Clinton’s assistant found dead

Clinton's assistant J. W. McGill is found dead

It's just a coincidence.

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It's okay to charge Assange but not Hillary. Thanks Trump.

>tfw you willingly choose to go work for a satanic cult

She probably had her saudi spy Huma off him. Add another one to the kill list.

That's one fucked up story. He dies at 34 from a heart attack? And Huma is the one who finds him? Doesn't call 911? Shady bizness.

"Abedin says she called the private doctor because she hoped he could save her friend.
There will be no autopsy on the body, which will be cremated before sunset in accordance with his religion. "

>heart attack

That's all I need to know.

EVERYONE who works for Killary dies of a heart attack

Anyone affiliated with the clintons and the Clinton she themselves need to be put in jail. Fuck them all. Clintons=cancer

Really activates the almonds

>There will be no autopsy on the body, which will be cremated before sunset in accordance with his religion. "


add another one to the list

Or a gun shot to the back of the head or suicide.

This reads like a threat to all her other employees.


Is there a "clinton book of the dead" yet? I'm losing track of all the dead bodies showing up.

>heart attack

Well shit happens I guess.

Can someone make a topic about this on NeoGAF?

I want to know how the hillary defense force feels about this.

Feels like a good way to start up the Trump vs Hillary rhetoric again, and that always makes fun.

Make sure its an attention grabbing title, like

"Hillary R Clinton's Assistant found Dead"

haha drumpf is making maga !!

Huma confirmed for doing to well at using sex for information.
Remember, you need them to pillow talk in espionage.

what happened to trey's two investigators that went missing

Calling bullshit on this story tbqh

why is there no info on this guy ever existing

Its pretty scary to know the USA is so corrupt that its political elite are sociopaths who murder those who oppose them.

You people are fucking delusional. If Hillary was killing all those people for no reason then why didnt she kill Trump?
Use your brain for once in your life

killing trump would've sparked civil war. also:
>blatantly being that careless

Nice try Podesta

there is no JW MCGill .
made up bullshit story

rip saul goodman

Who are you talking about user?

> gun shot to the back of the head or suicide.
Same thing

You're too intelligent to be in this thread. Get out.

Shut up goy, this is clearly a coincidence.

maybe she isn't that careless, but she was extremely careless.

anyways she's clearly behind all these deaths.

is that website a russian science project or what? fake as fuck

Although it would be interesting to find out who operates the sites that this sourceless block of text was pasted to

if trump goes arrests assange but not hillary i will completely drop him

>implying assange didnt die in october

Acosta better look the fuck out

Any reason why he might have been targeted? Did he write a book, was supposed to testify, etc..?


fake news, OP

Is this real news?

Because the fake news media (aka mainstream media) doesn't seem to be covering it.

>was supposed to testify

supposedly, but there is no evidence of this guy even existing before the claim of his death

the claim that he was a single child with deceased parents, and presumably no friends, is very convenient to the claim-makers and causes the article to seem suspicious to me

I was roomates with J. W. McGill back in Newtown CT. in 2012. He lost his sister in the Sandyhook attack. This is devastating news.

How many times did they shoot themselves in the back of the head?

Yeah just read it. I wait for the gatewaypundit to report on it before I give it the time of day.

Someone wrote a book recently about the inside scoop behind the Hillary campaign. Lots of juicy tidbits that apparently made her livid, and demanding to find the leaker.

Guess we know who squealed.

It's not necessarily suspicious, he might have just made direct eye contact with her.

Slippin' Jimmy is dead??

>It's not necessarily suspicious, he might have just made direct eye contact with her.
Why did I laugh so hard at this?

Wait...did they find his body turned to stone?

But the book came out a few days ago and the guy supposedly died in March