ELECTION: Who do you vote for and why?
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DUP because I'm not a fag
I'm voting for ur mum m8 because she's probably a nice lady
I live in an strong Tory seat soo I'm voting ukip to show I want hard Brexit
im not voting
Not British, but if I were, I'd definitely be voting SNP. Nicola Sturgeon is a woman of integrity and honesty.
>I live in an strong Tory seat soo I'm voting ukip to show I want hard Brexit
How will that accomplish your goal? UKIP will not get majority, Labour will not get majority, libcucks won't get majority, so if Tories don't win, it will be a fucking shitshow. And that's last thing we need.
>im not voting
Gotta wait couple more years to get voting rights.
Nice try.
Same here mucker
If you're in a marginal, vote Tory begrudgingly. Otherwise vote UKIP or abstain. Tories are obviously going to win by a huge majority and continue corporate multiculturalism, London-centric economics and mass immigration.
Most black-pilling election we've had in a while desu, the only positive will be seeing Labour get destroyed.
tories/independent depending on who runs
>not voting English Democrats
I have no idea, Mummy May has not really delivered what I wanted to hear but that cuck Corbyn has some good ideas but I would rather have a wank with a brillo pad before I vote for that commie. Ukip can not even pull their own shit together for five minutes before falling apart.
>lib dems who?
He's saying he's voting for UKIP in a seat that will go to the Torys, so that when they look at overall votes they'd see UKIP Support (representing Hardbreit)
No party really supports my views, I'm spoiling the ballot.
You need to research which way your constituency normally goes, so it's about being pragmatic not pinning your colours to a mast
-Labour/Tory swing seat - vote tory, this kills the Momentum
>Tory safe seat - vote Ukip to hopefully make them feel less safe
>Labour safe seat - probably UKIP but whoever has the best chance of beating Labour
>SNP seat - I dunno lol i'm sorry for your lots but they will probably just embarrass themselves
There are other permutations, you homos can look them up yourselves
Live in Liverpool which is Labour central. Last election I voted UKIP but Looked on the wiki and there is more of a change of Cons then UKIP so this year it will be the Torys.
Labour 28,000
Torys 4,000
UKIP 3,000
Voting Labour because my seat is a Lib Dem/ Tory marginal seat and I hate those fuckers, what they did as a coalition govt. I hate the Tory Wankers most of all.
>Close borders
>Legalise handguns
>Give more money to NHS
>Keep out of EU
>Get rid of retarded bedroom tax
>Stop child benefits to people who don't even live here
>Introduce immigration policy similar to Australia
>Ensure huge corporations pay fair share of tax
Tories let in 2,000,000 immigrants who offered nothing to the country last time they were in power.
Labour let in 7,000,000 last time they were in power.
Not voting UKIP makes Brexit pointless.
Enjoy living next to a family of terrorists and surviving under a SJW socialist regime, commie cuck.
Ignore flag, am in Spain rn.
Keep pressure on the Tories so they don't go back to being Blue Labour Blairites
UKIP because I live in a labor constituency and strategically they have a better chance of unseating labor. If I lived in a conservative constituency I would vote conservative.
Vote Lib Dem, we can't let Niggle Farage get the nuclear codes.
I'm voting lib dems
Tories.. cobryn will leave us a sitting duck with nuclear defences
Nobody because they're all atheistic big government metropolitan liberals who want to centralise power using the excuse of the 'poor' which in reality is a government created class. The only vote I cared about was Brexit.
Anyone who talks about UKIP seriously is unwise. They are a disorganised bunch of wannabe prima donnas. Having said that the Tories overestimation of Farage has led to Brexit and this election (i.e. the charging of election fraud by many Tories that led to this election in part because they over estimated Farage).
He is the mercinary, the milkman
voting is for faggots
I don't vote for anyone as they are all too left wing for me and I don't want to encourage them.
Scotfag here.
Voting Tory to throw out the SNP so they stop annoying our English mates down south.
Vote Tory/UKIP or end yourselves.
I'm gonna be voting labour.
>tfw live in one of the safest Labour seats
Who should I vote for lads knowing that it won't mean shit? Should I spoil my paper?
>being a cuck and voting for Leftist political parties
>inb4 UKIP aren't Leftists
>he thinks (((civic nationalism))) isn't a synonym for multi-culutralism
Based jock
Does that downy snp hobbit bug the shit out of the jocks now you have had the snp in power for a while as much as she gets on our tits south of the border?
Anyone voting for the shills are retarded.
>born to rule over us
Media and politics are more or less the upper class.
>born to rule over us
Vote for them because they say bla bla bla security, hard working people. And they all stand in front of union jacks with their legs apart.
>still falling for that type of propaganda
There are no niggers or pakis/muslims where I live you piece of shit....ever thought the tories have shafted us with snoopers charter and the bedroom tax? Ever thought of that you tory arse-licker. And as for me being a commie...fuck right off. I'm further right than Marine le Pen
I'm in the a safe Tory seat held by a candidate whose talents include nodding his head obediently at whichever wealthy sexual degenerate is holding the reins of the conservative party, and taking credit for local successes that were usually achieved by other people's hard work.
This year one of the local councilors is standing as an independent. I don't agree with him on everything, but I do admire his dedication in addressing local issues and going to bat for the people who voted him. He won't win but I think he's popular enough to put a dent in the Tory majority and maybe remind the incumbent that you can't ride roughshod over the people you claim to represent.
Basically this
Vote UKIP till a better nationalist alternative comes along then.
I will be voting ukip since I'm in a safe labour seat.
Their vote share have been rising every election since 1997.
Objective bystander here, don't risk splitting the rightwing vote, thus getting Labour in - play it safe, vote Tory, and then UKIP in the next election after this one