Tell me what you know/think about Bulgaria

Tell me what you know/think about Bulgaria.

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Jivkov did nothing wrong. Revival Process best day of my life.

You mean autonomous region of southern Romania?

I know less than i should. I do know that you were a REALLY big deal in early medieval era.

Fuck you XD

im not really sure
i hate you guys
but also like you
the only bulgarians I've met were some guys i got drunk with and corrupt border guards
i might even go to bulgaria for summer

we wuz saviors of europe n shit nigga

I think most Bulgarians are drunk and corrupt border guards desu.

Nice country, but some of the people have schizophrenia-tier beliefs, like that Bulgaria is poor because the CIA is working around the clock to keep it that way (not because of rampant corruption and mafias).

You larp as slavs but you are just turkish rapebabies

wuz khanz n shiet

I have met quite a few hot women from Bulgaria in high school. They have the shittest taste in men I guess because in Bulgaria they are all ugly as fuck? Tbh desu I didn't even know they had internet there I assume Bulgari Romania and anyone in the Balkans is basically African Congo in Europe.

I know that Bulge

Godtier women
Godtier folk music

vid related, perfect meeting of the two

We did have a ''Golden age'' but that was a CENTURIES ago...
Sadly... 99% of our downfalls are a result of us always ''shooting ourselves in the leg''
Yeah... The reason for that is that most bulgarians actually take advantage of the corruption and use for their own benefit but the problem is that they also like to blame it on others...

Bland youghurt

Another non-white country in East Europe.

wuz chuvashians n shiet

as trump said "we are going to build a wall on our southern border"
Bulgaria's ok. American and Western European media always paint it as some sort of mafia breeding ground and say "oi we've baught a newk from balgaeria" which is kinda neat

You make nice AKs. Beyond that, nothing.

Stop with these cringy threads you fucking piece of shit

very cool anthem

this to be honest my dudes

I'm tired of seeing bulgarians force bulgarian discussion down Sup Forums's throat to make themselves feel relevant. Notice how no other country does this

I picked up on that. There seems to be corruption from the top to the bottom, and the prevailing logic is that you're missing out by not taking part. But if no one takes part, then everyone will be better off. It's the inverse of the same logic as "my one vote doesn't make a difference".

E dobre

Should have been destroyed by the Byzantines. Fuck Bulgaria.


Overrun with gypsies
Slavic Bulgarians will be a minority by 2050

Turkic people from the step, stopped at the Volga, stayed for a bit, some went with the Slavs to Europe, and got bred out of existence, making them Slavic, fucked with the Byzantines for a while, had a couple empires, I know one king drank from a skull of an emperor, and another had a heart attack when 10,000 of his troops got back to the capital blinded after losing to Basil II. Taken by the Turks, and were one of the last countries to break free of them, with help from the Russians. First Balkan War against the Turks with Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece. Got screwed by Serbia, and wanted to screw Greece, Second Balkan War, got ass handed to. WW1 did ok. Only Axis power to gain land from WW2. Commie for a while, and their King became a PM, and the current ruling party is cuckservative.



worst kompot i've ever had
also, sofia is fucking filthy

The one who gave your alphabet, Igor.

i like you guys idk why we hate eachother sometimes

Both of your countries didn't even exist during that time

Backstabbing serbs was stupid and not worth it even had it worked out just fine.

Dimitrov should have ditched Stalin in time and joined Yugos to escape fate of being a satellite state, but lacked the balls to do so

idk were are practically the same it's just that you guys have a bigger population and speak a different language

pshhht hey kid

This fucking piece of shit commie participated in the burning of the Reichstag.


Finns do this aswell

i don't know what life would have been without that website...

Well, unTurked Bulgarians don't exist in this time.

Too bad bulgaria won 80% of the battles

My Bulgarian friend has great tits. Also, I can't find a decent full-body bikini shot because of fucking selfie angles.

To be honest the only down side of the turks is that they are cut, oh wait...

Are the Bulgarians White? Are the Bulgarians even human?


