How many actually scientists or grad students browse Sup Forums? I despise the fact that the ((march for science)) is said to represent every scientist while there are just a bunch of MLP-tier hipsters with signs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Political people who are science retards invade science with their retarded ideology.
Scientists then invade politics to call them retarded.
It's fair. Corrupted politicians need to get told to fuck off. Scientists know science better than a politician does.
>or don't
>be a cuck of the politicians
>claim the scientists are all politically acting
>trump knows physics better than scientists
I'm working on my PhD in plasma physics.
The original idea of having a march by scientists to voice concerns about preserving support for research and technology in the new administration was fine. I don't fully agree with their fears of the new administration, but I can understand them.
The problem is that, just like Occupy Wall Street, protests like this nowadays inevitably get infiltrated and overtaken by the social justice/identity politics/soft-science crowd and half the people who actually organized the protest in the first place bail on it. So instead of the protests yesterday being about the importance of continued support for science education and scientific research - it was another far-left wankfest ranting about muh immigration, muh multiculturalism, muh racism, muh transgender, etc etc etc.
I'm working on degree for biomedical engineering.
Hate this whole "leftist = science" bullshit. They make it out to be that they are so logical and "the intellects held down by the Republican savages" but never stop and actually think.
I hate this world saturated with pseudo-intellectuals that thrive on buzzwords and being on the "right side of history."
nice larp
you'd be surprised
Im an evolutionary biologist. The entire biology field is filled with extreme leftist that are changing the definition of science. My colleagues are publishing studies supporting the ectinction of males. It is a heavily female-dominated field and every single one of them is oppressed.
Got to keep my head down
Been in STEM and finance for a while user. Never graduated. Still study a lot of STEM stuff in my spare time when I'm working.
Interested in Thermodynamics and Complexity Theory amongst other things at the moment.
Msc, defended last year, currently working as a research assistant in aquatic ecology.
March for science is a meme appropriated by SJWs with a couple of real scientists sprinkled in so they can ask for more funding.
>My colleagues are publishing studies supporting the ectinction of males
Wtf does this even mean? Do you mean your colleagues outside of STEM in gender studies? Because that sentence has no scientific merit.
>Im an evolutionary biologist
>The entire biology field is filled with extreme leftist that are changing the definition of science.
but is evolutionary biologists specifically leftist nonsense? You would think they would be the most based after evolutionary psychologists since they are exposed first-hand to the gender differences every day.
MSc here. March for Science has been a joke ever since they decided they wanted to "increase diversity" in the STEM field as one of their primary messages instead of just focusing on 1 single message that science should be defended in the Trump administration. SJW faggots are ruining science with bullshit like underrepresented minorities in the field. When I was in college being a white male was the minority and indian/chinese females were the majority in all the courses I took. The fact that blacks and white women don't bother do apply in the STEM field is their own personal faults for lack of interest and not some boogeyman such as institutional discrimination. What a joke.
Im just a nigga with a rocket launcher
Not technically science as a whole, but in two weeks I'll have a B.S. in electrical engineering. I've taken many courses on semiconductor physics, which is more science than the vast majority of people attending the march for science will ever have. It's nice to be in a field that is inherently not political - there's no debating how analog circuits work. Though I still know plenty of libs from my classes, I think this is just inherent from living in an incredibly liberal college town. And moreover, none of the liberals I know from my classes went to the march. This is because, of course, the march wasn't really about science. It's another excuse to scream about how much you hate Trump for a few hours. Idiots who saw a Bill Nye episode once and now consider themselves to be scientists are the ones who went. People who got high and watched the cosmos and are now so much more enlightened than us commonfolks were the attendees. Not real scientists.
>evolutionary biologist
>Not filled with extreme leftists
You brought this upon yourself.
>The fact that blacks and white women don't bother do apply in the STEM field is their own personal faults for lack of interest and not some boogeyman such as institutional discrimination
I work in STEM, and we have almost evenly distributed russians, spaniards/portugese, dutch, englishmen and natives. almost no turks and not a single black dude.
MSEE work in corporate lab as researcher.
STEM is already one of the most diverse fields out there. You have a huge mix of whites, Indians, and Asians. But because one minority group is missing, it's somehow not diverse.
The true hallmark of a wise political 'scientist' is one who admits what he knows and what he doesn't. Many politicians were scientists first, politicians second (as it should be, except for Bill Nye type idiots). I agree that there are lots of political 'people' who have opinions on things they shouldn't, but lets not discredit the entirety of people who don't have a phd in organic chem who have atleast some kind of opinion.
electrical engineer here
The Living Holy Bible is Intelligencia beyond illuminatis.
OP said scientists not engineer fags
I'm a mechanical engineer and my day-to-day work will have actual, measurable impact on the engine emissions in pooland.
