Tumblrina stops hating white people

how does this make you feel?

Haha yea I do that. Don't want to get run over

We do it because we actually care about others unlike nignogs whom leave their women and child at first, possible opportunity.

We should start a redpilling operation for Tumblr. Let's spam some infographics and memes over there and turn them into national socialists. That way the Sup Forumsacks could get some white women to start families with.

Woah.. I am ok with being rapidly bred out and replaced with unchecked migration from third world nations now..

worst idea i've ever seen

I don't care. This isn't politics or current event related.

probably written as a joke, but if she keeps thinking about it she could get redpilled
>keep noticing white people hustling out of her way
>only white people do this
>niggers fucking stare you down and saunter across at a snails pace
>niggers will just walk across the street whenever they want doesn't have to be a walk sign
>soon she will get angry when simply seeing niggers on the side of the street

Niggers are animals, they just expect the traffic to stop for them if they don't make it

They are not ready for civilisation, no brown people are

killing some time triggering some tards sounds like a great idea

even asians do this its the fucking worst

it's interesting that not matter how much whites donatem scientific research or diseases we wipe out, this is the only thing they remember. Fucking subhumans

>White people tend to be considerate of others.

Who else is shocked by that revelation?

Only white people do the considerate half jog thing.
Non whites LITERALLY walk slower.

When I'm running and I'm crossing in front of streets that enter/exit neighborhoods, if a car pulls up and I'm going to be in their way, I bump it up to 2x speed until I'm beyond that intersection.

I often wonder if anyone gives a shit but I always do it and always will. Also am evil white male.

This right here senpai. City drivers are maniacs.

>t. First week on the internet

It already happened actually

>This right here senpai. Non white drivers are maniacs.
Fixed for you

why is that. ive been playing with the thought of spreading propaganda in every single corner of the internet. imagine if everywhere the leftists go, there are red pilling infographs and swastikas. no safe places. eventually they would all break.

checking in. white male who does the half jog thing.

White people are the only ones who use these things at the grocery store

yeah to niggers and arabs, people who are considerate are considered weak.
that's why their countries are dirty, crime ridden shit holes because nobody wants to be a "bitch ass nigga" as they say.

but to be fair white people did take the consideration thing to far, y'know white man's burden, white genocide and all that.
we should have left them to rot in their own shit instead of giving them infrastructure.

Sometimes I sprint across the street when the pedestrian light turns green, just to watch the reactions of the people around me. It's really quite amusing. Maybe it has something to do with my autism

I'm the most considerate pedestrian out there. I move quickly across the street when there's a car waiting, and I give the car the right of way at crosswalks. I'm a white male.

The converse is the typical slow jaywalker I see. Every time, it's a black male, but less considerate pedestrians than me come in all shades and sizes.

>Considerate of others
This has contributed to our downfall; being TOO considerate of non-whites.


Only whites possess and actual functioning conscience.
Asians sometimes have the appearance of having one, but it is fundamentally based on societal pressure. Only whites have the ability to internalize a moral code which allows them to think, "no one will punish me for blocking the street for a few seconds, but I don't wish to inconvenience other people regardless of the fact that I don't know them."
Whereas blacks for example on trial for murder will literally be perplexed at why the jury should want to punish them for brutally raping and murdering someone that the jury wasn't a relative of. This is corroborated by the testimonies of numerous public defenders who have defended negroes guilty of capital murder.

Sometimes I put my hand down my pants and masturbate furiously while looking at pornography.

In the US, white dads like to buy their daughters monster trucks.

>being decent is being white

wew lads. do niggers really not understand if they act nice other people act nice also?

I'm sure those daughters don't put the pedal flat as soon as it goes orange, before narrowly missing several cars and pulling to a stop right on top of the next crossing

Brown people are fucking savages, I want them out of my country - out of yours - out of all of our previously nice white countries

That kinda warms my heart

>the jap is right again
Even after anime, we shouldn't nuke you guys again

t. faggot

infographics are too comprehensive for someone to sit and read

this is a white identity politics board

what the fuck is "that jog thing"?


kek I postulate that being considerate of others is a white male trait.

I don't think it's such a bad idea, we could start playing this from the "LOL IRONIC FASCISM" angle by posting fashwave and work from there.

>i've never seen a black person before, but here is my take on them

Speedwalking... and to be fair, I'm pretty sure everyone finds speedwalking funny

I know black people do that shit to each other too because I know a black guy who will get out of the car and go "MOVE YOU DUMB NIGGERS" and then they bolt.

No, only the retarded (aka niggers) do

Yo look at dat white boi bein a bitch now watch me take 5 solid minutes to cross da road y'all

Fucking niggers

most amount of exercise we white people get is the half jog thing

it would be better to start with generic conservatism or libertarianism first. Remember tha most people on tumblr are fully indoctrinated already so it seems futile

>Remember tha most people on tumblr are fully indoctrinated already so it seems futile
That is the thing: people who are easily convinced by the left can also be easily redpilled. In my opinion, people that are hardest to redpill are determined centrists like Sargon of Akkad and "DUDE WEED LMAO" kinds of libertarians.

t.former liberal

>t. a swarthy fellow

Reminds me of the subversion tactic Sun Tzu talks about.