You know you are a failed white country when Indians voluntary start leaving you

Kek News presents

>London dream dead? Highest number of ‘voluntary returns’ from UK are of Indians

>For the first time, official figures for 2016 show the highest number of “voluntary returns” (of those not under police investigation or in detention) was for Indian nationals: 5,365, or 22% of the total returns from the UK, marking a new point in the discourse.

>“These are people who feel they don’t have a future here. It is the UK government’s humanitarian gesture, to help those who want to return voluntarily, by providing them air fare and some assistance to resettle back home,” senior Labour Party MP Virendra Sharma told Hindustan Times.

You know your country is cucked when even the nonwhites don't feel safe anymore.


Thank God, you're finally fucking off.

You know you're capital's fucked due to points above.

Luckily most of the country isn't shit.

>You know you are a failed white country when Indians voluntary start leaving you

so India has always been a failed country?

Yes, we are Ahmed. Yes we are.

>you're capital's
Are you sure you are an English mate and not an Ahmed?

So India is a white country? Interesting..

Are the muslims running them off? They won't be missed either way. Why do so many of you Indian's have a paper thin ego in regards to your national pride? I know it drives the creation of threads like this. Does it make you feel good that some of the cretins that have fled your dystopian shithole have decided to return? It probably does.

>Anglos make tens of threads daily on a political board on hating India
>Gets butthurt on a thread that discusses actual news
Wew lad.

> marking a new point in the discourse

People who write prose like that should be deported.

All according to plan

I am indeed English but at times I fuck up my grammar when typing fast.

I am almost the complete opposite of an Ahmed, English name, blonde hair, etc.

>I am indeed English but at times I fuck up my grammar when typing fast.
Yeah, I hate when that happens.

>I am almost the complete opposite of an Ahmed, English name, blonde hair, etc.
Good for you mate.

>Gets butthurt
>Anglos make tens of threads
I'm in no way emotional. The fact of the matter is, whenever someone in your country has the opportunity to flee they do so. That says more about the kind of country you live in than I ever could.

Did you know that India is around 16% muslim?

It's probably just that a few rich people can have a better (much cheaper) life in India, cause that's how opportunistic you niggers are.

They're selfdeporting themselves


>Poos taking pride in being rootless money-grubbing rats
Quelle surprise

Oh please! I have enough money to get a decent house in US and buy a green card but I haven't. So haven't millions of other rich upper caste Indians.

Dude, I live here. Off course I know about that. But they know they will be slaughtered, they don't rile up that much.

I never considered you people anti-paki since you were dumb enough to invite Pakis to steal your nuclear program

Yeah, game over uk.

It makes sense. Indians don't feel like living under Islamic rule.


>destroy own country with Muslims and niggers in order to get rid of Muslims and niggers



It's like introducing mongoose to drive off the snakes.




>Oh please! I have enough money to get a decent house in US and buy a green card but I haven't.
That's good because we don't want you here. Tell all your countrymen to go home where they belong.

Be man enough and tell your country to stop letting us in and deport the ones that are in it already.

We are a free country, we will not restrict travel of our citizens. Its your own duty to handle the immigration of your country and not ours.

It's your own country's Autistic immigration policy faglord.
Indian govt. is not a tyrant.

poo in loo

i hope the muslims slaughter your kind
i want the whole world to be muslim, and especially i want your dirty kind gone

in islam we learn about this thing called "cleanliness", you can meme all you want but it's something your dirty shitskin kind don't have

Islam is soon to be the world religion
Allah korusunuz

Calm down Ahmed. Your sister cum wife is not here, so don't be agitated.

>Indians leave muslim country in 1947
>Indians leave muslim country in 2016

>Be man enough and tell your country
>We are a free country, we will not restrict travel
So in my country it is a case of masculinity to restrict immigration? But in your country it is a case of freedom? So if we don't restrict it we aren't men but if we do we aren't free. You really are a retarded subhuman. Have enough self respect to stay away from places where you aren't wanted.
>Indian govt. is not a tyrant.
>he types as he lives in shit and squalor
They certainly don't provide for your well being either. We don't want you here. Stay in your shit hole country.

wtf I'm btfo
how will I ever recover

news at 8, uk is a shithole
what do you know!