These March for Science fuckers are absolutely disgusting. I will have done more for their stupid climate change than 100,000x of these Pokemon Go playing, Harry Potter reading losers.
Doctor of Pharmacology here.
These people love science, as long as it confirms their views. I would fall under an expert opinion in certain areas, i.e. cannabis as a therapeutic, or effects of estrogen on me, ect.
I have seen these shrill lords waving their red books while praising Carl Sagan call me incompetent and uneducated. They love to pull single articles to support their claims, while ignoring bodies of text books and other journal articles. These people will take opinions written by a blogger about science and call it science, while ignoring the source material or the authors discussion.
They have this sick romanticizing of "nerd culture" which they assume makes up science and by adopting it they are a defacto part of science. They then, with all their arrogance, feel entitled to profess their opinion which is now justified by their "intellectualism."
They are disgusting.
I am an international scientist, born to boomers. I own firearms, I hunt, I like motorcycles and cars. I can't stand shows like Dr. Who or Rick and Morty. I am pretty much the anti-persona of their stereotype, and this is enough for them to assume I am ignorant.
Fuck these LARPers
I have a masters in physics
Electrical engineering is one of the most science heavy engineering fields out there, behind perhaps only nuclear and chemical. Mechanical engineering bros give the rest of a us a bad rep.
Then I apologise mate
I can agree on that, it pisses me off so much that Bill Nye has the rep of being a scientist when all he has a degree in Mech Engineering
MD student here. It sounds like a false flag, they specifically mentioned a "hashtag march every weekend" form of protest after the inaguration, and it is losing steam fast, so now ((they)) are just using meaningless gestures to get bandwagoners to come be warm bodies for their ((peaceful)) protests.
Still waiting for the collection of special snowflakes to generate at least some cohesive message beyond "trump is a big ole meanie pants"
The problem is that in the process of trying to increase ((diversity)) they have lowered the standards of who participates in the fields of science, and because those ignorant shits are incapable of producing anything of value or working within the field by contributing to it, they become administrators and HR people in charge of choosing the next generation of accepted applicants. This leads to further watering down and degradation of the foundation of great minds these fields require a priori.
>why don't the smart ones become administrators?
Because the notion of spending a decade or more in educational training so you can push papers and live in a bureaucratic shit box is abhorrent to anyone with a functioning synapse.
>how do you fix it?
Be a mentor, find curious minds within the few that manage to slip through the cracks in the ((progressive)) new generations and teach them the truth of the situation and encourage their belief to look after one another rather than meaninglessly participate in divisive and undercutting competitive behaviors.
Not a scientist tho.
>they become administrators and HR people in charge of choosing the next generation of accepted applicants. This leads to further watering down and degradation of the foundation of great minds these fields require a priori.
This is exactly what has been happening with all the soft fields like psychology and sociology; I never thought it could happen to STEM fields.
How am I not? I am not a Doctor of Pharmacy (ie a Pharmacist) I am a Pharmacologist. I invent drugs.
I'm a postdoc in bioinformatics, got my PhD last year and I'm doing stuff related to population genomics.
Math student. Studied number systems for a while after uni but then changed to working mostly with cryptography and computer languages, and work these days is much more practically oriented. Done it for about 10 years.
Yeah science march people are idiots. The whole thing is (atheist) values based, not science based. Real science & math is damned boring tbqh.
statistics PhD reporting in
mechanical engineering is inspiring tho and it can get as mathematical as it wants
I'm in a field of Applied Physics. The typical grad student is foreign and only care about politics to the extent that it affects their visa and immigration status. The rest defaults to blue-pilled politics but will agree that SJW-tier soft-science/identity politics have gone too far if challenged.
Working on my PhD right now. Instead of a "Decolonize science" sign I would've been holding one that read "Depoliticize science".
Remember Sup Forums that science is our only hope to get to the stars, be immortal cyborgs and all that other cool shit. These faggots are ruinning science and making research fields taboo to push their political agendas.
Don't be a redneck asshole that "hates science" just because of these events. Keep a critical mind; support good empirical research and denounce politicized science.
PhD physical chemistry. The people behind these marches are not scientists. No real scientist has enough time to participate in shit like this. The people who participate are the adjunct professor and the professors who are soley teaching professors that do no research, as well as delusional grad students who will graduate with less than 3 publications. The rest are plebs who think Elon musk is a genius and Neil Tyson is heavensent, and have never heard of real scientists like feynmann, kasha, Fermi, etc
>Real science & math is damned boring tbqh
THIS. I can't stress this enough. Science is not a 30 second Facebook video. It is crunching difficult math, memorizing pages of laws and formulas, and trial and error. I hate how it is romanticized to be "fun and qwerky XD" thanks to shit like the Big Bang Theory and the I Fucking Love Science facebook page.
