What does the alt-right consist merely of autistic betas and racist man-children and where will that lead you?

What does the alt-right consist merely of autistic betas and racist man-children and where will that lead you?

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This is so true.



don't know and don't care. as long as liberals are eternally assblasted, we're on the right path

This one pissed himself.

This is part of the reason the alt-right is so autistic.

thank you for your tears

just want to remind people that this dude's name is Cameron Lee
He actually sells those tee-shirt on his website and went out attention whoring to viral advertize them
send him hate mail if you can

yeah fucking nerds, lol

>eternally assblasted

Actually I am pretty sure that 90% of so called "liberal" don't give a shit about you. Only the neckbeards from the other side of the spectrum may care. Basically a Special Olympics event.

lol, this

agreed, this

Sup Forums btfo!

>Actually I am pretty sure that 90% of so called "liberal" don't give a shit about you.

They didn't, but now they do!


Nerds have an I.Q. above room temperature. That guy isn't a nerd. He's a white trash neckbeard.

A job a wife who loves him and took the time to help him celebrate his birthday and accommodates his interests. Wow sure showed him.

>assuming xiour gender

fuck off alt right faggot, your autism is showing

>A job a wife who loves him and took the time to help him celebrate his birthday and accommodates his interests.

Yeah, this guy really got it all.

>hello? r/the_donald here, CTR shills got me

Why do liberals consist merely of autistic betas and feminist man-children and where will that lead them?

How do you manage to have your chin buried in your neck fat, America?


lol this, nerd virgins on Sup Forums btfo, how will they ever recover?

>autistic betas and man-children
>where will that lead you
Some kind of movement based entirely in the internet channeling years of savage autistic rage into their cause.

Bretty gud

Why are lefty/pol/ niggers so low energy?

This is just sad!

>alt right

pick one

>muh free speech

Another autistic mantra constantly repeated by alt-right neckbeards and racist white trash.

>Why are lefty/pol/ niggers so low energy?

Why is Greece constantly broke and hast to be bailed out by those "cucked, refugee loving lefties" from the north?

>where will that lead you?

Alpha Centauri

And closeted gay manlets. You forgot the manelts.


Oh look, I can conter.


What do you expect, it's Americans. Everything about their politics is a meme



Sup Forums why havent you joined antifa?
>get to punch (((nazis))) such as richard spencer, daniel amiga, who are clearly israeli funded operatives
>we have hot chicks on our side
>ethnically homogenous
>everyone in Antifa is white
>get to beat up blacks and latino trump supporters and t_d neckbeards
>antifa directly fight against israel zog governments

Or you can be a nu/pol/ faggot
>most ethnically diverse white supremacist group
>watch sargon of the akkad
>praise kek, im a ethnic kekistani XD

pic related, this is any average trump supporter


Both sides you mentioned are completely retarded.
Also, the man in this pic is more alpha than you, you know.

But if right-wingers would do the same thing they'd call us shameless savages. There's no winning.

the autists are perhaps our greatest resource. these slide threads are almost as good as our regular programming

>But if right-wingers would do the same thing they'd call us shameless savages.

Yeah, you are known for you peaceful ways.

all I see is people having fun
Don't be such a sourkraut