Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump meets w/Aya Hijazi 4/21/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #13 4/21/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Financial Services 4/21/17
>VP Pence Press conf in Indonesia 4/20/17
>AG Sessions/Sec Kelly News Conf in El Paso TX 4/20/17
>Pres Trump signs Trade Expansion Act changes 4/20/17
>Pres Trump meets ITA PM Gentiloni 4/20/17
>Pres Trump/PM Gentiloni Press Conf 4/20/17
>Pres Trump welcomes NE Patriots 4/19/17
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
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This is a movement.
Drumpf is a neocon traitor
Forgot to link previous thread:
Someone else must make the next thread
I am not makingthe next thread
Its an awoovement buddy.
I love Hillary Clinton
I feel something...
Also, stop fucking going to /sg/ and shitting up their thread. The kike is fucking everything up
Also, this is exactly what that kike wants you to do dumbass.
If I'm around I can make it.
Also, the best way is like they do in east asia, where you get gloves with your chicken so you don't get all greasy, desu. Top stuff to eat chicken that way.
Trump is human too. What the fuck. ;_;
It's not this thread. See and Tl;dr: people here either don't care or are for Assad as he removes kebab
How can we get Trump to deport more than 8 million spics?
Anyone that criticizes (((Drumpf))) is a Spencerfag, a Stormfag, an e-celeb fan or a leftist redditor sowing division.
t. The_Donald
and how the fuck long do you think it'll take ICE to get back on schedule with Trump's deportation schedule?
t. bernout
Bullshit, and for three reasons
1) Trump isn't the one enforcing the law, it's Sessions and Kelly and Sessions said unambiguously that "every illegal alien is a felon". Much like with his position on torture in which Trump disagrees with Mattis but trusts his advice and enforcement it's not Trump role to enforce immigration but Sessions.
2) ICE already said DACA is not protected status, pic related
3) DACA expires in 2018
amnesty don
This is why Trump is waffling on Immigration stuff
ICE needs to hire way more people first
Doing this again?
In terms of supposed “failed promises”
>Tax Relief
Tax relief plan will be shown on Wednesday, April 26
>Energy and Infrastructure
As far as energy, that has started with EO 13766. As for infrastructure, I believe the Tax plan and the Infrastructure plan are to be rolled into one package
>School Choice
>National Security
>End Illegal Immigration
These are being addressed by the budget proposal that will go to Congress on the week of April 24, 2017. Also, DHS, ICE, and Sessions are cracking down on illegal immigration with increased raids and more immigration judges to process cases faster.
>Clean Up Corruption
This was begun through the hiring freeze and the issuing of EO's 13771 and 13770
>Community Safety
EO 13776 and EO 13784 deal with this
>Affordable Childcare and Eldercare
The healthcare reform is being done in three parts. This portion would be looked at in part 3, along with things like drug price negotiation
>End the Offshoring Act
>However, in one far-reaching change, the draft proposal calls for allowing a Nafta nation to reinstate tariffs in case of a flood of imports that cause “serious injury or threat of serious injury” to domestic industries.
>Another substantial change could emerge in the government-procurement section of Nafta, which currently requires the U.S. government to consider bids from Mexican and Canadian companies on domestic infrastructure projects.
>In the draft objectives, the Trump administration is seeking “to establish rules that require government procurement to be conducted in a manner that is consistent with U.S. law and the administration’s policy on domestic procurement preferences,” which could open up the door for Mr. Trump’s “Buy American” policies. Meanwhile, U.S. contractors could lose business in Mexico and Canada.
Combine this with EO 13788 And Trump Presidential Memorandum 21, and you will see that Trump is still going with his America First strategy.
Didn't Trump already increased budget for ICE for hiring and equipment?
>Trump is Amnesty Don now because he won't go after DREAMers
According to ICE, DACA is only sets priorities, which means they go to the back of the queue. They are still subject to deportation, and will go to the top of the queue if they commit a crime, since the Government actually has their data.
Also, DACA will expire in 2018, making all of them fair game, since it would remove the priority system.
P.S.: This was a Copy&Paste. No one would lose more than a second in (you)
DACA expires in 2018 and DACA recipients are still subject to deportation. They are being deported and will continue to be deported.
I believe he did and he also made ICE exempt from the federal freeze but it doesn't seem like it's enough.
