
What do you think about nudism? It seems like a healthy aryan way of life.

Other urls found in this thread: romanticism nudism&pg=PA274#v=onepage&q=german romanticism nudism&f=false



None of them in that pic are nude tho

I had the opportunity to wander around the woods completely naked with a couple of people after a sauna. It was an isolated place so no other people around.

After everyone got used to being naked and no one put any attention to it anymore, it gave an immense boost to self confidence afterwards. Not gonna a lie, it was an amazing experience and sets you free from the fabric jew.

the way God intended man to be (if everyone was fit and healthy too)

Cannot have that. You need to be held in a constant state of dissatisfaction. Someones gotta want and consume all the shit we produce

I thought of (((you))) were burned up in WW2

post moar of these leaf

>It seems like a healthy aryan way of life.
especially in combination with cocoivorism

>It seems like a healthy aryan way of life.
How is that? Are you a fucking hippie, leaf?

Nudism leads to degeneracy. When man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil he realised he was naked and felt shame. To be able to be ashamed is essentially to be human. We must cover our junk to preserve our dignity. Let the black savages run around nude with their dicks and tits pierced. Aryan way of life. Jesus, how retarded can a leaf get.

No thanks senpai. What's the point when for a majority of months you have to bundle up because of tempature? I'm not freezing to death because of a way of life

Nudism or the freikorpskultur in Germany is something completely different from sexual promisucity. Non-sexual nudity that just encourages to you be relaxed around what's completely natural in connection to athleticism and outdoorsmanship is culturally non-related to degenerates being sexually shameless.

I sit around naked in my own house all the time tbqh, mad comfy

>Non-sexual nudity that just encourages to you be relaxed around what's completely natural in connection to athleticism and outdoorsmanship is culturally non-related to degenerates being sexually shameless.
We shouldn't be relaxed around our comletely natural genitals. That's the point. If you're relaxed about your dick you're relaxed about where you should or shouldn't stick it.

Whether a thing is completely natural or not has no correlation with it's potential benefit to human civilization. In fact, succumbing completely natural behaviors is a step backwards, toward being dumbass africans.

Right, nudism is bad why ? Do you have any other arguments besides your repressive feelings that you project on others ?

proof that europeans are snow niggers.

asian master race, never nude not once.

What you have to realize is that nudists or just people who swim naked don't make a connection between seeing someone naked and having sex. Truly bikinins are just as (if not more) sexually loaded than nudity.

>girls in wheat fields
Muh Aryan fantasy life

This, the more culturally hide a feature the more you sexualize it.

Preservation of dignity is my argument. If penis is natural and we should be relaxed about it why won't we shake penises instead of hands? Men are supposed to conduct themselves in a dignified way and protect their women from lustful gazes which are also VERY natural. Unless the man wants to trade his people's freedom for his allowed depravity. That's how you lose your Fatherland to Somalians.

>What you have to realize is that nudists or just people who swim naked don't make a connection between seeing someone naked and having sex.
They're decepting themselves. Gays are disgusting and niggers are ugly but people train themselves to overlook all that for the sake of progressiveness. Same with two naked people of opposite genders. I could block my thoughts about her vagina for a time but it's as "natural" to think of sex when alone with a naked woman as being naked in the woods and shit. So nudism isn't natural and being relaxed about your own nudity is not natural. Being nude is vulnerable it's natural to feel unsafe when nude.

This is fake and degenerate This is not


Nudism devalues sexuality, thereby diminishing sexual pleasure. Ironically, many forms of promiscuity actually serve to ultimately lessen the enjoyment, prompting you to delve further into degeneracy. This applies to pornography in an obvious way. "Sexual liberation" is self-defeating.


imagine the ticks

Being nude isn't "bad".

Building a society around nudity is.

There's a time and a place for your dick to swing freely, and I'm front of me is not that place.

Whether you want to admit it or not, a lot more inappropriate sex would take place. Covering up allows us to CHOOSE when we are nude.