I suspect an ISIS dude here.

Goodbye you fucking shitskins. Clear some of the red/yellow patches up.

Restriction of freedom is when you stop your own citizen from doing anything and not when you stop foreign nationals to do anything. It is your duty and right to control the foreign nationals entering your own country.

Are you really that dumb that you need democracy lessons from me?

>how will I ever recover
By not sticking your ass up in air and praying to allah 5 times a day.

India is for the Indians.

So get out ffs

the fact there are so many Indians in the UK is humilating for India because they came here as India is such a big shithole, now India is livable they scurry away, like rats

well, you WUZ aryans n sheit

I like how this map is green, signifying UK has officially become an Islamic caliphate

They provide for everyone but people want easy money and beat US citizens who are too weak in their game.

Are you guys gonna follow Sharia law too.

>poos reading comprehension
The green is signifying areas over 90% white areas you street shitter.

Are you retarded?
Free countries don't have to allow any immigration.
Free countries also don't restrict their own citizens' travel rights.

>posting worse than india
I sure hope you stop doing that

Hey bongs, I was born in Ipswich in Australia, what is Ipswich in England like?

You do know Islam is a religion and not a race Ahmed? Whites can be muslims too.

Parts of UK ARE a third world nightmare, though, namely London, it's capitol city

>i want the whole world to be muslim
This seems to be a more and more popular sentiment on this board lately. /oldpol/ favored deus vulting you all to death

The convert rate isn't high enough to effect those statistics. The majority of Muslims ARE shitskins.

outside of london? be real mate lol , there's probably like 1000 muslim whites maybe.

Brits must be crying right now

you walk around ipswich and everyone stares at you with a dumb vauge expression

I think what people aren't really talking about is that British culture itself is degrading. Where Englishmen once walked the streets you only see Africans, Chavs, and Pakis. Many sections of London are entirely foreign-occupied.

English culture is being diluted and replaced and the result is something less than it was before. I don't blame Indians for leaving. When a nation commits suicide, why go down with the ship?

>Restriction of freedom
Applies to all humans. Liberals here told me that. Argue with them if you want to tell someone foreigners have no rights. They just want urchins like you here so they can exploit you economically.
>It is your duty and right to control the foreign nationals entering your own country.
It is your right and duty to supply plumbing to the poor in your country so they don't flee to nations with working toilets and modern infrastructure. Take responsibility for your dystopian shithole instead of exporting your problems to other countries. You're like a bad neighbor throwing trash in other peoples yards and then telling them it's their responsibility to pick it up. You're a nigger.
They need to go home.
All multicultural cities are.

>The convert rate isn't high enough to effect those statistics

Implying he's waiting it to get high enough.
Too late britbong too late.

> smelly pajeets leaving taking their 20 kids, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins etc with them

What's not to like?


gtfo poo, London is rightful pakistani clay.

You're nobody to tell them Faggot. Try saying this to an Indian there.
You'll be put up in jail by your own govt. Lulz.

i'm a white aryan male but my gf is indian is this okay?

In theory
In practice conversion usually means intermarriage.

exactly. theyre ditching your figurative shithole in favor of a literal one.

well done. its like a house so unclean that rats die of dysentry

Bantz aside, do you bongs feel safe whilst walking down a mudslime neighbourhood?

Sounds pretty similar then
The Indians are just another group shitting up the country, pun intended. The kindness, empathy and beliefs in freedom/equality that whites have is just something non-whites see as weakness and take advantage of it. I just hope that when the Hippie Baby Boomer fucks die, we can change society to be closer to what it used to be. It will never be the same. We will never get to live in that white country our grandfathers did and fought for. We've been betrayed and it will take generations to undo, but likely will never be undone.

>Parts of UK ARE a third world nightmare

No lol, places like Sunderland, Toxteth, and parts of bradford? maybe yeah. but the rest of the UK is first world.

>though, namely London, it's capitol city

Have you ever been to London? people shit talk it all the time, but it's no where near what you think of it, Tourists come to london all year round, its a global city.

its a meme that we dont like it. no one actually believes that. sorry to redpill you on the UK burger bro.


