Antifa gonna get BTFO

Scared yet, antifaggots?

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This reeks of him being an FBI shill to honey pot people. He likely did this as part of the government letting him off of his assault charges.

Fbi honeypot


Embracing the alt crap isn't good imo. Mentions defending people which is better than antifa who just beats up any defenseless person. Still seems like some kind of a info gathering operation. Antifa is so stupid I think triggering more infighting is better at this point.

both sides zionist controlled oppositions just wait until we hang you faggot traitors DAY OF ROPE


we all know he is a civ nat jew. Literally Röhm. And like Röhms SA, Niggers will hang at some point

Jesus fuck, I´m all for fucking up antifa but could this guy not have picked a better name?

That name though

fuck these faggots
based shitman
queer redditor trash

Eh, there's nothing "bad" about it.

It's a simple protest group that offers protection of others when po po doesn't.

Whilst it's not something you'd want to join if you want to remain user (you can always lone wolf it), I can see it offering a nice counter to ANTIFA and similar.

It's really for the classical liberals more than the [national] socialists, though. It's more an American thing.

(((Alt-knights))) what a fucking faggot

Yes, and I'm sure you're out there confronting ANTIFA and other commies, right?

Nah none of you fags are worth saving. Im just sitting here watching you idiotic hypocrites trying to keep this shit system intact

>hate antifa
>set up group just like antifa


troll detected

antifa and anything equivalent to it is autistic and should be b&

don't defend these queers because they are on your side

Ah, so you're one of those people that talks shit from the sideline but never puts the helmet on.

Got it.

The Pepe symbol you're using there makes you a valid target to be punched, just FYI and all.


>the Pepe symbol

Cool have fun becoming a minority in your own country while you try to preserve some hollowed out shell that was once called "western culture"

>Proud Boys

Sounds mad homo, senpai.

Yeah, troll.

More like a fan of not letting punk kids, indoctrinating professors and similar, subvert normal processes and purvey their terrible ideology where they think and enact violence against you simply because the ideas you may have.

Freedom of expression is the most important thing, and always will be.

Who the fuck goes to these things, they seem to attract the most autistic losers on campus. Just go to a party or stay home.

Civic nationalism is the only way in countries that were never white but have large white populations

Yep, you too are using a "hate symbol" with your image.

That too makes you a target.

Go to any of the areas ANTIFA are in and wave a Pepe flag. See how long you last before you're attacked.

Im right wing but this alt-right shit has become so exploited. Inb4 you must donate to his gofundme before you can become a secret alt right warrior protestor

>Sup Forums spends days trying to come up with a name and agenda for a right wing defense squad
>one guy whacks a few lefties with a stick and starts his own chapters across the US

Not really

>Civic nationalism is the only way in countries that were never white

You do know 50 years ago america was 95% white people.

Also it was founded by white people that CONQUERED native americans lol

You sound alot like an anti-fa faggot
>hehehe nice pepe SYMBOL
>heheheh its a hate symbol

leave you newfag

Do not accept the label of alt right. Do not accept any label. Remain leaderless and nameless. This is our greater advantage. Otherwise we will be infiltrated.

these jobless niggers are being used by ann coulter to create media hype for her book. congrats on being used as disposable pawns for this kike

yeah antifa is very scary. only time they are strong is when they are 100 against 1.

could beat them up until my fists get tired and then walk home for a blunt nigga

As I said. basically the SA. A bunch of useful idiots who will hang at some point

>gavin mcdegenereate is involved
he will water it down to make it kosher for vanilla nationalists

Fake. Shills using this as a counter psyop to hurt kyles reputation.

same could be said about all these alt-right betas flocking out there and LARP'ing as "defenders of freedom"

as someone that has actually been in combat is absolutely fucking shameful that people are unironically calling this a "battle"

i hope to fuck gunfire finally erupts and kills everyone involved in this including ann herself

> Be Sup Forums
> Sitting on computer in the comfort of your home
> Shitting on the guys who literally go out and crush antifa skulls

Cease this faggotry, Sup Forums

Nice gets

>crush antifa skulls
stop LARP'ing, faggot

Most of them arent even (((Alt-right))) there just neo-con trump cock sucking fan boys. They are useful idiots of (((republicans))) no better than SJWs

fuck its better than nothing, the betas are getting some exercise. i enjoy it honestly. antifa deserve more beatings they didn't get enough in their life



>communist bandana
Here we go, fucking commies invading again.

literally use them as sa and then long knife them

then profit

He wasn't charged by the federal government thus they can't "let him off"


but you'e basically right. that's not really a battle its just preparation and its building up to something big i think. pic related

Hllary meme in full steam and now this faggots are going to give the MSM a target to point out where the razist white male supremacist are. just so fucking dumg in so many lvls

>To join our super secret ancient society of proud boy booty warriors, you must possess a penis that is not only long, but also aesthetically appealing.

Thats the plan right now, Civil unrest is getting worse and worse every week and this isnt just wishful thinking its actually happening. Economy is still pretty shitty its decent but more shitty then good. and of course hostility from other countries is at an all time high.

