Is this an accurate portrayal of society?
Is this an accurate portrayal of society?
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nice guy should just go out with other nice guys, if you are alone you only can blame yourself.
>lusting after the vaginal jew
Fagget beta tier post.
>40% of the population is female
>60% of the population is male
no, it isn't
just because he's not a pussy, doesn't mean he's a jerk
me on the right
No. The nice guy isn't wearing a fedora and he isn't 400+ pounds.
its called having balls
Women at the end of the day want to be controlled
>aryan girl is a bitch
>dark haired jewess is a sweet girl
Hello Schlomo.
Reminds me of that image bluepilled mgtow fags used to post here about not dating blondes and Christian girls.
Life is not fair. Women are hypergamous and a lot of young men become angry little dudebros to try to be "real men" to take back their masculinity that they felt was stolen from them. The whole way of doing things is degenerate.
When will we start shipping the ((("""Nice guys"""))) to the concentration camps?
Girls talk about wanting a nice guy and you people actually believe it. Since when has a girl ever been able to accurately express what she wants? Obviously you've never gone clothes shopping with a girl before if you think that. No, girls do not want nice guys, they want many guys, and if the only guys with testosterone happen to be the jerks than that's who they're going to flock towards. So stop being a limp wristed faggot, grow a pair, and save our society.
in a future civilization whee there a more beta males than women, would it be ok for the more effeminate and weaker beta males to get a sex change and be women so the more masculine and stronger beta males get gfs?
>omg why aren't women paying attention to me I'm a nice guy
Jfc why are these posts allowed on Sup Forums nowadays. This used to be among the most alpha boards a few years ago. Take this shit to /r9k/.
Most "nice guys" are autistic jackasses or serial killers.
Bundy is a nice guy, visited him in prison
already happening bucko
Chad revolution soon. I'm sick of pathetic weaklings thinking their opinion matters.
It's not about being "nice guy" or a "jerk", it's about being a loser or a winner. "Nice guys" usually call themselves that because they are pathetic betas, I used to be a "nice guy" as a teenager, 9 years of boxing later and I am still a nice guy but I am also physically fit and confident, and I have passion about a sport. It's not because you're "nice", it's because you do nothing other than play games and have no confidence. You need to be physically attractive, not even muscular but lean will do. If you are fat it shows you're mentally weak and have no self control.
If you look good it doesn't matter how autistic you behave, it all comes down to sexual attraction.
This. "Nice guys" often confuse confidence, honesty and bantering, etc, with being a jerk.
Bundy got mad pussy though.
>mfw gf called me a nice guy
>instantly started treating her like shit
>we're now happily married for 10 years
This is how girls see you pussies
wouldnt it be gay since they are both men tho?
"Nice Guys" are usually "nice" in a way that makes them seem like an extreme pushover and no woman likes that. In fact most "Nice Guys" are usually socially inept betas basing their idea of romance off of facebook/buzzfeed posts and excusing their lack of confidence by telling themselves that they're just being polite.
Because he wasn't ugly and knew how to talk to women.
All men want sex. Why are nice guys acting like they don't?
This is why they don't get women btw
Is there actually a joke here?
Fucking normie humor is disgusting. They find random pictures and then just attach some topical shit to it.
>random picture of some guy making a silly face
>this is what I look like when my parents vote for Donald Drumpf
I want off this ride
>""""nice guy""""
>showers girls with gifts for giving them an eye glance
>gets angry when the girl doesn't reciprocate
>texts her constantly
>not taking the hint that she thinks you're trying to hard and turning her off
>doesn't depend on women for gratification
>pursues his own goals, women follow naturally
>if a girl is bitchy to him, he acts like he doesn't care which makes the girl come crawling back with wet panties
>always talks to other girls even when he has a girlfriend so he's never starved for pussy
>You can buy a womans attention but you will never have her love, who she will reserve for the guy she fucks behind your back while you put her on your life insurance
>mfw faggot betas will never understand this
Women think they are oppressed if they can't get a date. So they are angry at these so called nice guys because they think that if more and more of them exist, then women won't be able to get dates.
The so-called Nice Guy's problem is that he thinks that being friendly is a useful tactic to get sex or romantic relationships, which it isn't.
If you're friendly to people you will get friends, not lovers or sexual encounters. You have to flirt to get those things.
It's not gay if he wears a skirt
The joke is that its alien act and the betas need to learn their place
I'm a nice guy and even I like the jerk boys. Suck it, loser.
vote for le pen you cheese eating surrender monkey
Have you ever heard of exaggerated humour you autistic burnt oreo
That doesn't work.
That's a picture of a chicken, when I see it I immediately try to figure out what ''nice guys'' have to do with chickens.
The ''joke'' I think is that they're chickens (as in cowards), but maybe she's trying to say that they have small hands.
There is no joke there.
>"these days"
it has always been like this, retard. betas are forever losers
I think I fit under "jerk" and I like sweet girls because you can open up to them without having to worry about them leaving you for having feelings and emotions. You can cuddle with them and kiss them and tell them you love them and read books with them.
Holy autismo. This is why girls avoid you.
The joke is that when betas make a move on you it looks pathetic and you don't take him seriously.
you're autistic mate
If girls want jerks instead of "nice guys" why not be a jerk? I've never understood that.
>mad that alpha males don't get his ''joke''
A lot of you beta's don't get that being an "alpha" has to do with the distribution of resources within the social order. The only reason women even like "good looking/tall men" is that they use to be predictors of material wealth.
Women would much rather be with a man who is passionate and successful. Just look at human elf dennis kucinich. Things like leadership ability make women gawk in aw.
Calling yourself an alpha on a rice farming scroll forum is the least alpha thing you can do
The image portrays a 1:1 mapping of females to males. This is inaccurate; many females often end up involved with the same male. Which is how it's possible for the dregs of the male population to end up with nobody.
