Migrant workers

>as most white western nations have an aging population, many of whom do not possess the skills to perform traditional manual labour jobs, it is important to import younger people from poorer countries to do the jobs our population can not, and to pay taxes to support are government while our population is retired.
What actual arguments are there against this statement that prove it's hypothesis is incorrect?
>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work"
Only real arguments that would stand in a debate against migrant labour theory are welcome in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying that "nigs don't work" isn't an acceptable answer to your question.

>import foreigners to fill in jobs and pay the pensions of the ageing population
>results in more pressure on the social security system

>as most white western nations have an aging population, many of whom do not possess the skills to perform traditional manual labour jobs
the only reason why this statement is true is because of the generational effort to export away all our manual labour jobs and feminising our male youth,

>as most white western nations have an aging population
so instead of addressing the survival of the native populations of your own fucking country theyd prefer to let us die off and be replaced by a bunch of Low IQ manual labour because "muh economy"

Importing foreigners to combat population decline is like shooting yourself in the head to cure your brain cancer

automation will soon prove these laborers useless and a burden.

They don't work.

Statistics that show the employment rate of immigrants in the last 20 years. Their employment should cover both the aging populace AND the unemployed immigrants for the original argument to hold. Otherwise expenditure simply increases.

This will lead to a counterargument that integration needs to be made better but that can be dismissed simply by the fact that government is already doing their best unless the opposition wants to question whether the government is actively seeking to ruin the nation and cause suffering.

>Migrant workers
>>as most white western nations have an aging population, many of whom do not possess the skills to perform traditional manual labour jobs, it is important to import younger people from
>poorer countries to do the jobs our population can not, and to pay taxes to support are government while our population is retired.
None by text, the problem is were not importing workers but welfare leeches

Most people from poorer countries with proper skill and education can live wealthier in their poor countries then they can in rich countries do it doesnt attract people with skills

>What actual arguments are there against this statement that prove it's hypothesis is incorrect?
>>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work"
>Only real arguments that would stand in a debate against migrant labour theory are welcome in this thread.
Basically but nigs dont work
In my country, 80% of people on welfare are from immigrant families even tho they are minorities

They cannot find work because they dont meet anyones requirements

Prices fluctuate, demand for labor fluctuates, you move up and down the curves, the curves move, there's no such thing as "enough" workers.

If we want more of something relative to other things we'll pay more for it; if we won't, then I guess we really don't want it.

"The economy" is not the class hermit crab, you don't have to take care of it, it's more like the weather (AGW aside).

Just talking generally, it's too early for a non-shitpost

P.S. beaners are NET tax RECEIVERS, not PAYERS even if they pay nominally, look it up

Is it ethical to exploit desperate 3rd worlders to pay for a literal pyramid scheme?

thats what poland is for not pakistan

Ok, so they can fill out the necessary forms to get work visas like theyre supposed to.

The arguement against it is that if the rich wernt importing replacement people for these jobs they would be forced to pay higher wages to attract people to them. These higher wages would lead to better conditions for the working class who would then have more children.

Solving the problem of low fertility and lifting more working class people to near middle class existence in one move.

That would mean less money for the rich though. Cant have that can we?

Of course. It keeps these industries in the west instead of them moving to developing countries to seek out the lower wages that they supposedly cannot exist without.

Imagine if the mexican or the Syrian could work in his own country for those low wages? He would be living there comfortably due to the lower cost of living. Outrageous!

It supresses wages throughout the entire economy. That is why its a net benefit to (((The Economy))), The rich still get theirs but all the workers have to compete for jobs.

>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work"

Riddle me this, Mohammed, what percentage of third world invaders in the UK work?

could your government institute a breeding program for 'british people only' without anyone batting an eye?

OP has described 'dual labour market theory'.
Perhaps the 2 main criticisms of it are: that it's biased towards demand side and employers (e.g. oversupply of labour -> depressed wages -> decreased tax income), and that theory doesn't considers factors external to the local labour market (e.g. migrant crisis).

>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work
It's a meme for a very good reason

So having milions of shitskins that dont assimilate and want to kill you while living off welfare and commiting crimes is beneficial.......
>>wew lad

because it's a ridiculous arguent. The only reason why young Europeans don't do manual labor anymore, is because that labor is done by people willing to get payed half the normal wage.
If government properly enforced labor laws you'd see people are willing to do manual labor

>manual labor shortage
In most cases: Let the market sort this out. Be it through wages, optimization or automation.

