Who /smalltown/ here?
Who /smalltown/ here?
me. small town in tennessee. about 5,000 people.
Who Knows Where, Maine reporting in.
Somewhere between 2,250 and 2,500 people live in my town. Pretty comfy.
1000 Guerneville, CA.
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>tfw wish I was living in a small town where everyone knows each other instead of big ass city where everyone is a stranger
reporting in
who would want to actually be a rural retard? like, in real life
Rural east TN reporting in
white people
Is 40k small?
Mine was a small island community. Unfortunately we lost our old traditions of closing shops on Wednesdays, everyone meeting up for small village events etc when we were put under the jurisdiction of a nearby council. A council of an area that's full of scum and crime, an area that repeatedly opens wide to large companies and shopping centres.
Now, due to budget cuts this small island community has:
>had its police station closed
>is set to have a large super market built on farmland that's usually used to drain water since we are between 0-4/5 metres above sea level
>having hundreds of extra homes built on the island making the already congested 1 road and 1 bridge off of the island a fucking stand still
>being filled with scummy people, I've noticed far more chavs, alcoholics and other Jeremy Kyle style people in the shops.
>"Oi mate, where's your DVDs"
>"this is a farm shop"
>the doctors surgery is overloaded
>1 senior school.
I hate this mindset that because you physically can build more, that you then should.
What's wrong with just keeping it a small quiet community. I'm 9th generation here, I don't want to leave.
>what was
Amerinigger """English"""
About 10.000 people in a rural area. Life is good.
I live in a village of 3k people.
More people live on an aircraft carrier than my town
bigcity life
Who /honeypot/ here?
>mfw the nearest town is 8 miles away and less than 500 people
City fag surrounded by degeneracy detected.
There are 27,000 people in my town. Is that small? Always feels quiet
250k town in Siberia. Stalin buildings districts so it is not so shitty like most of Russia with hrushevkas and commieblocks.
only 800 people live in my village, pretty cozy
>You will never live in a small rural town in the south
why even live
Small towns are the best. When you see a nigger people tend to call it out. For example I was walking into a store In a shopping center the other day and there was a nigger walking into one of the stores. Two guys drinking coffee out front said, "that's the second nigger I've seen this week, they're coming up here now for some reason." I love my town.
Small town Irish guy here
Find the hole in the sheet, ya heeb.
>tfw no neighbors for a mile either way (pretty good for England)
>secluded next to a waterway behind trees and vegetation
>we will buy the land directly next to us to prevent the possibility of new houses in the future
feels good to be lord of your realm.
I do get freaked out at night sometimes, it is so dark and quiet.
Why live near people?
>What's wrong with just keeping it a small quiet community. I'm 9th generation here, I don't want to leave.
Sorry man, I know how you feel. They just put a fucking casino outside of my town and it's turning everything to shit with prostitution and crime.
just graduate highschool and move out. not that hard
Small village in Kent, less than 2k here.
Not uncommon to see coppers though.
Chav scum.
Plus a paedo who pissed on a 7 year old.
No, i'm /small hamlet/ of 550 people and i live on the edge of it at that.
do you own a gun to protect yourself and your property?
I lived and worked on a farm in an unincorporated community of about 500.
Pretty fun tbqh.
Used to live in Antelope Acres, California population 2,800
currently living in some shithole that has 81,000 people. I miss being a rural retard. I actually felt safer when the only guaranteed protection I had was guns and dogs.
From what?
I think 90% of Sup Forums lives in small towns and rural areas.
Big city life affects one's political ideology and behavior in general. 90% of Reddit users are from big cities.
IF there'd be a poll, that would be the result I predict.
does being in a town of 6,000 directly connected to about 7 others towns with a population of over 100K count?
Same as well except twice your size. You from Soddy?
Sounds like you live in cities to me. Under 2000(but ideally under 1000) is where it's at.
