Why are Germans so eternally asshurt against us? I've seen them laughing at the Rotherham rapes - they hate us more than muslims? Why?
Someone explain this to me
Because Brittain didnt fell for german trickery and therefore challanged their hegemony.
Haven't a clue chap
>they hate us more than muslims? Why?
Because they are Muslims
Still triggered by my thread? :^)
Because they're cucks.
That is all.
>cant handle shitposting
op sounds like a big gay loser
they are not. only asshurt entities against you right now are some argentinian and spanish nationalists. the rest of the world is not even aware that you exist.
It was what triggered this desu. You are so asshurt
>le shitposting xD
if you can't realise when people are serious then you have aspergers
You.. The turk faggot, I hope the Germans kill you.
Maybe the ARYAN BLOOD refineries?
Why do you persecute them?
le ebin meme bro xD
Germans have no culture besides beer sausage and sunbed theft.
they hate us cause they ain't us.
My question still stands. Why do they hate us? Or is what
said true? The ones that do are Turkish diaspora?
Friendly reminder that
rhymes with
I would ask the question the other way round? Why did you come to hate us so much? For centuries we had a common rival, France, and were on good terms due to royal marriage bonds, cultural similarity etc. But then, after the formation of our Reich, you started calling us huns, brutes and uncivilized, got totally asshurt about our strategical maneuvering in Belgium and ended up allying with France. And thus, our country, our hopes and our culture were destroyed.
deffo. i told him to shut it last thread so he runs off crying like a bitch to a new thread and drops this turd of a discussion. embarrassing!!
that's actually really autistic humour
We don't hate you at all. We allied with France because everyone was allying with everyone. We picked the side that gave us the most chances. Still, we don't hate you.
You are the embarrassing one that doesn't even stand up for his country when someone shits all over it lmao. How do you even live with yourself?
>our country, our hopes and our culture were destroyed.
As was theirs :^)
>being this assmad over a kraut with newspaper cutouts
We still have numerous possessions and our military is one of the best in the world. AKA, global superpower.
What made you so mad?
>start Brexit referendum for no other reason than pitiful unwarranted patriotism
>Europe absolutely slaps you across the mug in trade negotiations
>weep a lot on the internet about being the oppressed party, whole world laughs at the irony
>Prime Minister triggers new elections because she's sick of your whining
>more than 50% of your population are now ashamed of being British
>"Why are Germans so eternally asshurt against us?"
>Posts pic
>Why they hate us tho
Friend, you're on a place where crab mentality is full effect.
>At least we're not in EU
>At least we don't have rotherham
>muh 65%
Tbh germans mostly don't care much about the brits.
Germans are subhuman
We haven't forget that the Anglos inveteted the Konzentrationslager in the boar war.
Anglos are traitor in nature.
But also i hope you get rid of your Muslim infection.
Stop responding to these threads.
Just sage, hide and ignore.
Eventually when the mods get off their arses he'll be permabanned and maybe the rest of German posters will also be permabanned. It's needed, you're shitting up this board, just like you're shitting up Europe.
>they hate us cause they ain't us
tbqh that's part of it for sure. I sometimes feel a lot of jealousy regarding England. You spread your culture and language around the whole world and were incredibly successful both in scientific and cultural progress. It probably wouldn't bother me if I were a Pole or something, but it's just that Germany had a very uncomfortable place just behind the most successful nations were we would have the chance to reach that greatness but didn't actually take it. Think of that story were the German language failed to become the official language of the US by one vote for example. Don't know whether this is actually true but it sure fits in a pattern where Anglo was just always one step ahead from the German.
>Eventually when the mods get off their arses he'll be permabanned and maybe the rest of German posters will also be permabanned. It's needed, you're shitting up this board, just like you're shitting up Europe.
>you're shitting up Europe
>says the Britard
and the irony continues
They're not asshurt. They laugh because they think Britain is a joke. It is.
In most of these places they still speak English desu.
Because Germany clearly won WW2 and instead of accepting defeat and allowing the world to be ruled in a beautiful Anglo-aryan alliance, the British decided to allows the communist Jews of the ussr and USA to take over the world all to save Churchills ego.
>I've seen them laughing at the Rotherham rapes - they hate us more than muslims?
This whole forced meme war between Germans and Brits is so fucking retarded. I cringe every time people on Sup Forums argue about who's more cucked, about WW2 and wish other white nations to get raped by migrants.
I think it does have to do with the amount of newfags we got since 2015. "Le ebin nation banter" has become normal and both Brits and Germans are shitposting this crap all day.
