunity if you are a non-white.

Tell me why then we got coward european politicians trying to normalize terrorism by saying it's not preventable (which it is).

Tell me why then in the UK mudlimes had special fiscal benefits as to allow them to have more than 1 wife and more children than non-muslims.

The war is already here, and it is a war against the ppl of the West, their culture and their race (white), and inter/pol/ is going to nullify the smoke screen MSM and politicians are trying to put around that fact to the general population.

Race and religion wars have already started with political and legal protection to non-whites, those wars on a mass scale are probably inevitable given the geo-political landscape that the corruption and ineptitude of western politicians brought to their jobs.

Wake the fuck up son, shit is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

>muh Russian conspiracy


1991–2005 Herausgeber: Alexander Gauland

fuck you Carlos

What did you expect?
We turks are just better men then you german cucks, your woman are screaming for real men to claim there pussy.

>germany, sweden, france...

what do you think? kek


Stuff like this just reminds me that Brexit might cost us money long-term, but keeping out the diversity is worth it.