Just sit back and watch the shit show unravel then step in when everything goes boom and take over.

it's not building up to anything of note other than ann selling more books because this is getting her a lot of media attention

qui bono (not you)

>proud boys

Gayest shit I have ever heard.

>reee gay cringy fbi honeypot
>where can I join?

You obviously have never been to a rally, and probably never leave your basement either. Shill.

How are they all so skiny and lanky
They havent even implented comunism yet

i don't know, more people seem to be joining and there was already blood so both sides are getting more aggressive. who knows how it ends

topkek user

These guys are better when they keep their mouths shut. That pic of the guy in the american flag shorts and spartacus helmet was just perfect, but you know if you asked him to say something he'd pour a tonne of boomer politics out of his mouth and ruin the appeal.

Just promise to beat up antifa and not take yourselves seriously and you've got support, or go full retard, subscribe to rebel media and create a phalanx of gay warriors.


of course. that makes a lot of sense. You smart.
>reddit shill
>you have to go back
have fun sucking (((Chapmans/Trumps))) balls

More disinformation from the shill. I've met these guys, they use Sup Forums.

>Just sit back and watch the shit show unravel then step in when everything goes boom and take over.
You're really fucking stupid.

>who knows how it ends
responsible, grown adults know exactly how it ends. ann sells books and the jobless niggers out there punching each other accomplish nothing but getting some scratches and some criminal charges on their police record thus continuing the cycle of low employment/unemployment of these illiterate monkeys

time to grow up

Yeah and they all road in on the Trump bandwagon durring the election

>you have to go back

Taking Berkeley would be a good symbolic victory.

Fuck this guy. Kys stickcuck.

yeah they used Sup Forums as a marketing platform to shill their faggotry

"Proud Boys"

Are you guys TRYING not to get laid?

>Yeah and they all road in on the Trump bandwagon
You barely understand English, JIDF.

Believe nothing these men say

This user is correct. Antifa won't back down, May Day is coming soon and is supposed to be their rebound day. May Day will have opposition, expect trouble.

>Taking Berkeley
are you really this much of a delusional nigger? did you really just type "taking berkeley" unironically like it's anywhere near actually claiming land by violent force in combat? jesus fucking christ

Ah well. Polarization is good for us either way. If we can get a civil war going, their cucked ideology won't really matter. They will be forced by circumstance to our side.

hmmm really? im not the one defending a shitty system, a hollowed out shitastic corrupt phony "western culture" good luck but at the end of the day im right.
Whos the real idiot here

>You're really fucking stupid

So you're a pussy?

we foaks now

Gosh I wonder why he wasn't charged...

put money on it, nigger

this is a PR stunt for book sales. that kike attention whore ann is on fox gushing about the free book selling coverage she is getting every day

It is though. Beating them shows the left is weak. Very good propaganda victory.

no just smart why would i defend a shit country filled with shit people? your all just ego inflated materialistic losers lol you play right into your own demise then defend it when someone challenges your own stupidity

Oh, you have OP's IP and backtracked to a proud boy member?
You don't understand federal vs local government.

>Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights

I cringed so hard I literally had physical clenching in my stomach.

i don't know honestly. police doesn't step in, i think it will only get more violent.

but what do i know, i'm a humble frogposter. at least i admit i don't know.

No one cares about old media except boomers like you. You talk and type like a shill, which is ironic considering you're bitching about shilling of book sales. I just hope you don't get in our way when Madrid falls again.

>May Day is coming soon and is supposed to be their rebound day
excellent insight into their deep strategy, patton. better mobilize the third army of jobless betas to head them off at the pass with more sign waving and insult yelling

it will be a grand victory, indeed

was in response to this

>people profit off conflict

Color me shocked

The two I have met have wives.


The Jews are cool though. They're paying for all this stuff.

Let them. Purge comes later.

It isn't really to defend the country. It's to destroy the country by increasing political polarization. More street violence, more polarization, all good. We want these sort of protests to escalate until people on both sides are eventually being killed.

You have no idea what's going to happen here.

dont have to. the (((proud boys))) stuck out like a sore thumb during the /hwndu/ marketing campaign. anytime you mentioned what a flaming faggot baked alaska was, there was a flood of very obvious shilling and buttrage from his proudboyfriends.

So what? She gets book sales, the left looks stupid again. She has to pay private security for this and put herself at risk.

I'd say we all win here. What's wrong with making money?

And eventually see terroristic actions from either side would be good as well.

>No one cares about old media
millions of dollars in book sales....mmmm, yes, no one would care about money in today's world. great insight. i was completely off the mark because we are future now with buttcoins and twitter. deep knowledge ITT

I was

i was there and don't remember any mention of proud boys at hwndu. Is baked Alaska even a member?

Does he really look that homosexual?

i lived long enough to see riots caused by illiterate niggers fizzle out to nothing but profit for puppet masters many times in my day. keep selling books for ann, user. go get yourself a felony conviction and be unemployable so ann can make a few more dollars