Still takes time to hire and train people
Might have to wait until the next years budget for a big change
Yes, 15 thousand. Even more to be hired and trained soon.
WTF I love Pmurt now?
It is not enough, that is why they are hiring thousands and thousands more on top of drastically increasing their budget and building the wall.
Good. Maybe the Flip-Flop meme will die now.
No, they are being hired this year by the thousand.
and once WWIII doesn't even come close to happening, the Democrats and radical leftists will look retarded and even more people realize Trump is great. They accused us of utilizing fear when they went around screaming Trump will be the end of days
I don't trust any polls, even if they're positive for Trump. Way past that shit.
Also, do you think the wall will be built before 2018 is over?
>let me tell you why Trump doesn't mean what he says
>true Trump supporters take him seriously but not literally
>do you think the wall will be built before 2018 is over?
It should take years. Construction begins late June.
Trump means what he says and does what he says.
Good morning high energy user. Saw that Trump is making a rally in PA soon?
It doesn't even need to be complete on 2018, if the hotspots of illegal entries are underway people won't be able to cross there.
And if any segment is inaugurated before 2018 it will have a major impact on Trump's popularity
I appreciate your presence here, just so you know Romanian. I'm not familiar with Japanese culture but it seems you've got some serious tsundere going for me there.
People understand how fucked up washington is and how trump is doing what he can for them. Trump voters are probably less delusional than democrats gibs voters.
no problem, I'm here to make the redditors that bandwaggon you mad
>I'm not familiar with Japanese culture but it seems you've got some serious tsundere going for me there.
Signed executive orders calling for 90 day reviews and reports from agencies. Not actual legeslation. Haha
Saying they are included in the budget is meaningless. No president ever passes their budget.
Gonna put out his tax plan on wednesday. Howd that work with healthcare? (Oh and infrastuctures gonna be in it too...)
His immigration actions have been consistent with his promises. His supreme court pick was from the list.
He hasn't staffed the government with people who agree with him and will carry out his wishes.
Your list of accomplisments looks like its from Obamas second term. A bunch of executive orders. Half of them just say my cabinent secretaries will review tgis and report back to me.
100 days is irrelevant, but dont act like hes been auper sucessful. Hes stumbling along and still learning
Traps for Trump!
How many redditors do you think are actually still here?
/ptg/ is the outpost of r/t_D
if you say anything racist or anti-semitic here you are called a shill
I had forgotten all about the White House Correspondents Dinner next weekend and that Trump had said he wouldn't attend, but it wasn't a surprise to read he'd hold a rally on the same night
Will be interesting to see how this 'First 100 Days' rally in Harrisburg plays out
That's categorically bullshit. I call kikes and niggers what they are and have since all the fucking way back during the Iowa period and have yet to be called a shill for it a single time.
Also, it's the other way around. Did you already forget that those faggots on the donald are our mistake?
> He hasn't staffed the government with people who agree with him and will carry out his wishes
Can you elaborate on that? I agree with many of your points but this I do not really get it
>if you say anything racist or anti-semitic here you are called a shill
No you aren't, you fucking nigger kike.
>if you say anything racist or anti-semitic here you are called a shill
This is objectively wrong, you gypsy kike
mitchell logic is retarded, his approval is always slightly inferior to his voters numbers, because there's always a part of the electorate that doesnt like him but voted for him for very narrow reasons like blocking Hillary or the SC. He can be at 50% today because peoples opinion have improved, but not at 70%. Dems all hate him.
> falling for Romania cheapest bait
Think of Romania as the less mongolian version of the Finn: he will say things to rile you up and collect (you)s. He probably supports Trump but at very least he is hanging around here since I remember, probably going back to 2015.
He baits, you bite, advantage Romania
portugal has no tagname, its probably a diffrent guy everytime. Stop projecting.
>if the hotspots of illegal entries are underway people won't be able to cross there.
Just building proper walls and entry points in the cities will be enough for me. As a start. This will be interesting to gauge as far as how it cuts border crossing, seeing as it's already down 70%. Should be fun.
I just wanted to call him a gypsy kike tbqh
You cannot stop me, user
Hey, now that you mention it, I remember that Romanian that shitposted here from time to time during the campaign.