In some cases I see use for guest workers who go home once they're done.

>nigs don't work
Nigels do work, but not enough to pay their keep. Then they also grow old and need tending to. Each Nigel is a net loss on average.

One thing's recuriting a hundred Nigels from abroad to build the next Crossrail on time; letting them settle, bring their wives and kids is another.

The unemplyment rates of young people are rising. We dont need to import workers anymore. It also creates a class divide making native people not wanting the nig jobs.

Automation is another point, europe is the perfect place to start an automation industrial revolution, we have tge means to reeducate people, and the government/welfare systems to enact shorter work weeks for example

>Elderly people in a democratic nation are a net loss to the economy.
You see that is the problem with peoples thinking. We dont work the economy. The economy works for us.

If it is any other way our democracy has been corrupted.

>many of whom do not possess the skills to perform traditional manual labour jobs

>manual labour jobs
>do not possess the skills

LMAO manual labour is unskilled

why do all migrants tend to work in the service sector? and if preferable, the informal economy?

they don't want to contribute to society and benefit the community that adopts them, they just want a piece of the material wealth that is associated with a productive disciplined nation/nations

>1 post by this ID

>drive up taxes/regulations to where no one can get a job that pays enough to survive

Correct me if I'm wrong, but employers can get away with paying migrant workers fuck all, but can't get away with doing so with natives.

None. Massive social programs and redistribution like we have in the West right now needs human fuel. Niggers who invade get settled with debt and made to pay it all back with cheap labour. It's very straight forward and everybody knows about it, which is why they will continue to import them at all costs.
Unless you're forced to live near the niggers, which is only when you're poor and worthless anyway, you won't care because all you get is your pension and services.

>they just want a piece of the material wealth that is associated with a productive disciplined nation/nations

Mostly true but consistent with the theory (pull factors)

>What actual arguments are there against this statement that prove it's hypothesis is incorrect?
None, if you consider it ok to have your country flooded with 3rd worlders and don't want rising wages for manual labor jobs.

Imo there is already a shortage of meaningful work in Europe due to automation and free trade. Many jobs are created by excessive government spending. Would be better to ditch these jobs and relocate the workforce in structurally important and well paid manual labor jobs.

The pay for those jobs can only increase if there isn't an abundance of people available who will do these jobs. People see aging societies as a thread to countries. With free trade and increasing efficiency of an economy it is instead an opportunity. Fewer people will share the same territory in the future (with all of its infrastructure and more efficient maintenance). This means that wealth will increase.

The question is if you want this to happen or if you rather want to keep shitty paid manual labor jobs, massive taxation and hand your country to Abdul.

maybe in smaller businesses with large causal turnover like a restaurants but its risky for corporations the government will rek them


>The welfare state creates mentally ill adult children and NEETs with whondijt start lives and have children, reliant on the state like pigs on a farm
>we need to import tens of millions of violent lo IQ brown 3rd worlders so we never have to change this
>as soon as they arrive, the hostile migrant hordes will begin using the social benefits they are there to preserve
>meanwhile, automation is killing jobs and the unemployment rate is climbing so we need millions of new workers

It's all just common sense really

National Minimum Wage says you're wrong. (although oversupply of labour, such as in UK, depresses wages).

As automation replaces more and more jobs and these industries become ridiculously profitable (not paying any wages) the government will be handing out more and more money for doing nothing. At this point they will be shooting at anyone trying to enter the EU and their tone will change.

Ill be laughing hard when the media vilifies open border types day and night. Ill see through it but ill still be laughing.

Wage stagnation and wage depression is as good as wage cuts after a couple of years. If inflation runs at 5% for 5 years and your wage stays the same in that time, you effectively got a wage cut of 5% for 5 years running.

Immigrants are so wonderful!

sure that sounds nice but most immigrants leech off of welfare. even here in fucking Romania there are muslim refugees and immigrants that have no jobs in their entire family, have at least 2 children and still get congratulated for being "brave". the only arabs and turkish people I've seen that work identify as Christian or don't give a crap about religion.
how about you stick a syringe in your balls after you ejaculate so you can fill it up with "younger sperm from poorer balls"

Well said.

with the looming proposition of automation, importing hordes of low skilled and barely civilized middle easterners, who will remain jobless within the next 10 years either way will generate massive unrest and potential civil war

Fucking automation retard

Also, if taxes are lowered (as we don't have to pay for the privilege of importing them) then natives will have more children.

