No peterson thread?!

Peterson thread!

Because being non conscientious is NO JOKE!

How's the dragon slaying going guys?
Currently at maps of meaning 4
Almost done with the future authoring

He's becoming the new punching bag over at r/badphilosophy.

Does retrieving the golden orb violate the NAP? Someone owns that thing, bucko.

Is it right to kill a dragon, just because he's a dragon? He is older than you, you're technically bringing yourself to the nuisance - according to walter block. You have no case for slaying that dragon. The dragon provides economic stimulus.

Ah yes
The accredited /r/ forums, where only the most learned and experienced may chat


biggest bunch of fags ever.

Homos visit the place when regular porn ain't doin' it and only an heavily moderated intellectual circlejerk will do.

I've watched his entire 2017 lecture series so far, for both maps of meaning and for his personality lectures, both extremely interesting and full of useful information.

I've not done the authoring programs although I may still do that.

I'm now reading the Gulag Archipelago as well which is an insane read but it's extremely eye opening as I'd previously only known about right wing authoritarianism, I never knew in depth a lot about left wing authoritarianism.

do they at least specify what is supposedly wrong with our glorious prophet of KEK? did they sorted themself out before speaking?

>Gulag Archipelago

When it first came out, people didn't believe it.

Escapees from the USSR were told they were lying. I saw it happen.

They say other people are smarter which is true, but essentially it's because they are gay and don't like what he is saying about their multiple genders.

I've read the Gulag Archipelago, started the self authoring program, and gotten my life mostly sorted out. I wasn't in a bad spot, but I had some mental health issues that I got straighted. The last part that needs sorting, would be relationships.

I've never really been in one and I'm still a virgin. I feel like it's partly because I'm frequently looking at porn and jerking off. I really want to at least cut way back, from once a day to a few times a month, and really stop looking at porn. How do I do this, lads?

''I can't really sum up in a pithy reddit comment everything that's wrong with this guy so you'll just have to take my and this sub's word for it for the time being''

Not an argument!

Oops forgot pic

i am in future authoiring. been working lately which is good for me beacuse i m enmployed neet
i thinnk i will steup it up and see therapist soon. i have a feeling i need some help in making future me reality

They're not required to, moreover you can get banned for spreading "learns". Some of it is just a reaction to hyperbole but since no one can explain why they think he's bad in a rigorous way, it's fair game to assume that some feel threatened.

>When it first came out, people didn't believe it.
And it's not that surprising given how harsh it is, but it's something Peterson talks about a lot, that people are capable of these kinds of horrors and not just insane people, but most regular individuals as well.

It's just self control, google nofap and you'll find a bunch of stuff, people try and do months of it at a time, or cut back or whatever, it's not easy.

Is there any group for jp sorters?

Thread started: 1 hour 15 minutes ago
15 replies
Last reply before mine, 27 minutes ago.


Gee, maybe he's a gay loser and no one here actually like him. Just a SUPPOSITION


he's back

Is this the famous canadian jordan poster I have been hearing about?!

You saw it happen? Post a hand pic old fag and tell us more. Go on, kek wills it.

He's an anarcho-masochist, creating a theme park for psychopaths, completely obsessed with malicious sorcery to cast spells on other members of social sciences in attempt to sicken or kill them in hope of magically stealing their possessions ... and especially their crops.

>right wing authoritarianism
You actually have never known such a thing. Unless you've actually studied European history and the tyrannical monarchs of the time, generally pre-enlightenment.

Hitler was left wing.


you too could shoot down jews in WW2 (if it had happened(it didn't(but I wish it had)))

Cleaned my room, now started reading the Gulag Archipelago.

DUI guy

>banned for spreading "learns"
scientology tier

>tfw sorted


I find it incredibly cringy that people worship this guy.
In all his lectures he just barking orders, never really guiding students in forming their own conclusion - much like a highly zealous religious preacher. The young seem lap it up like a kitten to its milk.

I'm hoping that the hard left will just leave him alone so the meme of Jordan Peterson can be thrown into the dust bin of internet history.

Somebody post the pasta about Peterson in the book store in Toronto.


go back to plebbvilleddit

you mean Gulag Archipelago deniers ? hmm