>Bright, garish yellow
This guy explained the nice guy meme pretty well. Girls aren't attracted to you because you're a beta cuck, if you cant protect them or be wealthy and provide for them what good are you?
thats what (((you))) get
you used a 9fag meme
The numbers are closer than that and the reason for the difference is very old ladies nobody wants to fuck.
>not taking the 2D-pill
Replace "nice guy" with "non-Dark Triad guy", then it's 100% accurate
If you you're not making a woman scream with orgasms or anger you're a beta.
>the only good guy in the pic is mister nice guy, the other guys are portrayed as bad people
>the hot girl out of his league is a "bitch" apparently
>mister nice guy thinks he's entitled to the plain girl and gets upset when she picks someone else
>"remember that only poor and ugly guys make good bfs! If you want an attractive guy or a guy with a job then you deserve to get beaten!"
I bet the guy who made this is a manlet too.
med girls are sweet
nice divide and conquer Schlomo
>American art critics
No. In that future, they'd settle for waifu robots and artificial womb for having children. It'll be interesting seeing how women justify their continued existence once technology renders their only contribution to humanity (their vagina) obsolete.
>implying meds aren't genetically related to jews
The thing that often gets overlooked is that an actual legit nice guy doesn't end up alone, he just gets the ugly girl leftovers
This is the 9gagiest thing I've seen all week. Kill yourself, OP.
No. You're just trying to date way out of your league, and are bitter about it.
If the "nice guy" is kinda boring, has an undergrad education, is a little overweight, and makes $40k a year? Guess what? The woman he matches up with is also boring, overweight, uneducated and poor.
If a sweet girl is falling for a jerk, she ain't sweet.
go back to 9gag faggot
So you're a gay faggot queer?
You forgot the smooth talkers.
I have seen women lusting after men who, according to them, were rich but turned out to be completely broke. Also, those men managed to smooth talk rich girls into giving them money.
All in all, a nice guy (who isn't wealthy) needs to either be good looking (no work required to get the girl) or a smooth talker (but this requires more work, it's more time consuming and can't take place everywhere. A night club is probably a no no)
A nice guy without money, not particularly good looking and not smooth talker will need to be incredibly lucky to get more than a fatty.
Not for varg
>Fucking normie humor is disgusting. They find random pictures and then just attach some topical shit to it.
I was thinking exactly this. Well worded, Latvia bro.
Sorry to break it to you but you fit under "huge cream chugging faggot" no matter how much you think you're John Travolta in Grease.
>see girl you like
>try to flirt her
>naturally, some douche tries to get in your way
>say "oh nevermind I know tons of people at this place, have fun you two"
>walk away with a confident smile
>girl is bound to believe she made the more boring choice, or rather it was forced on her by this douche
>she'll abaondon the douche and run after you, determined to suck on your face tonight
The 'sweet' girls probably isnt actually sweet if she decided to go out with the scumbag chad.
>Literally back down and let the douche take the girl to fuck, cum inside, and give an STD
>Cyberstalks and finds you, feeling neglected when douche has bailed
>Entraps you with sweet talking
>Meet up and fuck
>"I'm on the pill, cum inside me"
>She lied
>Get her pregnant, get douche STD as well as his sloppy seconds
>Life is ruined
>Douche crushing more pussy
>>she'll abaondon the douche and run after you, determined to suck on your face tonight
Are you calling this a victory?
Hedonists are braindead.
She'll abandon the douche almost immediately if she believes you're the more promising candidate. A man's most useful maneuver in dating is a well done show of confidence.
There, now the gender imbalance is fixed.
Fat girl is not represented. Jerk fucks her behind nice girl's back.
tht pic is literally my life "cry every time"
Going further with this, this is why you dont go out with someone you dont personally know as a friend, well enough to know they're actually nice and not a scumbag roastie who just likes to be seen as 'cute.'
Pure waifu or wizard powers only.
This is the pill no one wants to take, but this picture is so accurate
no, jerk still gets bitch. him being rich is a bonus
jerk also isn't even a jerk. he's just a guy who has confidence and doesn't whiteknight
''nice guy'' is just a code word for effeminate, quiet and boring. women aren't attracted to that
>ugly wants the nice guy and not the jerk
Isn't NATGEO sexist now, I only saw one male and no females. So is this confirmation that the left creates their own problems?
>women aren't attracted to that
Well they fucking should be. What the fuck do they offer other than their body? Their thoughts are generic and vapid. I see groups of these made up girls and I can just tell there's not an original thought between them. And they have the audacity to demand men be interesting and successful to make up for their shortcomings.
You mislabeled the looser as nice guy but other than that, sure.
not so fast
you're forgetting about the thirsty virgins
Heh yeah. One problem is that women will date ugly guys if they got other stuff going for them. Or if they love them for whatever reason. But men tend to be more visual and they want to date at least somewhat within their league looks-wise.
Obesity's a big problem. Women are fatter than men in the US now. Men are working out and getting in shape because women don't like fat, weak men. Yet so many women refuse to put any effort because they shouldn't have to do anything to please men because MUH PATRIARCHY and they can still get laid whenever.
It's not like women have to be thin nowadays. Especially not with the THICC meme catching on kek. Just not extremely obese.
>Well they fucking should be
no, they shouldn't. just like men shouldn't be forced to be attracted to red haired landwhales with pig faces
natural selection
They're too obnoxious and lack awareness to even be nice though. She only wants nice guys.
But that means either douche already had an STD or has now contracted one from the girl.
Checkmate Chad.
Since I started to work in a law firm I'm terrified of anything related to marriage. I feel for all those men.
You forgot the fat women (more than 70% of the western women).