>you can't beat the gay out of me anymore than I can beat the ignoramus out of you!
How does Sup Forums respond?
>you can't beat the gay out of me anymore than I can beat the ignoramus out of you!
How does Sup Forums respond?
We can try.
so youre saying it can be done?
kiss him
by punching him in the face
Beat the shit out of him and piss on his bloodied body. Take pictures of it, force him to give you his password and post it on his social media.
You are a mentally ill pervert, son. Now lets go on that helicopter tour I planned for just us
It feels like ignorance fits there a lot better than ignoramus
No, leftist faggots have to try to sound smarter than they actually are by using words they perceive to be as high-brow even if they don't fit in.
>How does Sup Forums respond?
ignore his anus
beat him to death. that'll teach that faggot to mouth off like that.
By beating the gay out of him.
And calling Mike pence for some electrical work
>be 6'6" bi guy
>wait and see if the aggressor fucks off
>if he hits the gay guy walk over and beat the shit out of him
Why are straight cucks such fucking embarrassments?
I'm bi too and I am cool guy as well! :-)
Nice fantasies
>bringing height to a gunfight
british education
Lets give it a shot
Fuck the gay out of him, probably wont even give the faggot a reach around
>230lbs at 6'1, deadlift 615 and ohp 3 plates for triples
>would break you like a twig in an instant
>only a retard who has never been in a fight would use height as an indicator of strength
But I don't have anything against gays. They're just doods who like doods.
Burgers have guns I forgot that.
>lanklets beating anyone
hahah kys
I am not an ignoramus son and I apologize and j hope that u will do the same
Get sexually aroused and confused (which really gets me pisses me off) so probably beat the shit out if him
upset straightcucks
bongs have guns
>burger education
If it was someone clearly much stronger than me I'd just call the police
>only a retard who has never been in a fight would use height as an indicator of strength
Ummm no try again honey. I've been in 2, at both times the other guy couldn't hit my face. Just held them back and kept hitting theirs kek (this would obviously be different if they knew how to fight, but no one actually does)
Says the 6'4" manlet
plug him into the wall
what is this all about?
> ignoramus
So what exactly do we ignore?
try anyway just incase
By proving him wrong
Headbutt, uppercut, jab
I'd spank his ass really hard until he stopped liking it. :^)
>Only a retard who has never been in a fight would use height as an indicator of strength
Height correlates with arm length which correlates with ability to have an easier time striking other people in the face.
>Fatty thinks others have never been in a fight
I've still got the fractured clavicle from the last time I got into a fight.
>longer arms means it's easier to hit someone
Confirmed for never being in a fight.
>New Zealand
Confirmed for never being in a fight.
Kek, you sound fucking ridiculous.