Why would anybody hate the generous Anglos of peace and prosperity in Europe?
this, the UK betrayed us all by siding with the Jews in the 20th century
Speaking English isn't difficult, even britards can do it.
>to save Churchills ego.
And his debts. Copying from another thread:
>As startling as it is true Churchill was a drunkard and gambling addict and the only reason he fought against the nazis was because wealthy jews offered to pay off his gambling debts
>We literally fought on behalf of the jews so that Churchill could keep smoking cigars and drinking booze. I wish I was joking
Nevertheless, WW2 fucked both of us over and I don't see a point arguing with other Sup Forums users just because they're british/german. At the end of the day we want the same thing.
>Speaking English isn't difficult, even britards can do it.
>unwarranted patriotism
You think that's a bad thing don't you? It was to stop refugees.
And I've seen no weeping, nor anyone laughing at us.
The Prime minister is British though so where does that come from? And source to where 50% of people are ashamed of being British?
what are you even saying?
Yeah they, all across this board. And I posted that picture because I thought it was relevant.
Me? I need to be saged?
That's what I hate. This ''banter'' is just division masked and it is seriously autistic and cancer.
You are the American. You are responsible for that alone.
Then get out of this country you stupid fucking tool. What a pathetic moron kek
it isnt even a new fag thing it is a flag thing
flags were a deliberate move by sjw moot to turn us into Sup Forums banter with mild racism
Hahahaha I mad that pic
Eat shit you faggy blonde prick. Germany as a country won't exist in 10 years, you'll just be turkey 2.
Scat fetishist Turk blowing SuperCuck nigger lover.
>Then get out of this country
I will soon. Can't wait to leave your half-breed, Muslim riddled, inbred craphole for the forests of Germania!
Nice try Nigel
>for the forests of Germania!
Welcome home, white man
Germany did fuck up badly for a few times, it's true. We fucked up our own eastern colonization majorly in WWI/II. Could have been worse though. Germans make up a good chunk of american white genetics for example.
>You spread your culture and language around the whole world
Culture, barely so. Canada and Australia are pretty british because they were populated by brits. America is a very unique and special mixture.
Language, yes. Btw that german language vote story is a myth.
>successful both in scientific and cultural progress
Cultural progress is... a debatable concept in the first place. Scientific progress is both quicky spread and not a field where germany needs to be shy.
>Anglo was just always one step ahead from the German
As were the french at times. In the end, it hardly matters. We're all dying all the same now.
why do you want Scotland to take in all the immigrants?
Do it cunt. Faggot diaspora
we will go far far right if we lose little sweden
you can have them, it isnt like your union wont collapse soon anyway
First we will make England our protectorate.
Then our colony.
We still would have a higher population and bigger/better military than you. lol?
>can't even take back gibralta
>expects to take britain
My ancestral homeland calls to me, kinsman.
Enjoy your widening class differences and rampant poverty.
>le "eternal Anglo" meme
>le "eternal Kraut" meme
I wish Brits and Germans here would stop arguing. Germany is the keystone of European culture. Britain doesn't have an Empire, there is literally no reason for the UK to prevent Germany from becoming a strong nation anymore. Real enemy of both Germany, Britain, and the other European nations is the United States. Germany is an occupied country, and was/is an American puppet state. The UK has been America's streetwalker since the second war.
Neither of our countries has any reason to squabble and argue amongst ourselves. What does it achieve? German people are not my enemy, British people are not the enemies of Germany. We have a small Anglo-American and Jewish elite who have used the UK to pursue American economic interests inside the EU, and used Germany as a cultural puppet to control European nations.
The USA is the real enemy of all European peoples. Capitalism, materialism, consumerism, "sexual liberation", pornography, cultural leftism, has all flowed from America since the second world war. Any true European, any true nationalist would sink their differences and say:
NO to Americanisation!
NO to globalisation! and,
NO to multiculturalism!
>This kills the German
ye m8 antifa love israel seems legit
Because it works like domino. Poland is butthurt against Germany, Germany is butthurt against the UK (even though German butthurt is waaay weaker than ours)
lol you're funny
I actually literally agree with everything you've said
>wanting to be a bucktoothed redskinned ugly britbottle
yeah no thanks
Because of all the EU countries, UK is the only one with enough balls to stand up for itself and powerful enough to get away with it
>Culture, barely so. Language, yes.
