How is poland so based?

Why can't the big bad powerful e.u control poland and make the accept cultural diversity like germany has?
I though poland was the arm-pit of europe and was walked over by everyone yet they appear to do what ever the fuck they want.

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I didn't knew France was this bad

hopefully the don or le pen is about to change that


Holy shit, France is almost down at Russia levels, and Russia actually OWNS conquered Muslim territory. How the fuck?!

Because we are racist like Japan. Now fuck off.

How can Bosnia, Albania and Greece have such high percentages? Aren't a huge part of the population turks?

not rly

holy shit i didnt know he said that, this could be bait though. i've seen a lot of germans on Sup Forums bash poland and i'm like "bro poland is still going to be polan in a hundred years"

i dont know where bosnia or albania is, however i know where greece is and i am surprised that france has more muslims than greece

>tfw 99.8%
Who's the .02%?
Vietnamese? Gyppos?

Hitler really don't hate us.

>300 euros/month salaries


>taking pride in the "praise" received from your invader who had his weiner so deep up your ass that you started enjoying it
Topkek Janusz

You have entire districts full of Gypsies.
See : Jaroměř

>speaking poorly of 85

Careful, in five years you'll be worse off due to the pakis raping and impregnating a thousand each.

It's more like 500€ now if you have no skills whatsoever.

after ww1 ( i think ) turks and greek went to a war.After the war was over we exchange populations ( greeks came to greece and animals went back to this shitty ass country with their boom boom people )

Poland isn't "based" you dumb faggot.
God I hate burgers

There is no way the number is so high for Finland.

Because we are poor compared to the West and we hate everyone, especially brown and darker ethnics.

It is poised to bite us in the ass however as our fertility rate is absolutely down the shitter and the productivity rate is still not on par with proper developed countries. Ukrainians are a short-term solution, robots would be the final solution, but I don't really see Poland being a world leader in job automation anytime soon.

that is kinda funny desu, however poland is more based than india. Poland doesn't shit in the streets and has child labor laws, western standard of living, etc.. india is being buttfucked by pakistan

ukip is going to ban islam

> Being in the EU

> Based

pick one

I get it, your girlfriend left you for Wojcziech because he wasn't a complete cuck

>le poland is based meme

Well that chart is HuffPost tier but retards just keep on posting it.

bullshit, even professionals with degrees working at hospitals (nurse and so on) take less than half the salary they get here, thats why so many people LITTERALLY run away from poland to go in every other EU cunt who us not poor as fuck

No, but Greece probably isn't accurate with the 'refugees'

ohh i see, however i am surprised that greece doesnt have as many muslim immigrants and refugees as france because greece is so much closer to syria and other parts of the middle east

Because when you're poor and irrelevant nobody and no international institutions give a shit about telling you what to do.

poland is based, you are just mad that poles have gone to england and have taken jobs that you won't do.

this map might be old. however people over 40 rly rly hate them .. so u know yhey take care of them

Jesus Christ France, what the fuck, fucking disgusting.

>tfw polish

hitler fixed poland

you will still be polish in the years to come. look at japan the have even lower birth rates than you, however they will make it to the other side and still keep the culture and people intact

Ok, I guess know more about my country.
Except you don't. Nurses make about 600€, Lidl workers make 500€/month, or even 600-700€ in bigger cities. Update your knowledge.


bullshit, the leaders of poland told the e.u they weren't going to take the rape rampaging refugees


and they also didn't enforce anything of what they told them, it isn't like Italy or Germany where they would actually enact something to force them to act.

reminder poland caused WW2, is historically jewish clay and is propped up by EU gibs until they unilaterally vote to get annexed by russia/china/israel

That's true, but Japan is way more developed technologically, making them more likely to sail through any serious demographic crisis.

How can someone survive with 500€/month. How much do pay your rent and food?

He needed more troops.

>macaronnies sailing across mediterranean sea and picking up niggers to replace hairy pastapeople
>talking shit about Poland
>Mamma mia for a love of bolognese! My country goes to shit but at least i have shekels!

It's all about life expectations. You fags waste too much money.

property taxes and other taxes are low in poland, so living there might not take as much money as you think and anything else poland needs, the e.u can provide it.

Basically you are left with 50€ for your own "goods"

does anyone have the thread where a polack tries to make spaghetti??

The problem in Poland is that the more money you make, the more money goverment takes from you

Their living costs are nothing to living costs in Switzerland.

Probably, with Swiss NEETbucks, you'd have a better life in Poland than a Polish medical doctor.


i though other countries in the e.u had higher taxes than poland

500-1000 hah i would like to live in a country like that.
Average pay is about 450 euros,if you have rent to pay and dont live in a gypsy hellhole you will have to chose between food and energy....that or live with your mum until 40.

Maybe yes, but its a matter of how much you earn. Its like goverment beats you for going to work

What's the point of this thread you fat faggot?

>western standard of living
topkek, another retarded burger

Have you ever visited? Of course not.

