94% of Japanese answered Yes.
Do you love your country?
So I am 6% and I hate Japan with passion
let me post on futaba
Yes but I hate my government and most of the people.
I'd say Japan has such a high score because of societal pressure
How can I get a Japanese flag?
Then leave and let the 96% have their fun.
I hate what it has become, but have to hope that someday it can be fixed, or started anew. I view all of Europe to be as important as my country though.
I think the word for what I feel is 'Hiraeth'.
Yeah, same here.
i bet it hates you too
that is how hate work
This place is fucked do not live here
Better than up north though.
I love my country, but not my government. That said, I do respect that it is a harder job than people think it is, and that there has been great politicians in the past. I couldn't say I disliked my countrymen, some I do, some I don't, British people tend to be more individualistic when it comes to politics than almost any other country, really.
I don't consider DPRK people my countrymen in the first place. I would rather focus on the south's problems, like how our last attempt at a functional government ended in a feminist witch cult.
>Do you love your country?
>societal pressure
Are you a racist? It's already in the 21th century.
Why do we need to care the pressure when we answer it?
I love my country very much.
>Finish education
Wouldn't want to violate the 和
I heard the Japanese bloke say Korea's for faggots
The Korean poster says Japs are pussies
>mfw OP is actually not a fagget
The only worst than Antifa are nation cucks.
You don't like your country? move. You don't deserve to live in your own motherland ungrateful cunts
It's going better in Japan.
Thanks, Abe.
Same ..
3% unemployment
Prices going up everywhere else so no need to travel abroad
Wife is okay with infidelity but doesn't leave the house or job or kids
Vacations in Okinawa or Hokkaido
Great food
Few shitskins or niggers
Laugh at Americans, UK, or Australia on TV
This is the best country!
What fun? Everything is illegal in Japan, are you even allowed to go outside without being arrested
Most people on here hate going outside in the first place, try a different angle.
Pretty jealous, I love my own country but Im not that satisfied.
Canada used to be better, it still can be salvaged, when pocketbook conservatism can be combined with some charisma. Harper did a lot of stuff that was great for our country, and I'm sure the next conservate leader, can restore our immigration system so it's great again. Liberals forget that the perception of uncontrolled immigration gets people on the right elected
long live
Of course we love Italy. We love Italian coffee, food, film, music, history, and vacations to it.
No one minds half-Italian children, so you are welcome to come and make some.
We love vacations to Italy!
I hate everyone here so yes
Please elaborate, I am interested in learning the faults of the country. Besides no guns, of course.
I'm starting to disassociate myself with the US, I'll probably move to Japan/Europe. (Not England)
Check again mate
Can I too?
I would love to live in a homogeneous safe society where my children can grow up without worrying that ahmed will explode eventually.
I will work hard, pay taxes and be a good nigger I promise.
>94% of Japanese answered Yes.
keep dreaming you fucking netouyo
There's a reason you see Korean and Chinese immigrants fucking everywhere, but the only Japanese people you encounter are tourists who visit third world shitholes like Canada to better appreciate their own country.
this guy is faking japanese engrish really poorly. nobody who posts with a Japan flag on Sup Forums is Japanese.
there are japanese netuyos who read funny memes in japanese, but japanese people don't give a shit about sjws or race. actually they literally don't understand where the "Sjw" thing comes from. if you doubt this, ask a japanese bro on twitter
Rei is the best girl
Is Spain a nigger? I know in Nagasaki there are people of Portugal and Spain and they are very nice and not a nigger.
Oh, Ireland. I don't really know it.
Now youre baiting switzerland
Why would the Swiss care?
nope I was just memeing. In fact I am 6'2'' light brown hair light brown eyes white skinned /fit/ spaniard
We got clean air and mild weather, foods good you only love it if you live here oh but our fish is excellent lotta decent books too. Were not really a big deal honestly
Shit I thought your flag was swiss, and after my flag just got mistaken sorry. Impressive numbers by the way
I am Japanese. Learn to be half-Japanese! You have a passport of Japan, and you are a Japanese!
Actually we know SJW. It exists in Japan (example; the JICA volunteer, the girl who goes to a British pub, the very irritating school teacher). Many who go abroad also return. I believe that it is the symptom of Globalism disease.
Ah. Well no biggie, I was wondering what the hell italy was on about.
Well, Rei is the best girl, and Barry Lyndon taught me everything I need to know about the Micks.
I love my country, yes. However, i do not like the people in it.
Ah yes! In Osaka there was the St. Patrick's Day festival. And I had a beer!
A better country than the UK, but I don't know it much. So an apology.
Hey, not every Irishman is a backstabbing cunt who only cares about his children
and himself you know.
As a general rule anyone who has the money/willpower to live in another country at least doesn't have the mind of a nigger in my book.
There are Japanese SJWs i know at my hometown uni, But theyre all annoying sloots who complain to me about asian men.
>australian education
why dont you lads just join us :(
Love my country, don't hate my government so much but it needs a strong man to handle those fuckers who slow down the progress
and I am okay with the cash flow from China but other than that can stay in China
Years of aggresion from both sides have let to that being an impossibilty, Im all for free trade between and a complete open border deal hell we can even be called the British and Irish alliance on a map but for that we want the North back.
