What's it like to have blonde hair and blue eyes?
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Get outta here you cumskin loving faggot
I don't know either, I have brown hair and grey eyes.
Good for girls if you live here
I'm even tall.
Just kidding, I'm depressed.
I hope your life gets better bruh, sorry you feel bad.
Pretty great desu.
Bitches absolutely love blue eyes. Part of the reason I've never gone more than a year without a gf since middle school.
What's it like to have hair that isn't really dark brown and eyes that are really dark brown?
You get bombed by superior allied nations every other day and always lose wars but other than that, it's pretty good I guess
Feels good man. I regularly get strangers complimenting me on my eyes. That feels weird at the time though.
Nothing special in Sweden. But when I was in America the women literally swarmed me like horny mares in front of a big stallion(me).
American men are so fucking short. Most are like 160-170. I am 191 cm.
>tfw brown haired, brown eyed ethnic Norwegian
Feels weird man
Fucking amazing
Well i have light brown hair and blue eyes, and at times i feel way too fucking superior to the shitskin immigrants i see.
Is it pretty uncommon? Almost all white people have something other races dont. If your hair is brown, it's either your eyes are not brown or if eyes are brown, your hair is not brown
if only.....
Hes just slightly less aryan than his other norwegian bros.
Feels pretty normal desu
You're just one of many here so it's not really an instant self esteem boost. Good eyes gets you laid quicker tough if that's what you're about.
>tfw blue eyes but black-ish hair
it's pretty fucking great senpai. definitely a genetic trait left here by the vikings, thank god I wasn't cursed with looking like your average Irishman.
Kekekekekek, somehow shit is better than cum?
Fucking Kek that image
it's gr8 m8 I found a GF and turned her into a nationalist and now we're gonna save the white race
Here: the norm
Asia tour: easy mode
Fucking russian genes gave me blonde hair and blue/green heterochromy
I want black hair reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I dont know
t. brown hairs and eyes
fuck, get lost you freak
These images are funny because stereotypes exist for a reason
You feel superior and get treated like you're superior.
I know it's not RARE, but I like your flag anyway.
It's alright, no one really gives a shit about my hair but my eyes have gotten a shit ton of attention, girls for some reason love blue eyes on guys
>wear contacts
>dye hair
How hard is it?
tfw mongrel
Blonde hair: you look like a weak cuck.
Blue eyes: women get wet when you look at them.
>tfw light brown hair and green/grey eyes
feels east german tbqh
Because they piss themselves from laughter?
no reason to be jelly man, just use contacts :^)
>implying i need contacts to make my eyes blue
I'm no sandnegroid, m8. Hard to believe, i know.
>venetian blonde measuring 36" from crown to ends, grey-blue eyes
never really notice it
sometimes strangers will randomly tell me they like my eye color, i say thank you but i'm not flattered by it.
sometimes asian people touch my hair and that's creepy
as a nordic male my blue eyes make me see more blue and my blonde hair make me feel happier and sun give me some power
I was born with blonde hair, but now I have brown hair.
I have brown eyes.
I'm really pale, almost Irish-like.
I don't really feel white. Mexicans and blacks call me white boy, but I don't feel like I deserve that title. When I hang out with actual, blonde-hair/blue-eyed whites, they treat me like a foreigner, despite living here for 3 generations and having no accent.
I feel fabulous
Idk nonwhite user i have light brown eyes and brown hair .
I have two sisters, one is blonde with blue eyes the other is a redhead with green eyes.
We are Andalusian so we are a visigothic and moorish mixture.
Inb4 moore are sandniggers or niggers
They were North African Berbers and Berbers are Mediterranean Caucasian.
But i guess it must feel fucking awesome.
You know you are special and you are a rare gem since 10% of the world is white.
You are automatically more beautiful and have god-tier facial caucasian features that show your racial high class.
>Be shitskin
>New cosmetic operation coming out to change eye color from brown to blue
>Seriously considering it
How degenerate am I?
Jelly ahmed kek
Your eyes may become blue, your soul will be forever brown.
Gay level of degeneracy.
