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Thanks for uploading this, I remember seeing this image back in 2013 on Sup Forums YLYL thread but my old computer broke down and I didn't get to transfer it to my new one so I thought it was lost forever.


If you genuinely find this humorous, you are a gradeschooler.





Holy shit thanks for the kek.

that shits classic, great post user

it's objectively funny and everyone you love fucking hates you because you're a cunt

this, humorless fags need to get out


That's actually pretty sad. :(

I actually feel sorry for /r9k/, until I remember this pic.

nice one





I don't, /r9k/ are a bunch of perma virgin fags



I hope there were more Germanons willing to be like this rather than the pic related EU shill kraut

there are many how do you call it burger? silent majority?

Great. I was in Berlin for a day last month. Fuck that place. Everything reeks of aids and poverty. They ruined the city.

why you visit our biggest shithole?

you should´ve visited munich instead of that fucking leftiseliterefugeeshithole that we call the biggest disgrace in centuries called berlin. pls burgers do us all a favour and drop the rest of youre moab stock on berlin before they expire plsssssss

US military connection flight. The other plane was delayed so we had a day in Berlin.

That thread yesterday where the guy got doxxed and diagnosed with Marfan's.

Why did you use this picture? Why do you have this picture saved? I just want to know these things.


>he got a D- for it
>technically that's still a passing grade
Probably the most hilarious part about the whole paper