Adam and Even had their chance, they fucked it up for us, and we need to live with it.

You are a stupid faggot if you think bikinis are "more sexually loaded" than a nude woman with her tits and roastie hanging out.

Do nudists get used to nudity and not get as excited? Of course. Like any brain chemical cocktail we will get used to it.

But you are a brain-dead faggot if you think wearing clothes turns on nudists the way nudity turns on people who wear clothes.

KYS you stupid faggot


>plebbit spacing
Bikinis are lingerie are both more sexy than just a nude woman.

Infinite times this. All you puritans need to fuck off and die in the fiery hell.

It's not a way of life, it's a hobby.

Clothes are useful for many reasons. Humans living without clothes just wouldn't work.

>the way God intended

After Adam and Eve sinned, covering our bodies became what God intended.

Covering our bodies is more pleasing to God

>nudist isn't about being degenerate

And Islam is a religion of peace .


Yeah, exactly. That's why there are so many rapes by and among Muslims.

>faggot thinks double-spacing started with Reddit

I don't go on Reddit, and have used this spacing since about 1993.

You fucking worthless pieces of shit need to seriously fucking kill yourselves

I don't think bikinis are sexiers than actual sex organs but whatever. If the bikini is sexier it's not because it covers the tits and vag. Many pieces of clothing cover tits and yet not all of them are sexier than actual tits. Bikini is sexy because it covers too little. Not to mention the image of a nude fertile female is readily available whenever provided you have an internet so it loses sexual appeal over time. Then yeah I can see how nude Merkel isn't sexy at all. But Merkel in a bikini is still far less sexy.

>americans being prudes
nothing new here

let's be real, it's because you're ashamed of your disgusting fat body

Being naked is not about vulnerability because being naked is supposed to be a superpower where I can let all my magical energies loose on the planet and all existence


>gets triggered by double spacing

Where do you fags even come from?

Anyone you disagree with you is a shill. Anyone who uses double spacing is from Reddit.

What level of faggy retardedness did you have to achieve to become so simple-minded?

Superior Aryan skin pores secrete pheromones that scare away ticks.

>Muslims cover up their women and punish them for the slightest exposure
>DDR has FKK-beaches where everyone is naked and can relax

Modern MENA or DDR in the 80's, where would you be afraid of sexual crime as a woman?

t. Not even a socialist

Actually I'm fit.

Have been my whole life

The key is to NEVER let yourself go. It's easier to just stay fit your whole life

>not this

Been fit my whole life. Workout and am muscular.

Some of us like to balance out the obese fucks in our country

pic related is me

Explain to me why you don't like speedos again. You americans are so afraid of showing skin or volume it almost resembles how Islam treats women.
Stop being (fat) pussies.

Not even close.

There is basically no return on investment going past "muscular and fit" unless you can make it rich.

Women also aren't as attracted to super huge guys as people think.

Women don't like the idea that her man will spend more time looking at himself than he does looking at her.

I would be afraid as a non covered woman in Sweden actually. More so if I was naked on a beach with some newer Swedish citizens.

Nudism doesn't lead to rape. It leads to sexual depravity.

How is that? Why would anyone become homo from the acceptance of the fact that he has a dick?

Speedos aren't even comfortable.

When I was on a swim team it looked and felt weird.

Boxer briefs at least feel like a natural covering with material being in all the right places.

I'm perfectly fine with my nudity, and in fact I enjoy having sex out in nature and have no problem being nude AT THE RIGHT TIME AND PLACE.

Theres not a woman on the planet who wouldn't like my body, but that doesn't mean my nude body is for everyone to see.

I look great and am comfortable nude but humans should be covered up.

I'll just leave this here:

It's for degenerate commies.

The problem is that nudists don't feel any sexual urge from seeing someone else naked. Nakedness by itself doesn't imply sexualization in that context, unlike in the casual society

Or just degenerates in general.