Someone give me a quick rundown on Bulgaria

>Dimitrov should have ditched Stalin in time and joined Yugos to escape fate of being a satellite state, but lacked the balls to do so
Speaking of him, Dimitrov was leader of the comintern and most likely coordinated the spread of communism in Europe

we wuz stalins n shieet muhfugga

The Korea of Europe. Everyone imaginable has invaded us.

>Sven is mad because Sup Forums likes Finns
Eternal Sven strikes again.

Too shitty for immigrants to ruin.
Not shitty enough (in urban areas) to have a good life if you have any real amount of money.

Part of Polish Empire

Including the Bulgars

doesn't matter when you lost key battles that destroyed your empire over and over

Are americans human? Can they even walk?


I've met people in the West who actually believe this. Ya'll are retards.

Should have never been allowed into the eu

>take bulgarian flag
>wipe dick
>lithuanian flag

Glorious Byzantium was surrounded by enemies at all times.
Also, based Basil the Bulgar Slayer in the middle there

byzantines were destroyed more

I'm a burger of Bulgarian descent.

Am I the best of all possible worlds?

>thinks Sup Forums "likes" finns

imagine if not for bulgars and serbs raiding Byzantium from the west, they might have held against the ottomans

Chicago I presume?

honorary бpaтyшки with traitorous rulers

Bruh there are people that are older than your country...

I was born in New York.

>When you let Serbs defend the balkans

memes lmao dude

Nobody knows shit about eastern/southern Europe. Even the eastern/southern Europeans. You have the commies to thank for that.

Cool guys but recieved some hatred from locals on my trip. Can't blame them though. I can't physically show that I'm not pro-Erdog.

our neighbors, who are somehow even poorer than us. i don't even know how that's possible

Of course Sup Forums likes finns

kill roaches together again when?

>Bulgaria still exists
>Byzantine empire doesnt

I'm trying to fuck this cute quiet Bulgarian girl. Shes a solid 7. Will get back to you if Im succesful.

You larp as Slavs but are just German rapebabies

Пълeм aйляк, мaйнa.

Byzantine empire couldnt have held ottozergs on their own, they had inner turmoil and their army was largely outdated, had the balkans aided byzantine the ottozergz would have been btfod

>this kills the autist

I think you faggots should kill yourselves and stop being so insecure, this particular burger would love to hear about Bulgaria and generally appreciates when people from other, smaller countries talk about their homelands and what they're like. [European] people being proud of their countries and wanting to share experiences of them is something I really like.

There is a gorgeous, traditional Christian Bulgarian girl in my class and I would like to date her. She supports GERB, is a practicing Christian, wants to find a husband. Any tips? pic unrelated, just to get your attention :^)

truth. I grew up in NYC which has a larger population than the entire nation of Bulgaria. Many burgers wouldn't get to interact with people from other nations with small population without /pol.

never thought about them, seriously, Bulwhoia?

Do you have money?

Talk anti commie shit, she will suck your capitalist cock in no time.

She's a student just like me and she knows I am upper middle class. Got any anecdotes, music, movies or other cultural things that I could reference to impress her? So far she found it cute that I liked Kirkorov but he's basically Russian

You only need money.

Talk to her about Serbian godess Ceca

>Got any anecdotes, music, movies or other cultural things that I could reference to impress her?
"hey I'm upper middle class nice to meet you"

How much money would I need to live the lifestyle of the top 10% in a major Bulgarian city for one year? Like I don't need to drive a BMW but I want to eat at trendy cafés and buy organic food.



She probably didn't grow up to be like the sluts that surround us...

Thanks Slavbros. I'll let y'all know that I have Russian ancestry. All the best!

if you make 100k dollars a year you are within the one percent in Bulgaria

>Like I don't need to drive a BMW but I want to eat at trendy cafés and buy organic food.
I can live quite lavishly in the capital and it will cost me 500 euros tops (with another 200 for rent). A normal lifestyle where you don't spend like a fucking retard costs you about 500 euros including all bills and rent, in the capital. The further you go away from the capital the less it becomes

Basically, if you can work an international job on your computer from here that is not dependent on local wages, you'll be a king. And you'll also not get taxed because taxes are really fucking low here. The redpill is to find a way to make money from distance