Stop denying science Sup Forums
Stop denying science Sup Forums
I agree with the first one
If it can't be expressed in figures, it's not science it's opinion.
Is climate change the solution to the African problem?
no that's more white people
I don't deny that the climate is changing. What I deny is that it's anthropogenic.
>not mentioning the holocaust
At least there is one thing we can agree each other.
God, that sign is all the proof I needed to believe that the "March for (((science)))" was about anything but science. Fucking kike servant virtue signaling liberal fucks.
What the fuck is environmental racism?
There's a reason smart people don't vote Drumpf
What's that supposed to mean?
need to move the circle up a bit
Word invented by butthurt FUCKING LEAVES
>bunch of liberal arts and gender studies majors championing science
>that sign is all the proof I needed
That's why you're not a scientist.
I'm guessing that people developed differently based on their place of birth;so,facial changes,color of skin etc.
People won't believe my political opinions, so instead of working on my arguments I'm going to call them scientific facts and label anyone who disagrees as anti-science.
Something used by liberals to get shitskins to care about the environment.
>If it can't be expressed in figures, it's not science it's opinion.
Thank you for summing up the March for (((science))) nicely. I needed that this morning.
>yfw you're such a liberal sheep, no bereft of an independent thought, that you don't realize Beaker is there to mock you, nor the bell curves of IQ by race
Gee, I wonder why the left just can't win anymore.
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
I don't know for sure but I think that's the graph that shows the average IQ of different races, and it shows blacks having the lowest. Funny thing is they like science when it suits them, but will deny it themselves when it doesn't fit with their SJW agenda.
>too intelligent to not hold banner upside-down.
so they like science? what about the science of race realism? holocaust? the devastating effects of single motherhood, diversity and so on? how about that?
Shows distribution of IQ for different races with blacks and latinos to the left of whites and asians
is China racist?
it's too good to be true
Stop denying science Antifa
Science isn't democratic. It's not about who is more numerous but who has the proofs.
As an actual scientist, I fucking hate that something that is empirical, rigorous and challenging has become:
It's fucking disgusting.
>environmental racism
someone explain pls
>environmental racism
we're racist against the environment now?
This liberal fucks make me want to deny climate change. Fuck these retards
No you idiot, all it will do is cause nigger rapefugees to flood into the west.
Not a debate.
[peer reviewed citation needed]
>good cops
Hol up
I imagine it's something along the lines of:
>Niggers and Kebabs gonna suffer the most from global warming
I think they have a point. I'm gonna let my car idle in the driveway for a couple of hours.
Whitey be pollutin awas watta supply
literally leftist flouride and chem trails
>Complaining about Science Denial
>Supporting transgender ideology
toppest of keks.
Looks like "Good Cops Deserve" and then some shit I can't read because that dumb bitch's hat is in the way.
It's not a debate bro, what don't you understand?
>BTW fuck fascism!11! IT silences their political opponents!! GO BERNIE!!!W FUCK DRUMPF, YOU SHOULDN*T HAVE A RIGHT TO VOTE FOR DRUMPF!!!!!
>implying just on fag writes and research about the topics
when do lefties learn that appeal to authority and peers is not a sign of quality, just being a usual idiot.
science is very racist
>climate chance
we are fixing climate change by turning CO2 into CH4 and O2 essentially putting things back where they belong
>white privilige
black people kill more white people then the other way around
>male privilege
men lose almost all custidy cases and women can rape with no punishment
>enviormental racism
if black people worked for themselves this wouldn't exist
>hetero privilege
why are you judging me on my sexuality
>Stand up for science
Who exactly is oppressing science?
The Canadians with their laws disallowing you from not believing in sex change magic...or what?
You heard it, goys. The environment is racist. And if you say, "wait, no it's not," you're a denier.
I don't deny the first one, I just think every single suggestion and change is either incredibly inefficient, damaging and even a con in some cases. Fucking wind power.
A carbon tax for instance, will simply have all industries move to nations that don't, not to mention those meddlesome environmental regulations that stop them raping the earth. IE China. Libs who don't work in industry will clap themselves on the back, for outsourcing carbon producing factories to a country where people live in polluted Hives.
Either Free-Market will fix it when a more efficient and cheaper renewable energy source is developed, or invest in Nuclear Power which is what should have been done decades ago.
But progs just want to virtue-signal.
>White privilege, male privilege, straight privilege
What's next the wage gap, well you've convinced me. Climate Change is fake.
>Poster overlaps the circle
The latest meme of the left is (and I suspect this is to refute memes that have sprouted from places like Sup Forums) is that civil wars, dictatorships, Islamic fundamentalism etc are a direct result of white people using an unfair amount of carbon and therefore creating global warming, which causes all of the above social problems.
For instance;
>Syria and Iraq are perfectly peaceful countries
>Sunni and Shia love each other
>About ten years ago Climate Change (caused by whitey) created a drought
>This made Sunni Muslims move to the cities in Syria, which have Shiite and Christian Arabs in them
>Then, because """"""""reasons"""""" they have to have a civil war
Thanks western white dogs.
Find me a peer reviewed citation that proves women can do just as much as a man and that homosexuals can change genders by wishing really hard.
same here
God's finest creation is the White Male.
It is obvious.
>this spring won't be silent
DDT along with other insecticides and drainage, psarying 5,000,000 homes is why she doesn't have malaria. slient spring was contentious at best and started the whole fake science thing
But why? It's been numerous times disproven of the argument that volcanoes produce more CO2 than humans, plus there does seem to be a lot of empirical evidence
if 1) is related to any of those other things, then I officially don't give a shit about climate change any longer. that guy just ruined the world lmao
What you still believe in that (((globalist))) lie?
