go live in the bush with the brownies.
>What is the consent of the governed?
>What is the consent of the governed?
But you consent to living in the specific country so you pay taxes to that country.
What seems so be the problem?
>Governing principle behind all democracies and republics.
Hurr durr thefit is always bad
>live under the rule of the King
>doesn't follow the King's rule
>get killed or leave
times were simpler back then.
You can't really consent to a job either if the alternative is starvation.
>But you consent to living in the specific country so you pay taxes to that country.
Country does not equal government.
Just vote to stop paying taxes.
you can refuse taxation -- just leave the country if you do
You will never make it in this life
yea, like hotel is not equal to building right? You pay not only for roof but for the other things as well...
Governments are like big companies that have territories. When you want to have Internet, you have to pay for it. If you want to live on a territory owned by a certain government, you have to pay for it.
lol OP thinks he has to live here
Stay classcucked friendo
Why starvation, are you unable to grow and gather your own food? Even animals are able to.
>But you consent to living in the specific country
try to leave then
or maybe the fact that most of us are okay with contributing to the societal infrastructure that allows us all to live our lives instead of living in a lawless wasteland where we get to keep every penny we earn
> Choosing to live under a government that has a stable economy and many public services isn't giving consent.
You are free to leave and live in a shithole country.
If you live in a country you always benefit from living there. You can't really not ever use any public roads or not benefit from the government keeping the populace and borders safe/stable through policing and military.
Capitalist class owns the land and means of production. Nowhere to grow food.
Capitalist class has overexploited the environment and the wildlife/fish stocks are too low to sustainably harvest.
You won't have a problem moving to Uganda. The only time you'll have a problem is if you try to move to another developed country where you will many benefits.
wtf I hate roads now
Why don't they just fund everything by charging for the use of roads?
Magical fairy dust
Just so we are 100% clear, your argument is that because someone fails to avoid something, that person consents to that something happening to them, yes?
You sign your right to consent to taxes away once you become a citizen of a state. Its part of the deal bud.
Why do dickheads go to such extremes?
The simple truth is taxes are too high and the government WASTES money on Foreign Aid (niggers and jews) and toxic needless regulation.
Bullshit. Australia has property prices through the roof - but nothing stops people moving to small country towns where they can buy houses and a block of land capable of producing all the veggies and eggs one would need to subsist, at about the third of the cost of any inner city property.
Not having your own farm is one thing - not having your own productive garden is a lifestyle decision.
>foreign aid and regulation
how about military grants and farm subsidies, retard
Your country is the only one that spends such a ridiculous amount on military, so I won't apply it to all governments. I'm all for USA to stop policing the world and other nations having to beef up their own for defense, but USA doesn't REALLY want that.
Acttually it's called mutualization.
right, fair enough.
This makes sense for immigrants, but not for born citizens.