You should return the Northern Ireland than hire the IRA to clear your country of sand-nigger.
Love does not mean you think something is perfect. Love means you want the best for something.
I don't think Ameriland is perfect, but I want the best for it.
just read some national romantic lit, god I love my country
What do nips think about Germany? Would you be in for another war?
what do people in the north actually think about this, i met some girls from belfast who were catholics and they wanted to be part of the Republic but do the majority of people think that?
try again and we will go 3 and 0, jerry
I believe the majority do, how ever there are many communities that dont think this there are people that feel very strongly for both sides in the north and tensions are still relatively high although no incidents directly connected have happened recently. I think due to the spread of immigrants that people born in Ireland are beginning to band together as Irish.
Japanese people work really hard. They deserve to be richer than what they are. You guys live so long and aren't overweight at all.
Living there wouldn't be easy, but I would be comfy. Also, kick ass internet and gaming/anime culture is more desirable than any shitty thing happening here.
>No cute Japanese guy to snuggle with every day.
People are so fucking fat here I just want to roll them down hills.
You lost a giant part of your Empire every time you fought us. This time your just a shell of your former self. You will either lose or win against us, but in both cases is your country going down. Let us just be if you want your country to exist.
>germany is cool
>expect for the government
>the people
>and everything else
This is why i fucking hate germany. I wish germany, germans and german history was eradicated from the face of earth. Let this shithole be repopulated with arabs, negroids and whatnot. Might actually be an improvement.
Fucking race of dogs.
I think the older i get the more i realise i love the memory of Britain far more than what it is now. everything i love about this country seems to be in the past or going at breakneck speed into the past. if the queen called me to war i would still go but i don't know if i would die happy for what i defended. i am part of the problem too which pains me more, I'm a product of race mixing which i don't have a problem with outside of the fact that the British people will soon dwindle and eventually there may be non left. i think soon i may have to leave here because i cannot stand it anymore but i will continue to salute the flag until the day i die, rule Britannia lads
if the US would leave
and we were fighting a muslim, nigger, or china ok
>Fucking race of dogs.
The only dog here is you. Germany will rise again.
Our history may be dark and the present looks red, but our future will be golden.
I got no countries to love
(Current sovereignty called itself China)
No. Too many mud people. I long for the America of the 1950's.
I don't even know where or what to begin with...
I love the land, but the common folk really make this place terrible, the "brazilian way" or "jeitinho brasileiro" as we call it, the culture of always trying to shit the wrong way but don't get punished becouse the rest of the population is doing the same shit the wrong way it's what makes brazil a lost cause.
Maybe you will be 6 % people who suicide
A weeb will gladly switch places with you.
don't worry real China, commie China will eventually fuck itself.
so you're basically wishing that germans had fought to the death in 1945, like the Japanese were about to
everyone on Sup Forums was born in le wrong generation. well, we'll see what happens in 20 years or so
i guess a referendum is the best thing then i dont mind losing the north its just the viscous banter from the irish in the years after will be unbearable
i have a good friend from there, total shit hole apparently. absolutely full of terrorists and people trying to mug and kill you, that true?
Still you guys tend to give banter just as hard as you get it thats one of the reasons Im alright with ya
We're only commie outside dude, inside we are the same.
>fighting a muslim, nigger, or china
You guys seem to seriously hate China. Is it because of your former wars and history together? Or is it because they're that huge commie blob right next to you?
you Irish lads are good for a pint and that's all i could ask for in a friend
true, its always a good night out with some irish lads
real answer, its because the Chinese keep bothering japan about ww2, and japan is annoyed and wants them to shut up about it
all the commie talk is entirely for show. it's either aping the mannerisms of Americans, or out of loyalty to some old fascist masters
I'm a newbie when it comes to anime, so far I've just watched Death Note and Attack on Titan. Both were phenomenal.
What other anime should I watch?
start with a bit of Corrie in the evenings and work your way up to EastEnders lad, that will sort ye
also, Sup Forums exists.
Why do you love your country,
but don't love your people?
Why are you not breeding, you wasteful cunts?
Used to hate my country
Now I just hate the people
they are naturally sorting out their population problem, the thing is they can get away with it because they are homogeneous. sort out your population problem first before i come back to Berlin to find all the shops to be bazaars
>implying their military wasn't cucked by the US
Indeed. Germans should have died with honor. Now they die without honor.
Nope, always found it stupid to get emotionally attached to a chunk of rock. I also think nationalism is one of the stupidest things.
I just happened to be born here, I don't feel like I owe it any of my emotions.
last time i checked you no longer owned Prussia, Germany's actual heartland. don't talk like we are the ones that have lost ourselves you have no army or navy anymore. Sad!
Verpiss Dich, Abdul bin Jihad!
Yeah it's ok I suppose. Never really paid that much attention to it.
I'm not like those loser fags that base my ego around my country like Japanese and Americans.
the best thing you could have done was surrender before Berlin got nuked. the nips can go on to the end if they like but you lads where our kin, we didn't want to finish you off and just hand the wreckage to communists.