Monsieur le Président

I just voted for our futur président Monsieur Macron! How do you feel about this Sup Forums?

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I'm not the one who will be looking down the barrel of an AK-47 by the the end of the decade so I don't give a shit.

On that note have fun :)

It doesn't fucking matter, NatSoc is growing, Le Pen is nothing, she is a democratic pawn.

All the candidates are our enemies.

Too bad. If you write something on the paper. It is considered void.

Are you feeling good voting for naught?

J'espère que tu avais un deuxième bulletin, sinon il est considéré comme nul.

>he marked the paper


hahahahahah you fucking cuck

i feel great knowing smug shits like you will suffer

And to the trash it goes retard.

Future president? Pfft as if France has any future. ISIS caliphate has a future.

France is at least 90% Muslim with Arabic/Blacks.

Mate it's your country

Do you honestly think I fucking give a fuck whether you have to watch your mother get raped and your father shot infront of your eyes?

I'd watch the fucking stream, frog. Get out of here.

Why are you retards still falling for obvoious larping? mmm?

The fuck are you talking about? Thats a thing? Really?

You're an actual slavic subhuman, though.

>being this underage

It's your country, I won't be affected by your stupid decisions.
>Hey guys, I cut off my left arm. I bet this pisses Sup Forums off

I guess you like living in Algeria.

so he will pretty much keep things the same?

>NatSoc is growing

How so?

>Hey guys, I voted for our women and children to be raped. Not yours, mine. YOU MAD LOL?

This fucking guy holy shit hahahahaha

Not that fussed desu mate, you'll be the catalyst for us all in one way or another, either you go right and leave eu and people start following the trend like the uk, or your country becomes the example of what muslims can do to a once great country. Cheers for the win win mo

You drew something retarded on yours, haven't you imbécile?


Your vote is invalid if you write on that piece of paper you dumb fuck.

>voting for French Tony Blair
y tho?

>Acchiappare l'esca
>Pol falls for the bait

>Cet appât

you are an asshole

>NatSoc is growing

National Socialism is going to take over again.

Somehow I doubt it.

That ballot is invalid, retard.

Vote discarded, cuckgratulations - VIVE LE PEN!!!

first time voter, eh ?

>not being able to read instructions
feels good knowing that niggers fuck themselves up

It's over. Everything we've worked for is now undone thanks to your vote. Curse you.

hahahaha your vote is not valid because you wrote on it

Tu finiras en enfer sale chien de la casse. Tout comme ton dégénéré de Macron.

OP is the dumbest cunt I've seen in a long time

>invalid ballot
>Macron voter are THIS retarded

when I see faggots like op...

I voted for Marine, but it seems my country is screwed.
Where can I move ? I'm white, blue eyes, well educated and have decent income !

>Macron voter is a non-functionning retard

As expected

Asia, mate. Sincerely.

ITT: people taking the bait, underage retards


I think this is just a running gag
no one is that retarded
I hope

>invalid vote
my sides
is this what an average macron voter is like?

Its either le ebin bait or OP is some muslim faggot.

>Haha Imma write Sup Forums on here to trigger all those evil Right wingers
>W-What do you mean I just invalidated my vote

Autistic lefties are our greatest allies.

being dumb isn't autism

you didn't know ? It's fucking written in front of you in the booth. Are you that dumb ?

NatSoc is not going anywhere. Whites will be replaced without firing a shot, that's how cucked you are.

The same, but faster and harder. That means worse.

I call bullshit, they just handed me the Macron bulletin and told me to put it in!

get a new ballot then you french fucktard

>voting twice doesn't invalidate your vote

Is that really the ballot paper?

I admit I don't know much about how they do things in France, but I'd expect the ballot paper to have the names of all the candidates listed, not just one on its own.

that little blonde girl you liked in high school? she's fucking a 6'6 nigerian

Wait you still you paper ballots?

What is this Somalia?

each candidate has its own ballot

it's a huge waste of paper

seems retarded

>using insecure voting machines to provide an unverifiable result

We, citizens of the developed world, have secret and verifiable votes. It may be a foreign concept to you and your third world shithole but it is true.

paper is the only way senpai

dont care fuck your own country up as mutch as you like. Just know that when it all comes crashing down you're part of that downfall

ashamed of you

iirc when they vote, the French must take to the voting booth an enveloppe and as many ballots as there are candidates, and put the ballot with the name of their candidate in the enveloppe. I've always found that system retarded comparing to having one ballot with all the candidate's name.

yup, triggered me
good job

>iirc when they vote, the French must take to the voting booth an enveloppe and as many ballots as there are candidates
you don't have to take one of each ballot, you can just take the one you want but that kinda defeats the purpose of the voting booth

top banter

stay cucked, frog

>eurocucks don't have electronic voting machines

[spoiler]Get on our level of cuckery, it makes voting fraud much easier.[/spoiler]

No, theorically you must take all the papers or else it's a case of invalidation.

fookin rekt m8



Why would anyone NOT vote for Macron anyway? The guy"s young and successful, he will get things done the right way!