>Environmental racism
The editor of Salon just called for democracy to be scrapped and "progressive" dictators to be installed.
Just think, prior to the election they claimed it would be so-called fascists rioting, threatening assassinations, engaging in terrorism, trying to suppress human rights and trying to install dictators.
It's almost frightening how accurate you can determine leftist future actions by their accusations.
They aren't wrong about the West making all the existing millennia long conflicts a thousand times worst thanks to the eternal American.
But they are wrong thinking that they are any different, you ask a prog about the various parties and characters in Syria, they couldn't tell you. Fuck sometimes it is so much a clusterfuck I couldn't tell you.
The climate change causes terrorism meme is just because climate change doesn't have a demographic that the democrats are afraid of alienating. So that's why it has become the devil behind everything.
Now you know how nigs feel when they are subject to racism despite being kings
then you are a stupid normie faggot.
>"enviromental racism"
>"good cops" in amongst the sea of liberal babbling
>doesnt list the holocaust
top kek
At least we can still deny the holocaust
It's almost looks to me that the word "science" has a totally different meaning in English than in my own language. This is confusing.
The one thing I always point to now to describe how insane the left is to people is literally just before and just after the election. Remember there was that big deal made about "the peaceful transfer is power is a core tenet of our society and what defines us as americans" and shit, when Trump was saying he was skeptical about whether or not the election might be rigged unfairly against him? People going crazy and raging saying he MUST accept the results of the election, peaceful transfer of power, etc?
Then the election results came in, and Trump won? What happened? #notmypresident, literal violent rioting in many cities, people calling for a recount or some shit, trying to get the electoral college abolished because they lost, etc.
In the span of something like 2 weeks or so they LITERALLY took on, and quite fervently I might add, the very same position they railed against as the worst afront to democracy ever not even a month before. All because they were the ones who lost.
It's actually scary when you think about what the liberal mind is capable of doing to support it's own agenda. If you said Hitler said that Climate Change was real and created by humans/fossil fuels you might actually get liberals who like Hitler, that's how fucked up it is.
>we need to get over seeing dictatorship as a bad word
Oh boy here we go.
>black people kill more white people then the other way around
Yeah but when white people kill black people it's racism, when black people kill white people "they deserve it". That's always the impression I got from the left, anyways. Any time a black person does something vile to a white person they just laugh condescendingly with their nose in the air like "about damn time whitey got theirs". Like, slavery happened so any evil thing blacks do to whites is justified and okay.
>Libtards try so extremely hard to push their agenda they actually make such a joke out of their positions that it causes people to believe the opposite
This is the real red pill.
Let's have a look on #marchforscience tag in on twitter
if this was a BLM march he would have been stabbed for implying that there are good cops
this specimen might want to look into the science of diabeetus
>We need to get over seeing "jim crow laws" as bad words. We can just call them "bernie sanders laws" instead and have them apply negatively to white people instead of black people as reparations for slavery
The faggotry got so great it grew glitter.
Yeah and think that blacks only make up what was 14% of America.
You can shove your (((science))) up your satanist arse.
gravity: lie
big bang: lie
evolution: lie
e=mc2: lie
jews: lie
everything else: lie
The Universe is Sound not Matter.
I hate how all that other bullshit is lumped with actual fucking science. Liberals need to die.
Is that Booger?
Climate change is legit, but it's not much of an issue for anyone in the civilized world.
Billions of Africans, and Indians and Muslims will die, but lets be honest here, that's really more of a plus.
It's real.
But dont we all live in a simulation?
>everything is a lie
saged bait
Cancer levels are beyond anything I've ever seen
Nobody denies that humans have had an impact on the climate, the issue is how much of an impact. If you look at actual research by actual climate scientists you will find that our impact is minimal and most of the climate change is caused by the natural heating and cooling of the Earth.
Revv up those helicopters
>It's time we stopped seeing "military coup" as bad words
A final solution some might say
Sure. They aren't wrong about Jews getting their U.S. attack dogs to cause headaches all over the place (or further back, their British attack dogs).
But the climate change causes civil wars and terrorism meme is pretty funny.
>So what you're saying is that we need to stop climate change because it means Arabs will come to our country?
>Yes! Are you on board!
>...So you're saying Arabs will always have to blow shit up? Like, they're inherently terrorists? Do you have some kind of problem with Sunni Islamic Arabs coming here...or...?
It's bizarre.
I watched it on Q and A;
>Global Warming caused drought
>Drought meant Sunni Muslims had to go to the city
>Then there was a civil war
I feel like they're missing some key steps in that narrative.
One of these things is not like the others.
> 4. Environmental Racism
Fuck your nigger trees
man made climate change is a scam
Climate change was created by Jews to stop people from using their main source of energy.
A "final" solution
Exactly. Except obviously liberals are trying to twist words/data to say humans have a huge impact/the largest impact on climate change.
The point is ultimately that they want to make using all fossil fuels illegal, in short. That forbes article was pretty good on the issue.
>What exactly do the climate scientists agree on?
>Usually, the person will have a very vague answer like "climate change is real."
>Which raises the question: What is that supposed to mean? That climate changes? That we have some impact? That we have a large impact? That we have a catastrophically large impact? That we have such a catastrophic impact that we shouldn't use fossil fuels?
>What you'll find is that people don't want to define what 97% agree on--because there is nothing remotely in the literature saying 97% agree we should ban most fossil fuel use.
>It’s likely that 97% of people making the 97% claim have absolutely no idea where that number comes from.