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Terrible opinions, OP. I don't know what you are even doing on this site.
It's in the image you silly goose
Master race coming tru
are you 12?
Sounds about right.
I bet you took the guns away.
>ablooobloblooo only right wing belongs to a political board
Well shit
post link
Why do leftists do this?
>wanting to visit space, doing science and shit lower your traditonalism trait
lefties fuck off
Sup Forums is a Right Wing Populist board of peace.
My comrade!
Okay that was not really a surprise at all.
The test is extraordinarily shitty.
Apparently, technology and morality are intertwined (Not the case unless you're fucking Ted Kaczynski), then militarism/pacifism & nationalism/globalism are rolled into one as well.
They really need to add:
>Socially Conservative/Socially Liberal
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is and has always been a NatSoc race realist board.
14/88 and have a good day.
Classical liberal centrist.
A true radical.
what the fuck are you doing here OP?
this isn't a place for commiefags like you
>libertarian communism
What somebody meant by this?
Am I doing well?
What? Why not just simply capitalist why even add the ultra at the start?
I am obviously the superior being
Pinochet forgive me
yes change the test specifically so Sup Forums fascist monkeys don't look like idiots
Comrade !
Are you retarded?
wtf ? did you take a screenshot using your phone camera ?
We can all agree that a good society is built on trust and individualism instead of force and collectivism.
Wow so many bootlickers here
Maybe if you live in a country which doesn't have people/groups actively trying to violently destroy/disrupt the society in which you live in.
God forbid we add nuance and identify major distinctions in aspects of our politics, eh /leftypol/?
>takes a photo of his screen
>pinochet forgive me
>moderate conservatism
>>>>>american education
pretty much
For those who ask the link :
fair, but i'd consider myself to be a 'libertarian conservative'.
How much more of a faggot can i be?
It seems that only I am the superior being here
wew lad
the site also generates an image
save & post that
that's like getting capitalism and it saying democracy
someone is knocking on your door hans
hey friendo
my nigger
Socialists and people who cut their roots should be deported to Syria.
A lot of these questions are really fucking stupid and can't be answered on a scale. Not only that, but the progressive/traditional axis mixes together a bunch of things that really have nothing to with each other.
You could believe in upholding traditions and man-made climate change at the same time, that stuff has nothing to do with each other.
Yeah, it's basically science vs tradition. And you can have both.
most people here are extremeists...not surprised. although with everything thats going on in the world its to be expected. i agree with trump and le pen because they are change. i wish there was a actual liberal candidate who wasent blind and not a commie puppet
I think these things are generally pretty terrible. I'm definitely left leaning but there's barely anything on issues I actually care about and am more "right-wing" toward, like immigration.
murican coming through
watch out boys
>neocons are traditionalist
Traditionalism is degeneracy. "muh we shuld do this cuz me daddy did it liek his daddy."
Pretty shitty questions.
On paper maybe, in the real world individualism comes at the cost of families and society as a whole while liberalism just leads to your enemies being more free to undermine the system until it falls. Use some common fucking sense.
Libertarian Capitalist
Thoughts anons?
I am disappointed of myself.
I got about the same. Probably would have gotten more radical but had to sit the fence on many issues due to how they were worded.
Here i thought i had picked a side
We are what we are, and that cannot be changed.
I am what i am, and what i can only be.
The descendant of Safet-bey and the servant of Allah. But also, the descendant of Djuro Barbaric. If i forsake Djuro, i forsake Safet-bey, and with him the faith of Muhammad, i cut my roots and become nothing, an internal foreigner and alien.
just meme my shit up
Me too
Literally doesn't exist. All these values are fucked because the test is shit.