It is a self correcting problem anyway.

Not that they can "get away" with it as I said previously, but the minimum wage is shown to be actually followed very little.

This guy gets it

Doesn't it stagnate automation? I mean Japans population is getring older and smaller aswell but they don't import niggers.

>I inb4 an argument and say it's a meme to make it invalid

Indeed. This was me too >122413768

>Destroy the ethnic homogeneity of European countries to create an ever extending pyramid of people/debt/welfare that will probably collapse soon after the Boomers die off anyway.

How about no.

Socially engineer the nosy and sharp elbowed white peoples into below replacement birth rates (see how they push kids as a "lifestyle choice" and everything is done to pressure young women out of it), then make up the shortfall with illiterate low iq 3rd worlders who can be effortlessly mainpulated and easily disposed of when they outlive their usefulness

It's all just common sense really... if you want to enslave and subsequently break away from humanity

We could always just do what Ceausescu did instead.

It's about creating new debitors to inflate economic data. There is no plan, it's all about keeping the system running for another electoral period.

I want to be served by a migrant in Starbucks. The benefit of getting my frappuccino outweighs the negative of him raping a teenager.

True. It's almost as though our government don't care about our workers being undercut.

All you need to do to increase the local population is abolish the pension and all other forms of welfare. Then people have to have kids to support them when they are old or sick. If you didnt have kids, then too bad end of rine.

Well the non-white immigration started BEFORE the whole "aging population" thing.

It misses the whole point of having a country in the first place

It's a blatant lie about government finances, because these non-whites do not contribute at all.

And its an immense burden on the young of our countries, which means its the #1 CAUSE of the aging population thing

The left in our governments gleefully broadcast their real intentions and real goals of thits demographic replacement anyways.

It is a mistake to engage with their nonsense rhetoric, by trying to argue against it, you have already accepted the false core assumptions inherent to it.

Lol a guy in work said the exact same thing to me
>There are no more europeans to lend to and the banks desperately need to lend out money. The refugees have no debt, they need houses and cars and cloths and phones. The banks will lend them money and the government will cover the risk.

Everything is for the banks. He thinks there is no saving european banks in the long run and that it needs to start over.

Your wages are falling while india's and Chinas are rising. Its a long term plan to make sure they dont rule the world. You wont benefit though. Our rich will.


the *real* UK minimum wage is £40 a day for 10 hours of manual labour

If you're really lucky lunch is included

You can find 100000 statements from meme magazines and meme social scientists saying that:

we will have an automation revolution in the next 5-10-20 years where robot development will take a vast range of unskilled and semi-skilled jobs and put masses of people out of work.

If you combine your proposition with the projected automation, there's no need for mass immigration.

Moreover, an immigrant is only a benefit if his contribution is greater than his consumption. For example, a Somali who requires intensive attention in a hospital, psych ward or prison, will reduce the number of people to do work, not increase it.

mass immigration (as a result from prosperous society) promotes hyperinflation, followed by revolution and invasion

Literally the same pattern in a fall of every major civilization in history, and it's repeating atm

The only long term plan is to destroy our countries and genocide our race.
The rich won't benefit either when their assets are looted by the brown socialist masses.

the basic premise (an eternally ageing population) of the argument false; birth rates fluctuate constantly, and currently the environment for bringing up children is shite. if you want more births, stop insisting that both parents work, make sure that the salary of one person with a career can support a family with two kids, and stop allowing the entire new housing stock to be tiny little shoeboxes densely packed. this is no place to have children.

also if you "need" to keep importing people, then what you've got there is a pyramid scheme

also nigs don't work

>one post by OP....
But, have a (You) and a tad of opinion I have noticed.
Not all young adults go dashing off to college and uni. Some need a starter job, get a foot on the jobs ladder.
Cheap labor comes in and fills those jobs full time, thus young adults native lose out to stagnate. Lived next door to it, seen it.

Now have a sage.

They will just change their first and second name to muhammed and live in a gated community with armed security guards.