But these two are so much related. When the whole world knows English of course they know a lot more about English culture too, you can't separate it. Everyone knows about Shakespeare and Sherlock Holmes and James Bond, but who the fuck knows about German literature or films? Of course we Germans were pretty successful with classic music and stuff because that doesn't involve language... And even American culture is of course heavily influenced by Anglo culture just because of it's roots and language.
happy about that one are you mehmet? your days in europe are numbered, the saxon is beginning to hate
>le eternal murrican
Just as stupid as the other memes. The share of white americans that are leftists is SMALLER than that of white brits or white germans.
Pls take them
If this picture is so accurate, why does mainland Europe have Gypsies?
>global super power
Behind the US, Russia and China. It even needs the protection of the US. I really like the brits and I believe the English to be our kin, but seriously Britian isn't a global super power anymore. Sure some islands, a carrier and intercontinental missles are there, but this is at best little bit beyond regional power. It's like those, who want to have Germany as leader of the free world, After Trump was Electro, while our Military isn't able anymore to keep more, than 80 fightet jets operational.
I'd like Scotland to see them thinking the EU will mean independence from UK but they have to do whatever Brussels tells them to and see their country get browner and browner by each passing year.
Brits should have had this thought one or two wars earlier.
>the saxon is beginning to hate
Your island is a mix of romans, french, germans and celts. Held together by pursuit of wealth and power. Noone is scared of you.
germany is full of slav rape babies and t*rks i really dont think you should be running with this point
we don't need the protection of the US
And being behind them isn't weak. We also have nuclear weapons for example.
I like the French better. We should have given them everything west of the Rhine in exchange for everything till the Russian border.
Also, Napoleon had it right: continental embargo incoming.
>muh Germans have no culture
>muh English/British have no culture
The USA *is* the problem. And if you had read any literature from the Nouvelle Droite, or other new-right movements across Europe, you would know that America is the enemy of European identity.
>krauts when le pen wins and france leaves the cuckshed union
Two world wars one world cup.
but was it really worth it in the end?
This guy gets it.
>Someone explain this to me
see this pic? that's Hans' grandma right there in the middle kneeling down and earning some cigarettes from some nice GIs in Passau, May 1945. Hans' other grandma is in soviet controlled Berlin; she was fucked in three holes and sadly there were no cigarettes for her. Even sadder, there was no photos either.
And that is what what Hans has to deal with, psychologically; no self respect. And the only way to internally combat this shame is to debase others- in this case, YOU- and he will use British girls lured and raped by Pakistanis. Hans must grind the pedals on this cycle of abuse to balance his complete and crippling lack of pride. Hans has none, so he wants to take yours too.
Don't let him, Britbong. Ignore Hans, unless you want something from him of course- in which case, offer him a cigarette- he knows how to earn those.
Success breeds jealousy.
I can only speak for myself and say that I have nothing against the British and you probably just fell for some shill.
Europe (what's left from it) is the most beautiful place on earth from the UK to Greece.
We need to defend its heritage.
That's why I only hate our governments and blue pilled dimwits that support Islam and the mass immigration of 3rd world subhumans (Turks here and Pakis to your place).
Thank you. I have nothing really against Germany either
The Germans did get their collective shit pushed back in by the Allies. They passively hate us, but I think deep down, they admire us and wish they were us. I think it's a little more pointed when it comes to the British because Brits made the Krauts look pretty bad.
Brits are a lot smarter than they are. The proof is in history itself.
"America" is as much a monolithic entity as germany is.
You are both butthurt at each other and keep making threads of each other, the French are actually the least butthurt out of the three.
>French are actually the least butthurt out of the three.
Not true, they just can't communicate their butthurt because their English is shit. If they had Frogchan, it probably would be filled with Germany hate threads 24/7.
I know an English woman whose grandfather was taken as a POW in Germany. When the Americans occupied this country and used it as a launch pad to attack Germany, she had an a semi-forced affair with an African-American GI, who went back to the United States. When this British soldier was released, poor man, he came back to England to find a black baby in his house. He raised it, literally became a cuckold after watching his friends in the BEF get blown to pieces, He hanged himself eventually. Many such cases.
All your picture, and my story (which is true before people say I'm making it up) say is that America conquered and subjugated Europe. America was, and is, the enemy of all European people.
I mean 20th century American "culture", neo-liberal capitalism, and the American political elite. The elite strata of America is a rats nest of amoral bankers, Jews, and imperialists. We have lived in a global American empire for the past 60 years.
Because it's 2017, dreckige Anglosau.