>Speedos aren't even comfortable.
Speedos are comfy af. They're supposed to fit as a glove and feel like you're not wearing anything. It's not meant to crush your junk. Just admit you are so ashamed about what other people will say.

What si homo? Dicks are natural and we must accept that we have them and be relaxed about it. Come on, let's twist each other's dicks, they're as jnatural as our hands, we should not be ashamed of them dude. They have nothing to do with sexuality. Simply don't think of sex as you grip my cock. Easy and natural, right?

>Women also aren't as attracted to super huge guys as people think.
Depends on the women. Some find that build irresistible just like some women fine ugly dudes over 6'5" irresistible.

Also women are vain so some will be turned off by a very attractive man, but most won't.

oh god why

I must puke
>Pure pain in my eyes

You are unbelievably dumb. No wonder your country is changing her alphabet to the latin one.

>The problem is that nudists don't feel any sexual urge from seeing someone else naked.
That's unnatural. It's a taught skill. A white baby cries at the sight of nigger but later in life is taught to accept the nigger. Same way nudists block sexual thoughts, as an effort. At first they are ashamed of being naked around other naked people but then they learn to block the shame. Then they confuse being rid of shame with relaxation or surge of self confidence. It's the same as wearing tight shoes for the relief of taking them off. Stupid unnatural practice. Very harmful for sexuality and ability to get a stiffy later on in life.

Do not recommend, seriously. Nothing aryan about it.

Wtf, is that Gavin? Why does he love showing people his penis so much?

Thanks for the hot news nigger. Are you aware your own country uses latin alphabet nigger?

>(((British))) women are the best in the wo-

Why? Is it the pubes?

Because he is a degenerate liberal, paid by a Jew to larp as a conservative and subvert any real opposition.

That's why I said you're dumb. How can you even breathe.

Lol who tf is a "nudist" that isn't old or fat. Clothes are awesome because they accentuate your figure.

There is plenty of truth to that.

People who are physically attractive tend to protect it and guard it like a true asset.

When everyone gets to see you naked it cheapens it

They don't block anything in fact. If you see a shitload of sweets all around would you really want them as bad as a starving kid? Doesn't seem legit
You stop sexualizing the body when you see it all over the place. Not wanting something anymore is not the same as turning your mind away by force

Do you ever forget and answer the door?

>If you see a shitload of sweets all around would you really want them as bad as a starving kid?
That's not an asrgument dude. A starving kid would eat the sweets. That's a rapist arab on a nudist beach. A normal, not starving man would see the sweets as edible, so if he were hungry he could stuff his face. An abnormal man would think that the sweets are anything but edible. There's something wrong with that second man. Whether he thinks of sweets as inedible by means of concious effort or he simply doesn't eat, he's not normal.

Normal people sexualize naked body. It's tied to their ability to have sex and procreate. What do you sexualize if not naked bodies? Are you going to impregnate anime? How are you going to have a hard on when push comes to shove? It's unhealthy and again not recommended.

Easy Borat...

african niggers do not sexualize breasts. I wonder why...

People of Nudity are an oppressed minority in our cis-sexist Patriarchal society, clothes are a social construct, and clotheralnormative bigots LIKE YOU need to check your 'going in public without being constantly discriminated against by shopowners and people in general who are all obsessed with stare-raping you at all times' privilege. Also, if you disagree with any part of what I just said, you are an evil racist neonazi skinhead white supremacist literal clone of Hitler and I've already hidden all of your physically violent, hate-speech replies and called the police.

You do not sexualize your relatives because you see them every day. But incest rate is hight in the cases when relatives were separated for a long time

>When everyone gets to see you naked it cheapens it
Implies exchange of money for nudity. Porn has ruined something natural for you. That's too bad.

Is good until winter comes.

Follow this link to understand the beginnings of the FKK movement. romanticism nudism&pg=PA274#v=onepage&q=german romanticism nudism&f=false