We exist as well are you aware of that?

Which is LESS than half the money those job grant you here, which is coerent with last post.
My knowledge was obtained by tutoring two cuties from poland who got here with here with erasmus.

Poland and Germany must unite this time and defeat the jews and muslims.

mamma mia

>500 Euro (2100pln) if you have no skills
yes, tomek. and the moon is made out of cheese.

Wonder why the minimum salary is 1300pln if I remember correctly. I can tell you one thing for sure, if it was 2000+pln, 90% of Poles would've never left.

Two words

Adidas tracksuits

>western standard of living

Stop posting already, retard. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

>American education

I'd rather earn less but have no fear of some muslim jewish tools threating me or my realitves you cucked sack of shit


I will reunite only with nazies, not with those little liberal-democrat pussies. Chwała Wielkiej Polsce

I make about 700€, and I'm able to save about 120€ each month. I expect a promotion this year so I'll be able so save 240€. I live in a big city (for Poland's standards), have a high standard of life and I'm able to buy my future wife flowers and take her out sometimes a few times a week.
99,9% of people here are white, it's comfy and safe.

If you are below 99% your country isn't white.

What will my fellow Eastern Europeans do when the EU starts importing people into Eastern Europe and paying them twice the actual salary in your countries just to stay there? You know that's the next step, right?

nice argument by a triggered polander

Truth hurts huh, your cunt is poor as shit and even russians got better GDP, your people is litterally running away from your clay, cause you fucked it up.

face it, you cant do shit with 300 euro/month pension

well minimum salary is 2000pln now

>he thinks he knows better than people with degrees because he spent his life on Sup Forums

wew lad

btw they even got dicked, thanks for the pussy my man

This Graph is shit,99,7% in Albania and it is full of shitskins and sandniggers lol


>talking about dicking erasmus chicks
>lurking Sup Forums

you rather earn less cause you have no choice, you cant leave cause youre neckbeard on Sup Forums with no skills money or degrees.

Doesn't matter on Sup Forums.

You can do your own charts and these idiots will swallow everything without taking a bite.


you're about on the same level KEK

Matter of time and we will overtake you. We are going better year by year. GPD is one of the fastes growing in Europe despite gov. social policy. Birth grow up plus we have 2 mln Ukrainian Immigrants who really work and fuel our economy with cheap labor force.

i don't waste shit i safe 2k per month
do you have a car?
Swiss NEET bucks are about 2800 you would live like a king there.
That doesn't sound so bad as long you are not leaving the country.

yeaah because italy is rich

and I know you are mad cause islamic trash floods your country as we speak, just get up and do something about it you'll feel alot better.


which means 1450pln after taxes and all that crap. And that is when you have a regular contract, which is pretty rare in smaller cities in Poland

it's from 2014 you fucking retards, greece is definitely not at 99% these days, same goes for france, belgium and pretty much every european countries, godamn people on this board are so fucking stupid


Dude... Hate to tell you but you are not in a position to bash anyone. The flow of Italians to Benelux countries has been massive due to the bad economy of Italy.

>Poland has western standards...
>The Dumberican shows off his community college "education"

Local Purchasing Power in Rome is 5.68% lower than in Warsaw

>child labor laws
>not based

depends what average we're talking about
2016 average "average" was 4635PLN which is 1087€
average "mediana" is 3291PLN which is 772€

hardly 300€, u're stuck in y2k idea about poland


big beer at a pub in old city district of warsaw is 2€ and it's considered "expensive"
decent meal for 2 at a restaurant is 15€
1l of milk or 1kg of apples, onions, or potatoes is 0.5€
broadband 100mbit net is 15€/mo
unlimited cellphone service with 4G unlimited data is 9€/mo

and that's capitol, for rest of the country divide the prices by 2

wouldn't be talking too much if I was you Pajeet , start looking for a toilet KEK

>western standards
>A.D. 2017
Maybe I'm Slav subhuman but thank God was not born Indian.

>implying i earn only 300€
Kek on you faggot.
I dont care about money tho. If shekels are everything you have and it makes you feel better then you won. I wont argue with good goyim like you. Enjoy being replaced by niggers, at least you will die surrounded by useless shit.

Not sure what's better
>living in a rich multicultural country
>living in a poor yet 99.9% white country

>country where people need the government to tell them what toilets are and how to properly wipe their ass
>talks shit about Poland


you shit on the fucking streets and throw your dead into a river where you bath and that's comming from my 80 years old geo teacher who owns 2 travelling offices and went to india 7 times

the only thing that makes you slighlty better from arabs is that you do not have a kill-everything-that-doesn't-agree-with-my-bullshit lifestyle, and you are not jewish tools used in the siege of Europe

Local Purchasing Power in Rome is 5.68% lower than in Warsaw

>we are the second lowest
why don't we have daily muslim attacks?

You also have to remember that France is actually a lot lower than that because the government has banned collecting data based on race so 85.0% is probably either a really old number or unofficial guesswork