BS Biology, planning to get a MS in synthetic Bio
Lots of people in the private chemical industry are rather apolitical and care more about what regulations may affect their jobs.
Good thread.
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry. 60+ publications.
I hate liberals with a passion and am really sick of tards like Nye.
Chemical engineer reporting
March for science was pseudo-intelligentsia: the meetup. It's funny how many (((social sciences))) students and grads try to align themselves with STEM students and grads when they haven't got the talent or usefulness necessary to qualify them to do so.
Science is just a bunch of cultural marxist tranny bullshit.
>crtl f
>5 PhDs/students in this thread, most in STEM
>PhDs are 1% of the population, and that includes easy PhDs like Philosophy and Gender Studies
Honestly I'm not going to trust anyone who claims they have a PhD in this thread.
Currently a biochemistry student at uni. I hate people who believe science has a side on the political spectrum. I think a lot of it comes from though that people see the right as reduction in funding while the left = more funding. Of course as I hope to base myself in the industry the more funding the better but at the same time I don't see how the lefts "Lets fund everything" is actually achievable regardless as to how ideal. I think it's important for science to also stand up as commercially viable and I think the right provides better conditions for that. Of course a lot depends on what you're researching and to get private investment in science is extremely difficult because you require a lot of funding without guarantee of finding what you hope or initially expect to.
I wonder how many of them would still "fucking love science" while I am snapping mouse necks and harvesting spleens of 20 mice every week.
I think this pic sums up the rallies.
Someone who clearly has no scientific background attending just to rant about how much they hate Trump. I can just picture them making their sign and thinking, "Gee, I know what the periodic table is! So smart XD", as if everyone and their mother didn't know what the periodic table was.
I'm a software engineer
Just get me the fucking PK/PD already and quit complaining about the formulations.
Telecommunications enginner reporting
Why are there so many women there? Isnt stem supposed to be a boys only club or something like that according to the libtards
Tons of code monkeys also
actually people who visit Sup Forums are not a very homogenous cross section of the earth population. I'd say whe have a lot of PhD (-student)s here
My med school no shit organized a "safe space" with numerous counsellors to help the ((psychological stresses)) of Trump being elected. This in a school where a majority of the students will have to explain to a grieving family that their child did not make it through the surgery or finally succumbed to cancer. I would say I am amazed but I went to a highly ranked undergraduate school program and found just as many morons with ((delicate)) dispositions in my and many other programs who are completely vulnerable to any sort of controversy or hard reality, and that because of the nature of that program, are more or less in a track to seek graduate education because their bachelors was insufficient to find appropriate work.
This problem dates back to the 60's when the national zeitgeist was aimed at defeating the "old boy's club" phenomenon, not realizing that the stringent requirements for participation in their academic programs were put in place to weed out the very populations of incompetents who now have malignantly infiltrated every level of our administrations. If we don't start acting against this now we significantly risk the eventual complete destruction of our academic institutions and this will carry over extreme costs to both our nation and the world economy.
There are many problems with the modern era of ((progressivism)), but these i feel are some of the worst.
I think he means you don't own a science blog
What is happening, is the researchers that live off government grants, for their social "science research are worried they will have to get real jobs. As it stands, the US offers billions of dollars in grants to researchers.
made me kek.
A lot of people in higher positions are very red pilled. They border on Nihilism when it comes to what others are doing and are very self-focused. I would not be surprised that a lot of us are on Sup Forums. For myself, other sites annoy the shit out of me, The massive censorship is a huge part of it, and the lack of anonymity. Academia is infected with liberalism, especially in the administration departments.
had this same thought earlier, made a post if anyone feels like reading
she obviously is a scientist. haven't you seen the shirt?
But it's Sup Forums, you're picking a random US citizen here.
I'm in med school, passed the 1st year so i'm guaranted to be a doctor in some field at least, not sure if people consider that science, i don't, i just study science other people have done so far
I have an MSc. No point getting a PhD because I don't think there's any work and even academia is too crowded
Anyways fuck the march for science. It should be a march to raise awareness and get the government to fun science and development better.
Instead it's being taken over by feminists and reddit liberals
This is something I always find funny as well. A lot of people who are doing these marches seem to think scientists are more like philosophers which sit around pondering about life and the universe and completely forget the extremely clinical nature that exists in the field and the often ethically questionable practices that may sometimes arise. They think because they watch the top 10's of the oceans and universe that they are now to a lesser degree like scientists.
had the same thought earlier, made a post if anyone feels like reading
v o a
>If an user claims he has a PhD, makes 200 grand a year and has a 7 inch penis we should trust him because Sup Forums attracts above average people
Look, I could have said that I had a PhD in synthetic biology and worked for Pfizer and you'd probably trust me somewhat because you assume that there's an intellectual powerhouse behind every 5th post here. I could see this maybe on /sci/ but not on Sup Forums where there's turboshitposting everywhere.