Those in big cities are more likely to meet people from different race or cultural background, and so they learn to be more tolerant.
Those from small towns... the opposite. So the city folks can't understand how small town folks can be so racist, and small town folks can't understand why city folks are so tolerant and welcoming of other race and culture.
Scottish town of about 2500 people reporting
I live in a city of less than 200k. Its so fucking awesome, because you can do posts like in the OP except just add a suburb, and people will reply.
I am so glad I grew up here. I remember in high school having rager house parties, and all the crews from different schools would show up and party together. 90% white, so the minorities towed the line to fit in.
Big enough to have a good nightlife scene too, you can go out and see the same people every weekend too, but also new people every time.
This is the ideal population size for a city in my opinion. Any bigger you start to get the problems that happen when a community is too disconnected.
At this size, its big enough to be eventful, but also small enough to have a decent community spirit.
Australia has some of the last bastions of untouched white communities in the world. I fear the day this all comes to an end. I live in paradise.
If it happens then you'll just have to evolve into desert humans and live in the midsection of Aus
Big cities obviously lead to people living in apartments, not houses. It's an ironic twist but living so close to others creates somesort of detachment. This detachment, coupled with the fact that they do not live in a house and therefore do not hold ownership over their little plot of land, leads to people removing themselves from the traditional connection with fellow inhabitants of their settlement. Another factor in this depersonalising experience is the breaking of the family as the young move away and ultimately leave their elderly parents in elderly homes instead of taking care of them themselves. This is also connected to children being left with caretakers in kindergartens or private institutions instead of being cared for by their grandparents.
Altogether, this leads to a very unhealthy, anomalous circle.
dude thats big
about 5000 where i live.
but total in my county is about 10 000
My town is about 25k. And oddly enough, there was the same FB post on my cities page on 4/20. Air raid sirens for about ten minutes to test "tornado readiness".
197 here
We literally all know each other
I grew up in a big city and moved to a small town. I was already racist growing up with 'diversity'. I was told to be tolerant and accept cultures because they're all equal somehow yet clearly seeing and experiencing the product of inferior cultures firsthand.
The same people that would say I'm a racist hick are the same people that never left their suburbs or even stepped a single foot near section8-tier places because they'd be too scared to.
>grow up small town
>move to city
>everyone is a huge faggot
>everyone has a meme personality
>everyone refuses to look each other in the eye when they speak
>niggers think they run the entire world from here and will literally attack people in broad daylight, knowing they won't retaliate.
Why the fuck would anyone live here
Your whole country is a /smalltown/
yeah only about 30,000,000 people here in tokyo
Or they're the same people who live far away from all that bullshit and try to see it as little as possible.
Poorest city in the country here I wish I was out with them.
More like urbanised and rural village desu. Our urbanisation rate is supposedly the lowest of all EU countries.
Rural and comfy as fuck. Only thing that sucks out here is the lack of a decent ISP.
my suburbs population is 474. can't even call it a town. no pub, no shops for about 6 kms
small town life. you don't lose your girlfriend, you lose your turn.
I almost envy how naive they are of how ugly it all can be, or maybe they know but turn a blind eye
Yeh, but i like that. I spend some time yearly around Koper and Postojna and really get relaxed after being in Rijeka most of the year.
Nore številke
God bongs are so rude.
I live in a village of less than a thousand and I wouldn't change it for anything else. Low urbanisation really does have a big impact.
< jew pop pic
It's well know that urbanites are brainwashed leftytards when talking about the 18-45 age group.
It's really just a loud minority. A big part of the population, both in the cities and in the villages are politically apathetic.
How are there so many of us
It might not seem so funny when you realise the sirens she was talking about were the air raid sirens and you all have fifteen minutes left to live.
8000 here very comfy and living in a palace on a mountain 10 acres for 150k
Where you at user?
>Talks like a nigger
Yeah great example OP, make small towns look desirable
Portland, OR reporting in