Students who avoid making eye contact could be guilty of racism

Students who avoid making eye contact could be guilty of racism, Oxford University says.

The university’s Equality and Diversity Unit has advised students that “not speaking directly to people” could be deemed a “racial microaggression” which can lead to “mental ill-health”.

And their war against autistic people carries on...

That is pretty autismophobic.

>death stare every negro on campus


Orwell was right.

Now they are coming for the autismos. I toast to that; good riddance!

As someone with genuine autism I find it extremely difficult to talk to people eye-to eye, I have to look away otherwise i do get kind of agitated. It just unsettles me looking someone in the eye for longer than a second and i start to blush and stuff, social contact is horrible with people I don't know.

This makes me want to fucking kill every liberal cunt I look at (just not in the eye)

Huh interesting so you are telling me that when i stare some gypsy faggot in the eye and tell him to gtfo of my lawn or will bash his head in is tolerant...huh i should do it more often.

>teaching people to stare nonwhites directly in the eyes

this is gonna get a lot of people killed

Time to unite the autists
Let's all sperg out as one !

I was taught not to maintain direct eye contact with animals.

in abo culture they arent supposed to look people in the eyes, the nig nogs are racist

look in between their eyes you fucking autist it has the same effect


Let's get them with this.

>implying anyone feels guilty for hating subhumans
It's not a real crime unless you kill them or beat them half to death we all know this and it's a fucking shame too.

You know what does lead to mental ill health?


I want off this planet. How can a country go from ruling 1/3 of the world to being this fucking cucked in 70 years without losing a war?

You don't understand you dumb emu cunt, i can't be looking at people's faces when they look at me i always have to be looking elsewhere, it's really unsettling when people are just staring at me as they talk

This is why I look people in the eyes when I call them nigger, chink, kike, faggot, goat fucker or spic. So they aren't confused about my belief system.

We all lost WW2. (((Some people))) won.

You never look directly at a monkey it is a sign of aggression and can lead to chimp out.

yes i dont understand your retardation
thanks for clarifying

The only people that won are the Jews and Polock's

this. they should all be nuked from orbit.

Man I can and look into peoples eyes while talking but then I drift off, It gets very boring i dont know.

Is this normal?

welcome to pol newfag. Please learn about kikes before posting here.
thnx - pol

You know what's extremely racist? Never having interracial sex.

>tfw i'm not even autistic enough to have pictures of animals holding teddy bears saved on my own computer

just wear sunglasses everywhere you go m8, it helps me

fuck off
i have been on 4chen 10 year

wubba lubba DUBB DUBBS

It's gettin plebbity up in this bitch

Autists BTFO

>Dr Joanna Williams, a lecturer in higher education the University of Kent, said the guidance was “completely ridiculous” and will make students “hyper-sensitive” about how they interact with one another.

At least someone is speaking out against it.

If it's a boring person then yeah, It's probably something like ADD Portubro, if you have concentration issues get it checked out, we can suffer together

I can't help it that staring into people's eyes is fucking weird.

I wasn't looking at your tits, ass and vagina. I was trying not to be racist and look at a person of color.


no that would also be racist, you yourself need to find out the exact amount of time you can look at each person of colour or its 3 days in the pit without food.

Fucking normies

just look at their right ear

trust me

Oh shit, i must be the biggest racist here then.

Makes me wanna kiss them

is that the fucking bell curve?

what if you're just beta

Is gassing kikes considering a micro-aggression? Asking for a friend.

>Say Hi to a stranger on the train
>You're a weirdo

>Avoid making eye contact with PoC


Yeah I heard shit was getting worse in Sweden

What the fuck kind of post is this?