The plan is "how can I get rich and retire early?" for most.

This is how you spot a moron.

>hurr durr let me talk about automation while my knowledge is based on articles from tabloid press

Go back to lebbit, fag. Stop ruining the board.

We are doomed, mainly by our own making. The reason nobody can take loans is because there is no economical opportunity. Why is there no economic opportunity? Because every aspect is taxed and regulated in order to sustain the gigantic welfare programs and waste of public money the post war era has spawned.
Why would anyone risk loosing everything and invest into an enterprise? Instead, we can import people who are forced to take the risks and dump them in squalid ghettoes. They even vote for the status quo continouusly, so it's a perfect solution.

>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work"
It's not a meme if it's true. Migrants from 3rd world shitholes have no job skills and do not care to develop them. They don't come to these white countries for a new life, but for GIBMEDATS.


When I was a wageslave I had a job in a coffee shop. Some regular boomer cunt was shocked we were closed on New Years day she had to go to Starbucks instead and said it as if it was my fault, as if the wageslave isn't entitled to be with his family. I wanted to punch her in the throat.

Boomers are the worst, worst generation.

How can you complain when you dont work for the company? You casually labor and they pay cash. If you complain they say you never existed.

Also these people are often unemployable as far as legit businesses are concerned, have criminal records, are there illegally and have to avoid the authorities.

Worst mixture of gullible and hostile...

OP confirmed as failing economics student

>Literally the same pattern in a fall of every major civilization in history, and it's repeating atm

don't forget the rampant degeneracy and shift towards traditionalism

why do humans do this? are we doomed into cycles of boom and bust? will we ever break the cycle?

The economy can actually function well with less people working due to machines and software doing most of the work. The reason they keep importing new people is because of the fractional reserve banking ponzi scheme

>implying nigs are only migrants

>Also these people are often unemployable as far as legit businesses are concerned, have criminal records, are there illegally and have to avoid the authorities.

But the Goverment and media told me they were highly skilled Doctors and Engineers?

Also the cost of the Welfare state, but you're probably right in the sense that the main reason is to load fresh people with debt.

>implying any migrant with a shade of brown coming over here isn't a spiritual nig


Over 25% of the working-age US population is unemployed.

Why would you report them if you want that work? People working these jobs want them because they are in desperate situations.

I worked cash in hand as a teenager in a pub. I didnt report them because for me the money was good.

Because it's a projection into the future and may as well be false. First of all, increased productivity per capita is what you actually want. If there has been an upward trend in productivity per capita, you need less working force to sustain the senior population. There are "free market solutions" to the "aging problem", such as the elders moving in with their children, who take care of them. A minimum level of care (i.e. food and housing) is of course never impossible bar food shortage.

>inb4 memey shit like "muh but nigs don't work"
Wew lad that's a huge implication you're making there buddy
>pic related

There's also a study which says that 96% of the rapefugees G*rmany has taken in don't work, but I'm too lazy to search for that atm.

>96% of the rapefugees G*rmany has taken in don't work
There is no work for them anyway. What are they going to do that normal German unemployed people can't do? Do one Euro jobs for less than an euro?

>Implying you would call an Asian or Oriental as a "nig"

Then again who am I talking to? Britain is only like 70%~80% white country anyway

low IQ migrant workers won't be taking the jobs needed to run an advanced civilisation.

They do (will) work. Many of them already get scammed by (((internships))) and the like. Trades in Germoney also need workers. This is why the industry is shilling for integrating them. In Germoney everybody works. It's only that many low level jobs are heavily funded by the taxpayer.

In practice most immigrants end up scrounging off welfare instead of enter nursing and care fields where we actually need them

> Achmed Ali Al Goatfukker
> Former ISIS fighter, has survived 2 suicide bombings
> now working as a kindergardener
Brilliant plan right here.

Yes, you specifically don't want them in these areas, where they can't help themselves but act predatory on the helpless.

The only thing they do is breeding the white coalburners while H*ns and his fellow G*rmans continue to stay cucked.

Most of Hartz4-Beziehende are second and third generation roachspawn from the (((Gastarbeiter))). They will never lift as much as one finger and you know that very well, H*ns.