He was always in the shadows of the glorious Fingol, tho.
A shitone of positions are still vacant in the US governement. How is he gonna renegociate nafta when there's no one to do it?
It's early in the morning and I haven't slept for ~20 hours. There's two Romanians here... the one who's a bro while the other one shills. Could even be the same copper thief.
The Finn, I miss everyday. At least he was funny as fuck.
Mitchell logic is retarded because if polls show 35% but only 50% vote it doesn't double his actual support.
Mitchell made a name for himself by feeding on this very board analysis for material.
Won't The (Central) Banker Jew do anything for the Spanish children?!?!?
>if you say anything racist or anti-semitic here you are called a shill
Nonwhites are inferior in most every regard. Kikes are isolationist triabal freaks and downright subversive. Islam is the worst religion that has ever existed and half its followers are completely irredeemable. Savages the world over ought to be brought to heel by the civilized nations of the world.
burgers, is the american msm still going on about muh evil russians?
it was obviously these guys who hacked your elections
>Your list of accomplisments looks like its from Obamas second term. A bunch of executive orders. Half of them just say my cabinent secretaries will review tgis and report back to me
>I don't know how our government works
>I don't know how successful businessmen operate
He did say he would approach everything orderly and purposefully. He needs the reviews to know how to proceed. Some of which are already done as is evidenced by the earlier proposed budget with all the recommended cuts. Those 90 days of review are up. The full proposal should be interesting.
Is /ptg/ still on the slow shift?
Why is it on page 5
Yes every single fucking day but the general public is believing it less and less. Last (((poll))) I saw was 35% trusting the story that Russians aided Trump.
what can we even talk about?
Wall is not built
DACA still in place and immigrants arențt kicked out
ISIS is still loose
Pedos are still in the US goverment
Just go to the french general election thread
Sunday + French election
Good morning trump general.
It is as I have been saying. There won't be anyone in the world today with more than 50% approval because leftists succeeded in dividing us.
The irony it that this is what the USSR wanted, but leftists are against Russia
It's Sunday morning
In the defense dept he has secretary Mattis at the top, but hasn't appointed the under and deputy secretaries.
Hes put a ceo in place but none of the vice presidents in charge of certain programs or areas. This is at most agencies.
The positions need senate confirmation so he needs to get moving
From feb but it remains true
Hourly shill cock sucking thread.
Well, to be honest, when it says that 40% of children live in poverty, it doesn't take in account how cheap things are here in Spain. Honestly, with a wage of about 1100 euros/month, you can easily live as a family of four, including rent. It's all about knowing where you should settle.
Yeah, poverty is a problem here because of unemployment, but you don't have people dying in the streets.
good morning, cirnofag.
Good morning cirnofriend
> half
we rely on americans too much
*blocks your nuclear weapons program*
time for a productive day of resting on Sunday.
>you are not a pedophile when you call her "Big Mama"
I missed you aussies when you were all having fun in aus/pol/ instead. Whats going on in australia?
>page 3
Thank kek. I miss 5 hours comfy threads, these days most threads are up for one hour at most, that used to be rally day threads
Nothing. It's midnight here
Busy day in France lad. America is still asleep.
Let the frogs have their day, Joe poster.
Go to sleep then
fuck all its midnight here
but your VP is in my city
I meant more broadly in terms of politics in the recent weeks.
>no tan.
Keep it up semfai.
Its kicking the can down the road and making you think hes doing somethin by holding up a piece of meaningless paper he just signed.
Why didnt he kick off these reviews in his first week?
Why didnt he have a legislative agenda ready to go?
Hes winging it and it should be obvious
meant politics
But that is pretty interesting. what did he say while there so far?
What do you think about American representations of Aussies? Like the whole crocodile hunter impersonation of all aussies- are you guys happy about it in a cheeky way or is it really uncreative? I've never been to Australia so in my mind all the population lives in coastal urban development with some suburban development and a handful in the outback.
Good, even kek agrees awoo are cancerous weeb trash
keep fapping to 2d that is sure good for your mental health and relationships you fucking losers
Our politics are even worse than yours. I barely pay attention anymore.
Although it has been funny seeing our PM try and be a little Trump. He knows which way the wind in blowing
Of course they are, when an autist tries to pick a fight with them for no reason whatsoever.