Who is the greatest American ever?
Who is the greatest American ever?
your competition of special olympics is somewhat self contradictory. if you start marketing such pride parade scarecrow for your rainbow purposes that american ceases being great american even if he was great american. it's like that rule 34 only without table to turn around on you.
Patton is the first to come to my mind.
I am very confused on the message you were trying to get across
Bobby Fischer, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski.
>no Arthur Fonzarelli
Fucking kids nowadays.
Nobody cares about you or Lithuania
let me rephrase my point. It's impossible for american to be "great". It's a pride parade weapon designed to disturb equilibrium of equality and justice for all, transforming targeted audience into a fair, a carnival of some sort to be taken advantage of. so once the audience is divided for conquering with such thin lines of toxic energy CIA homos can start using balancing sticks to walk around and start flogging people into the slavery.
literally me
Fonz is jewish as fuck.
Let me rephrase my point as well, Lithuania is probably almost as insignificant as Tasmania. Go ahead and name us some great Lithos!
Wew lad I just wanted to have a friendly conversation about great mericans
JP Morgan
You need to go back.
Romas Kalanta (February 22, 1953 – May 15, 1972) was a 19-year-old Lithuanian high school student known for his public self-immolation protesting Soviet regime in Lithuania. Kalanta's death provoked the largest post-war riots in Lithuania[1] and inspired similar self-immolations. In 1972 alone, 13 more people committed suicide by self-immolation.[2]
Kalanta became a symbol of the Lithuanian resistance throughout the 1970s and 1980s.[3] In 2000, he was posthumously awarded the Order of the Cross of Vytis.
It seems Lithuania loves flamers well that's a start!
just some orwelled bullshit by CIA lemon party gestapo.
Tom Brady
Henry Ford
this, user is the greatest American ever
My dad
Can you leave this thread please?
How dare you insult your countries hero
While history shunned him, it turns out he was right.
Redpill me on Henry my knowledge of him is slim
The one that doesn't have to live with niggers.
Japan is once again corrct
This ^
I think it's trying to say something!
Rockafeller from the businessmen (worth $400B in modern usd)
Tesla from the nerds
Distributed anti-Jew pamphlets and also won the Grand Cross of the German Eagle.
I wonder if one of those stars on the pride parade of stonewall is dedicated to him. I doubt it. It's absolutely not important.
Search the phrase "henry ford jews"
>not based Teddy
But (((Rockefeller)))
>Invented shit
>Won the war by securing an alliance with France
>Wanted to keep blacks out
>Helped create the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
>Lived one of the most interesting lives ever lived
>Only lived in the new America one year before he died
William Pierce stated that "the very heavens obey him, and the Clouds yield up their Lighting to be imprisoned in his rod. But what claim he has to the politician, posterity must determine. … He is, however, a most extraordinary Man, and tells a story in a style more engaging than anything I ever heard." "
Quick rundown: Created a method of producing cars in a highly efficient manor. Hated Jews.
Wasn't teddy a progressive cuck?
Good picks.
Crazy conspiracy Lietuva user is the best user ever. Reminds me of the Truth guy from GTA SA. Keep on fighting the good fight my friend.
Hearty kek. At least will still name our shit after him though
What?! But you are an American yes??? Didn't your school teach you about how awesome is he??
He is the man that made affordable mass production car in the USA, Ford Model T.
Almost mass produce cars out of soy bean but didn't happen because of WW2.
Hate kikes and translated Mein Kampf.
Walt Disney.
He was progressive but at the same time realized we could not possibly keep all the benefits from such a society if we become overran by non-whites.
He's a good guy
George Lincoln Rockwell was fucking legendary. Losing him was one of the greatest tragedies after WWII
There were no jews back then
Carnagie was pure scottish and came close (310 billion)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Progressive in a good way, he didnt like Mexicans very much. He's what democrats and liberals should have been.
Lithuania, they're CIA NIGGERS, not HOMOS. Close though!
Fuck off you filthy Somalian nigger
ultimately, he did more harm than good. the jews probably paid him to dress like a nazi and discredit ideas that would've been accepted by most of the population, if he didn't act like a clown
>Hearty kek. At least will still name our shit after him though
Yeah sadly..
better name it "enternal-guilt-and-denial-of-all-german school"
If he had done things legally I would've been OK with him getting rid of the commies, but he ruined too many peoples lives illegally.