>Try saying this to an Indian there.
I already have.
>You'll be put up in jail by your own govt.
Nope. I'm still free. Stop exporting your excess population to the rest of the world. Control yourselves and fix your own country until it's a place people want to live in.

>Britain has long been the destination of illegal migrants, who believe the streets of London are paved with gold but a hostile environment towards street defications in recent years by sub people and rapidly changing conditions in countries such as India has reversed some routes.

>Those without the right to remain in Britain are unable to work, open bank accounts, obtain television licences or access other services. Recent curbs make it mandatory for landlords to check prospective tenants’ hygiene status.

What about Birmigham? Luton? Parts of the UK ARE mudslime infested areas. Don't try to deny it.

i actually live here in bradford, no one has a clue what it's actually like here.

It's completely fine, the food is good and the Uni here isn't half bad either.

> LEAFposting from your local library because the cuck empreror relocated a family of afghan refugees into your home.

Even worse than Ipswich in Australia, and that's quite bad.

i've been to birmingham before cause my grandma lives there, strange depressing accent other than that no issues there either.

though i dont live there. she said its fine too, doesnt want to move. Luton? i've never been so i dont know.

I never trust anything the News says, i always go there and see for myself.

The new wave of Left wing, SJW, Millennials, Feminists will not let any of your said to become true

> london
> Birmingham
> Bradford
> Luton

Name some places that whites actually give a fuck about pajeet. It must be so weird coming to a country where dogowners are fined for their dogs street shitting, it implies that even a dog has more sense not to shit in the street than pajeets


Haha fucking laughable shilling. As long as they are Indian Muslims, which they probably fucking ain't..Those Indians are probably fucking off due to the legitimate fear that Islamists are flooding the UK in ever greater numbers. Plus it's still a TINY number of emigrants. My gut ells me the overwhelming number of people leaving the UK are fucking whites who are long standing natives.

The UK and Ireland and indeed the entire EU need to suffer huge economic collapses in order for the natives to completley lose all fucking hope and more specifically lose all FEAR and go mental and then mudslimer immigrants will fuck off due to no more comfy rape life and the fear of being lynched. God willing the total collapse comes soon and the politicians of the EJew are really brought to justice.

Vids or did not happen.

Poos are better then pakis



But pakis can poo in the loo and play cricket?

>> london
>> Birmingham
>> Bradford
these arent even that bad, speaking from personal experience. + Living in bradford for 20 years.

Fair enough. I've been to Birmingham and Luton because few of my friends lived there. It was fine in Birmingham but I was told not to through a lane where mudslimes lived.

Aye, I agree the news is always blown out of proportion.

We'll see. When the boomers die, biggest group of voters die so policies have to change to be in line with next generations and they don't vastly outnumber one-another so it will be interesting.

GG you got us we are going back.

Enjoy your shariah law as well.

Let's see... and all the best

Indians are a huge asset anywhere.

There country is just held back by diversity and overpopulation.

maybe i can finally afford a flat now


FPBP. If they had wanted to live in Pakistan, they could have saved a lot of money for immigrating into the UK!

Exactly. Hindus and Sikhs may hate each other but to the best of my knowledge neither religion is hell bent on world domination.

If they contribute to society have zero problems with them in reasonable numbers. Reasonable being a few thousand not a few hundred thousand. Isn't this what the average person believes anyhow..

>muh fascistim and racism

These fucking cultural marxists need shot on sight

There is literally no such thing as a city visa. He has no control of immigration policy.

>posting Indian propaganda on Sup Forums

The only purpose of this is to get the smart and wealthy ones to come back. Which they won't, because India is horrible.

They explode as well, I do admit they got more such qualities than us.

>Indians are a huge asset anywhere.
t. Pajeet

Paki detected
>shit posting on Sup Forums whilst awaiting his turn gang raping an underage white girl

Mohammad was a pedophile

> Sadiq Khan pretending he has any control over the immigration policies of the UK

I seriously can't wait for June so we can BTFO these delusional labour cucks

London is 300 years ahead of any Indian city in development.

> being only of only european counties so shit that rapefugees don't want to live there