Allright lads tell me who should I vote for

Allright lads tell me who should I vote for

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Le Pen

and how do those shitty ballots work?

le pen
none other

vote Varg!

Le pen for the win

I don't even know tbqh I never voted before and just received this at home

Le Pen

Vote for more terrorism

Shit almost trips I was about to vote for her

Poutou of course :^)

Vote for Marine Le Pen

They're all leftists. Your country should burn


Russian hacker here.
Vote for Le Pen.

Le Pen, my dear user.

the voting forms in france are literally a white piece of paper with the candidates name written on them...?

Print out >pic related and put it in the envelope

Le Pen. Do it now faggot.

You take one name and put in an envelope.
Usually you take all the name then go to voting booth (i think that's how it's called) so no one sees who you're voting for.

If its asked so nicely...

Melon CHAN for socialusm

Vote For Le Pen

Mélenchon is /ourguy/. He is anti-europe and not a fucking girl

its simple
Alloha snackbar
because thats the future of your country france is lost no matter what dude get fucking real

op is fucking gross stop eating your nail

Idk whos who or what's what but I''d vote Macron
The name reminds me of this guy


Want to do europe a favor? Le pen

I'm going outside to vote now thanks for the good advices :3

Zomg, Rooskies hacked the French election!!!

He is a fucking communist.

le pen

Make sure you take a pen and write an 'X' on the Le Pen ballot to add emphasis to your vote.

You were prolly gonna vote for him anyway
bait thread


Are you a girl (male)?

Le Pen is a woman silly user

Fillon or le pen
other options are a suicide livestream

fuck off my dude

hang yourself cuck if you need your internet safe space to decide of your everyday life for the next 5 years

this is a good argument

Ah, my mistake but as I said Idk whos who or what's what.


So this is just plain paper with some ink on it.

How is this even remotely fraud-proof?

there is many shitskins near the voting place I am afraid to vote Le Pen

>implying these elections will affect my life
so naive

You're gonna walk all the way to the polling booths with that in your hand? Top kek


You have to show your id and they tick your name on a list

The area is filled with leftists if they see me with it I'm gonna have a bad time

what are you, 12? living with your parents?
fucking scum
if not it will affect your life idiot

it doesn't matter whoever you vote for things will pretty much remain the same they will not stop immigration I will keep paying taxes

what we need is a fucking ethnic cleansing, these elections are a mess and a shitshow

just hide it and bring another one s a decoy you autist


That's not how you vote user


>pretty much remain the same
sad that you think this way
I like to know wether our state service is going to be widely privatized, if we're going to be cucked by the eu, if the minimum wage will change, if the very rich are gonna be allowed to get richer, if the (((market))) economy will remain unregulated

Don't vote if you don't care about any of that
first time voters are a cancer damn...

Louis XIV.

well there's a list and you can only vote once duh

safer than electronic vote tbqh..

i doubt giving them your piece of paper will result in a counted vote...

Vote for a cheese eating, surrender monkey, you're spoilt for choice.

>OP is kill

First they shouldn't see your vote so hide it. Second just beat them up if they start anything.

Présente toi au bureau de vote.
Ensuite tu dois prendre au moins deux bulletins différents et une enveloppe.
Tu met celui que tu choisis dans l'enveloppe et tu fais la queue pour la mettre dans l'urne.

Vote for Le Pen


He's right. One nation needs to fall for the others to survive. It's the only way to awaken the masses before it's too late.

You have to show your ID and your electoral card.
Then you have to sign a paper.
They're checking your ID twice or three times.

>tfw entering the voting station
>picking up a mlp bulletin without taking any other bulletins
>old leftards being in charge of the voting station wispering to each others, shocked at what they just saw

Your desk seems fucking nice, what is it? The texture is really appealing.
(Not joking)

OP, are you back?