I think it is good to encourage more eye contact. Probably not the best way to go about it though. I don't make it as much as I should but it doesn't seem to impede social interaction. Definitely essential for romatic attractions though.

easily the lonliest most depressing time of my life

as someone who is literally autistic i have a nice story to this
>middle of summer so wearing sunglasses most of the time
>go to mall with mom and brother
>some scrawny faggot with tattoos makes fun of me for still wearing my glasses inside
>almost beat his head in with a can of fanta
that faggot was lucky my family was around to stop me. i do take meds now so stuff like that doesnt happen too often anymore but dont fuck with autists man

Thousand times this.

I got taught (at a shitty local government job) that it's rude to look some abos in the eye so you have to ask what they'd prefer first

>took a serious look on someone straightly in their eyes - went into jail for rape
>avoided eye contact - went into jail for microaggression

what kind of a weak faggot cant look people in the eyes.

no wonder you arent getting laid wtf

>“not speaking directly to people” could be deemed a “racial microaggression”
I don't speak to non-whites anyway so luckily I'm not at risk of being considered a racist.

Do you have retard strength? My tism didn't give me retard strength.

You joke, but give it time...

Absolutely subversive

>What the fuck kind of post is this?
It's called a shitty shitpost you plebian

I believe you're autistic after reading this story.

They're like apes man, looking them in the eyes makes them attack.

yes my autism gives me tard strength, but im a boxer too so that might help

where has this man's chin gone? this is important.

digits confirm

>The university’s Equality and Diversity Unit
>This is a thing

Fuck this gay earth, they never sleep, do they?

Hyperautist here. I don't generally do eye contact, other than with my wife, kids, and with my brothers. I'm the only autist amongst us, though two of my bro's are dyslexic as fuck.
That said, I do make eye contact when I sperg out (and I really do sperg), as many people have told me. Can only guess this is my inner neanderthal expressing itself.


>don't make eye contact
micro-aggression, RACIST
>make eye contact
macro-aggression, RACIST
>sometimes make eye contact, sometimes not
pandering, meso-aggression, RACIST


no shit cunt, I haven't even talked with a girl for years

he has the downs


Thought crime.
Racial discrimination is an action, and against the law, to be charged and convicted.
Racism is thought and beliefs. To imply guiilt is to imply it is or (((someone))) thinks it should be corrected.

>guilty of
>racism is now a crime

i have the opposite problem dude
i go straight to lets fuck
only works 1/10 times

>not autismo but find it uncomfortable to keep eye contact with people
>tend to look away when talking to people because of this
>am now racist

Helicopter rides for commies when?

>autism growing at a raid rate
>alienate the fuck out of them

I think I know who is going to start the revolution guys

>Being an Introvert
>Hates Eye Contact
>I am now a racist apparently


Digits like these shouldn't be left unchecked.

Also, start accusing the cuckoldgraph of ableist bigotry. This can get huge on twatter

>Sperg out

What did he mean by this?

I not autistic at all
But I never look at people's eyes when I talk to them.

But I m always busy doing something so it just looks I am being productive

Checked, the digits confirm

People with social anxiety have a lot of troubles making eye contact too.

I hate looking people in the eye, I can do it it's just uncomfortable for me, am I autistic?

Absolutely based. Context?

you are just beta baka


but making eye contact with non-whites is a sign of simian aggression?

>wanting to touch 3D PIG disgusting women

>Equality and Diversity unity

These people should be gassed.

Maybe true, but you know what? we're all gonna make it brah

Liberals. They create a problem so they can solve it. Now that they have fragmented problems to such an atomic level, people can see streught through them. They are a parody of themselves and that's why people are being FORCED into being 'right wing' because it seems the only political direction with any immediate logic.

>Empowered women have children later in life because muh feminism
>Said kids have a higher chance of autism and other genetic defects as a result.
,>Punish these people for having degenerate mothers, and make their lives more difficult because muh virtual signaling

this desu

>we're all gonna make it brah
not really. make a tinder to find out how society views u.

I'm on drugs all the time and i dont want people to see how dilated my pupils are so I react the same way to looking people in the eyes. weird