I have brown hair and green eyes
So I dont know either
>tfw you have literally identical features to 100% of your countrymen and 90% of the planet
>both parents blue-eyed
>i get green eyes
>i get green eyes
Green eyes are rarer than blue, fampai. And still a very White feature. Be happy.
>born with blue eyes,blonde hair and pretty face
>but 166 sm gnome
Can't say anything about blond hair, but blue eyes are pretty nice. Better than shit color.
get shoulder lenght hair
t.168 cm blonde blue eyed guy
>tfw born 195 cm, blue eyes and dark blonde hair
>tfw born in Poland
you get used to it.
i was 166cm when i was 11
>tfw I was born with blond hair and blue eyes, but my hair turned brown when I was 5
195cm is too tall despite all the memes here.
>What's it like to have blonde hair and blue eyes?
Breddy gud, fampai.
You're solidly appealing to White girls and god-like to non-White girls.
Same as it feels for everyone to breathe: normal & part of just being alive
Maybe your grandmother was raped by german soldier?
I was blue eyed medium-blonde hair until I was like 5 or 6 and then hair changed to dark brown...so I'm not sure what to tell you.
>those eyebrows
jesus, shave em
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>olive skin
Both sides from family originally from Greece (came here as priests back in 1200)
Dark brown hair, some might call it black
Green eyes
No Idea what its like to have blonde hair and blue eyes (my sister has those) but all I know is that women love colored eyes
Women say it is ideal height for a men.
For me over 2 metres are top much, these people are top big even for me, i don't want to know how manlets feels about them.
Feels pretty powerful, actually
halo effect privilege level
>is that your real hair color
repeat everyday
women dont know shit about height
when they say 6ft3 they mean 6ft1 because 5ft9 manlets are saying they are 6ft1
Feels alright lad
Or maybe some russian raped german's woman and settled with her in Poland?
>"X"X is t-too tall!!1"
its mostly manlet burgers who fall for this meme. Don't feel bad
Also had blonde hair as a kid by the way
Seems blonde hair is linked to oestrogen and being young kek
Norway fag here, feels good.
How about grey eyes, are they white?
>tfw blonde blue/green eyes
>tfw handsome face
>tfw broad shoulders and narrow waist, good muscle aesthetics
>tfw born to upper upper middle class parents in Oil-land
>tfw intelligent, 25 yo working in finance with 100kusd salary
>tfw $1m apartment in central Oslo
>tfw none of this matters since I'm a 178cm manlet ;_;
192-195cm is the absolute ideal male height, these guys are just from manletville.. im jelly polebro. However, it's hard to get thick solid n tight without solid genetics
Almost everyone is blonde as a kid. If your hair is not very white as a kid, you won't be blonde as an adult.
t. literally white hair as a kid, now pic related color
>women dont know shit about height
Numbers don't master if they just see my height
>tfw you want to marry a blue eyed naturally blonde girl to overcompensate for your inferior shitskin genes when you have kids
Or maybe polish woman had a threesome in 1939.
being a descendant of badass Maori people peoplel>being white
stay safe user
Tall, brown hair, heterochromatic master race reporting in
Blondes with non shitblood brown eyes might have the advantage in the beginning but blondes rarely age well. This applies to women as well. Brown hair = still banging sluts when 50+
Blond with green eyes here.
It's not that interesting. My ex loved my eyes, people tell me I have pretty eyes, but no one gives a shit about my hair.
Also I'm 6'1, which is enough above average that girls comment on my height.
So I guess, in my head I'm average, but if I had a better looking face, and toned my body, I'd be a cold stunner.
What's it like to be human?
194cm blue eyes light brown hair mongol reporting in. not going to lie, women love it
>first nigger in his real family
>also first one to not know his dad
But also, tough life, don't kill yourself or anything.
Coloured soul is better. White people have no soul, it is known
>>tfw you have literally identical features to 100% of your countrymen and 90% of the planet
Isn't that good though? Sup Forums told me that that homogeneity is conducive to a high-trust society.
How does it feel like not being poor?
>inb4 that fag that earns 400k confectioning food on Taco Bell