>What actual arguments are there against this statement that prove it's hypothesis is incorrect?
Stop telling 2-3 generations of kids that they MUST go to college to be successful. Nobody is gonna look into trades or even basic manual labor if every adult has told them since the cradle they they need to go to college.
Also, tell the kids on the lower end of the GPA spectrum that trades exist.

>I finished school and its time for me to get a job
>lets see, there is a lot of costruction workers needed, lol as if I would do that, I'll let Pajeet, Jamal, Pepík, and Artyom to do it, but me? Hell no I have a liberal arts degree college, fuck manual work.

Don't blame rapefugees, blame your own nation for letting them in. They are unsaveable and fucked up in the head, but you guys had a choice.

Why did Pajeet take the job as an USP guy? Did you do take it? No. Did your relatives do take it? No. Did any one there take it? No.
You tought someone will take it. Guess what happened? No one did, and the company needed an USP guy.

If the youth of your nation is fucked up, you have to make certain actions, yet instead you choose the "why care" lifestyle, there are others for that and doomed yourself.
Same applies for germany and sweden.

can you explain your pic please?

Yes, specialization is needed to come back. There has been an unfortunate condescending attitude towards manual labour work, where there actually does exist a potential for solid craftmanship to be explored. Some people simply are more suited for this line of work. It has been a loss of potential.

You're being deliberately obtuse. The governments could offer attractive tax cuts to young parents, and make child care affordable, to encourage population growth for aging nations. Instead, they want to flood us with 3rd world illiterate shitskins, who will drain the welfare coffers dry before their next gen even begins to offer a ROI.

Which makes more sense to you? It's like they're deliberately sabotaging their own countries... but they've got their golden parachutes, so why give a fuck?

This. Eg UK's Immigration Act 1948 created because noone wanted the jobs in newly created NHS.

Don't forget the muzzie who entered the care home recently, raping two old men and killing one of their wives.

Hmm. Maybe that's just desserts for the Boomers, eh? ;^D

It's a Top 20 of which country's people are the most dependent on Hartz-IV aka. free money you get when you don't want to work. Middle column tells the amount of people while the right column lists the amount of wasted Eurodollarydoos. G*rmans are listed as the first one overall but do not be tricked, since second and third-generation turks from the Gastarbeiter are counted as G*rman too. Even then, fresh roaches are still first place of all immigrants.

>jobs our population cannot

Western nations also have unemployment. It's one thing to poach doctors and such from other nations, highly skilled workers that take many years to train. naturally, we should be training our own, but as a short-term stopgap measure, it's acceptable. However, it's entirely another to mass import unskilled labour because Mr McCapitalist can't be arsed to give 14 days training to new employees and would prefer to just transplant his entire workforce from Slovenia, whilst Mrs MP for Fuckyou has noticed that imported populations vote for her more often, so gives her full support.

This whole system is designed to steal the young and skilled from poor nations, thus keeping them poor through a brain drain and lack of young people, and flood advanced, rich nations with them to drive down the wages. It benefits no-one except the globalist businessmen (monetarily) though middle classes who do not suffer from this do get to feel morally superior by supporting mass migration and fucking over the common man, so I suppose they benefit from an esteem boost.

The government is a series of elected representatives elected by the people to serve and represent and fight for their interests. Supporters of mass migration do not do this, they actively fight against the interests of their constituents, and should forfeit their office. They should also be told that it doesn't count as supporting your constituents if you drive your constituents out and replace them with imported voters.

Every house used by a migrant is a house denied to the people in this country. Every job taken by them is a livelehood denied to a person in this country. It's one thing if we have a vast housing excess and zero unemployment with a massive skills gap. We do not.

Even the evil man would not give a snake to his child when his child asked for a fish. What then, do we make of people who take the fish from their child and give it to someone else?

>Most of Hartz4-Beziehende are second and third generation roachspawn
Agreed. But you qualify for Hartz4 even if you have work. It's called "Aufstocken" and works like this: You get a 400€/month job selling kebab. The government pays the rest of what you need to live.

And this is part of what I was referring to when I talked about heavily government subsidized jobs in my earlier post ().

holy shit, like i didn't have enough reason to hate Serbian geistarbeiter until now

>What actual arguments are there against this statement that prove it's hypothesis is incorrect?
Would be true if we weren't on the verge of automation and going into a 5th civilizational cycle.. But we are, so we actually need a decreasing population