Bruce Jenner
He's a hero for changing his gender and better than all these cis white old people posted in this thread.
Benedict Arnold
John Browning is definitely up there. Top 15 at least.
Polk is pretty good too, promised to serve only one term, get Texas to become part of the US and fuck the banks over. Not only did he do all of that, he got New Mexico and California too.
I know it's pretty vanilla, but the importance of George Washington to America cannot be understated. There's a damn good reason he's the most famous of the founding fathers.
During his speeches, he named the Jew with regards to Bolshevism. He was hardly in their pockets. Personally, I think he would have done more to destigmatize Nazism instead of letting it grow to the cartoonish proportions we see today. However, that's just one man's opinion
Told the King he should get offed way before it was cool.
Started stuff against the stamp act, and was called treasonous, before it was cool.
Worked for the Revolution to happen.
When Virginia wasn't sure if they wanted to fight, he gave the speech that changed their minds. The "Give me liberty or give me death" speech.
Fought against the Globalist Federalists, Hamilton and Madison. Both of which did end up creating a globalist central bank when each of them got their chance. But Patrick Henry was the one that was right about them.
Insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution so that the Federalists would have a more difficult time controlling people.
Was the voice for America to become America.
Browning was like the 19th century Tony Stark.
>ctrl f
>David Duke
It's a toss up between Edison and Tesla.
Edison invented pretty much the precursor to many things in life, from the light bulb, to moving pictures.
Tesla on the other hand single-handedly figured out alternating current, and without AC we wouldn't have power grids.
Emperor Norton.
It was a riff on the constant
>Spencer is a shill plant
that we constantly see on Sup Forums today
Don't you dare compare that man to some phony progressive jew-created character. Your reddit is showing.
I'm pretty sure Göring was German
Andrew Jackson for politicians.
Henry Ford for businessmen.
Patton for warriors.
He would've been top 20 greatest Americans in my book but than he bombed Syria
I'm surprised that there aren't any /k/fags who sperged out over "muh trigger discipline"
you still dont get that this was nothing more than a political trick ?
go back to /sg/ faggot
no one cares about muh airfield
Why would they try to correct their god?
Calvin Coolidge
Caitlyn Jenner
"Progressive" had a different meaning back then, just like "liberal".
"""Villians""" who did nothing wrong
Ronald McDonald
George Lincoln Rockwell
John Coltrane
The National Parks are still one of the best things we have ever done.
Also Panama.
Fine, what about Barrack Obama then?
will smith
he did cory in the house and back to the future
I want to say Thomas Jefferson but my heart says Andrew Jackson
I'll just go with Jimi Hendrix because fuck you all
Dr. William Luther Pierce
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d3 Nc6 4. g3 Nf6 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O O-O
7. Nbd2 Rb8 8. Re1 d6 9. c3 b6 10. d4 Qc7 11. e5 Nd5 12. exd6
Bxd6 13. Ne4 c4 14. Nxd6 Qxd6 15. Ng5 Nce7 16. Qc2 Ng6 17. h4
Nf6 18. Nxh7 Nxh7 19. h5 Nh4 20. Bf4 Qd8 21. gxh4 Rb7 22. h6
Qxh4 23. hxg7 Kxg7 24. Re4 Qh5 25. Re3 f5 26. Rh3 Qe8 27. Be5+
Nf6 28. Qd2 Kf7 29. Qg5 Qe7 30. Bxf6 Qxf6 31. Rh7+ Ke8
32. Qxf6 Rxh7 33. Bc6+ 1-0
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7
7. f3 O-O 8. Qd2 Nc6 9. Bc4 Nxd4 10. Bxd4 Be6 11. Bb3 Qa5
12. O-O-O b5 13. Kb1 b4 14. Nd5 Bxd5 15. Bxd5 Rac8 16. Bb3 Rc7
17. h4 Qb5 18. h5 Rfc8 19. hxg6 hxg6 20. g4 a5 21. g5 Nh5
22. Rxh5 gxh5 23. g6 e5 24. gxf7+ Kf8 25. Be3 d5 26. exd5 Rxf7
27. d6 Rf6 28. Bg5 Qb7 29. Bxf6 Bxf6 30. d7 Rd8 31. Qd6+ 1-0