How is plasma physics these days?
My was a plasma physicist, seems to have had lots of papers published that still get cited. I think he left becuase he said there just was not money going to it at the time. Became a corptcuck kinda wish he stuck with it, waste of intellect.
I can believe that there are people with PhDs here. I tend not to believe people who say "i make X a year" though.
Degree: Physics
Interests: gas the skypes race war now
These people are dumb, science was funded more generously under Bush Jr, Sr, and Reagan than under Clinton or Obama despite what microdicks and women (who shouldn't even have a voice to poison the forum) want to believe.
MSc Biomedical research
All the Stalin and Lenin posters on campus should have made me gtfo academia way sooner, but I was a good little brainwashed goy, finishing my degree like a good little bitch back then.
If I ever meet Bill Nye in person I will bitch slap his head of his shoulders for pretending to be a scientist.
not a science, basically calculus with stories
Hey, can you give me the red pill on the pharma industry?
Do vaccines cause adverse side effects in infants?
Does Birth Control reduce the prefrontal cortex in women?
Do Antidepressants burn out neurons?
Give me the inside info
chemist, I work on my master thesis
The "March for Science" is a retarded feel-good gimmick by emotionally stunted leftist millenials who think that watching The Big Bang Theory and pseudo-intellectual YouTube videos by the arrogant, condescending, high-yellow nigger Neil Tyson make them qualified to lecture others on what is scientific and what isn't.
These are the same people who will tell you, with a straight face, that Motumbo from a sub-Saharan African country (average IQ of 80) and Sven from a Scandinavian country (average IQ of 105) are exactly the same and biologically equal.
Still this reeks of bullshit, too many PhDs for just a one-off thread on Sup Forums of all places. Maybe one of you is telling the truth here but most here are lying no doubt.
i have a BS in computer science
do i count? or do i just have a meme degree
A phd can often become a bane to a scientist from what I've been told by friends. It's easy to become over specialized and find yourself stuck in academia following a fellowship as you don't actually have anywhere else to really go. These people will rely heavily on pro university funding governments as it's very much their bread and butter.
i don't have a PhD i'm just in 2nd year of med school
/sci/ is actually filled with undergrads and idiots. the point is, that most people here do not brag about their academic title etc. I know there are a lot of PhDs or PhD students because on Sup Forums it is acutally possible to discuss shit like quantum field theory (happened just yesterday).
but explicitely in every thread I do not give a shit whether you're a pig farmer or an astronaut, it's like the "no girls on the internet" principle
Depends, are you doing actual mathematical work or are you just a code monkey?
I'm a subsea engineer but going back to school in the fall for a masters in aerospace.
March for science is for the IFL Science crowd. AKA:
>Look at me I'm so (((nerdy))) bazinga xD
chemistry graduate student checking in
would have gone to the (((March for science))) with my MAGA hat but I didn't feel like being surrounded, shouted down, and videotaped by a bunch of LARPing faggots
meh, I'm not lying. I've been in labs in academia for about 11 years now.
She looks like she ate the periodic table.
Plutonium would have probably done her well.
Never seen any threads here with actual academic levels of discussion, just wiki and google copypasting.
As long as you enjoy it that's the point. You don't invest in a PhD for the money
depends on your skill as a computer scientist. it is possible to bullshit together your BS with copying from the smart kids, but there are actual clever guys with "only" a BS.
can confirm.
I have the idea academia is like a roach motel for smart people to make them dependent on the state and thus preventing them from using their intellect to ever chance societal structures.
That and Chemistry is baby science
How bad was the March for Science in the Netherlands?
I never heard of this element
It's like that on /sci/, too. And Reddit. And anywhere else online. For that matter, anywhere in real life too. People bragging about shit they don't know is nothing new. It's like when a first grader learns how to tie their shoes and thinks they're hot shit for it.
Dunno, I don't associate with leftists and don't watch the mainstream media.
I'm sure it would be cringy and gay as fuck ofc.
Not resisting the buffet though, stupid fat bitch.
To be honest real scientists were busy working and haven't heard of the March for Science thing. I block out undergrad event bullshit even when it's happening on campus and so do most people I know.
t. real scientist
PhD mathematics, university lecturer for 9 years
must of these marchers are just fags who watch the big bang theory and think they are super scienticians because of it
Plant Pathology.
Globalization was a mistake.
I may be an ass, but I don't lie.