Will America be a better place when it is ruled by Chicanos?

Will America be a better place when it is ruled by Chicanos?

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Probably except for the crime rate.

Yes I can't wait to be surrounded by cute Latinas.

Yes. Latinas really, REALLY love white cock. This is gonna be a good century.

Phoneposter please go
b8poster please go
shitposter please go
OP please go

Sí. I mean yes.

It won't be though, firstly they won't even be a majority of the population, there will still be more whites than any other group, secondly on average they are less competent and as such won't be in nearly the amount of ruling positions that whites will be. Besides you aren't posting a representative sample of what they'll look like.

They're wearing the same style of makeup you dense fuck.

The corrupt government, that Mexicans leave Mexico to get away from, will be better when it happens elsewhere?
Do you even read the stupid things you post?

Ya look at all the great things they've done in their country.
>undrinkable water
>open sewage
>massive pollution
>massive poverty rates
>government is run by cartels
>aside from manufacturing which is shoddy at best. Mexico offers the world less than nothing and is a waste of resources. The world would b better without Mexico

Those are clones.

Look at every non white country. Specifically any country that has descendants of Spanish people. What do you think?

they look like psychos you mean ?

What? What does this have to do with anything I was saying?

Is Mexico a better place because it is run by Mexicans?

Mexico isn't a first world country. What makes you think we won't be dragged down?

Am I safe to to put my dick in a cute little submissive Mexican virgin?

Mexicans don't even want to live in Mexico and the Mexicans there don't want more Mexicans.

Move to SoCal and you can be surrounded by Aztec lawn gnomes with their fat gruesome offspring.

Just move to Brazil to see the end result, without having to wait for a decoade. Mongrel paradiso.

>think it's ok to just put on deodorant but not shower
>having hot women is a myth, they will be fat as fuck by 21
>steal everything
>kids emulate nigger culture
No it would be exactly like Mexico but worse because of the nig influence

CIA get out! REEEEE
IT >ChicANOs
>Running anything

Just like Brazil but in spanish.

NO! Fuck chicanos, I'm calling for a chicano holocaust

have you been to south Texas? Or the Inland Empire?

Also, that bitch is probably the .01% of chicanos. Most of their bitches look like this

Once they run out of drugs the countries should get better, since whiteys are the ones who supply the drug trade to begin with.


Yeah, the drugs are why those countries are hell holes....

more funny gore then

don't forget, its whitey's fault too. despite whitey not running that nation... Oh that is why, they want whitey to run their country. The White Mans Burden I guess

Yes because they create opportunities for intelligent sociopathic latin americans to form organized groups to profit from them.


>firstly they won't even be a majority of the population
At this rate, absolutely, yes, they will become the majority.

If they would create an actual economy, maybe their people would have a choice besides being a narco and bring poor. That's asking too much of you spics though.

Everyone who thinks this should be forced to drive through inland California all the way from Sacramento to San Diego and stop in every town that doesnt have any signs written in English. That way they would be raped and murdered by the time they hit Salinas and removed from the voter registry as well as the gene pool. Just kidding, an illegal would steal their SSN and vote Democrat anyway

The same could be said about you

Fuck California and fuck brown "people"

If you like living in a dump, sure

No they won't, look at any demographic projection on the matter, they'll probably peak at 30ish percent of the population, with whites remaining a plurality. Hispanic birth rates in America are dropping and IIRC are basically below replacement rates in most places anyway.

You're either a fucking kike or a goddamn spic if you're honestly going to claim that beaners aren't on the verge of becoming the majority in the USA.

food will be a lot better

chicanos are nigger tier spics, even Mexicans hate them.

will American be a better place when it's rule by niggers?
same logic applies to Chicanos

>Will America be a better place when it is ruled by Chicanos?

If you consider Mexico a better place, then yes

Most mexicans had non drug related jobs you fucking idiot its just that cartels are cancer.

These threads always remind me how lucky I am. I'm American of Mexican parents and knocked up a white girl

No, it will be North Mexico. Same shit, but colder weather.

fuck mexico and mexicans in general

You could just look at the fucking data, they aren't at all.

well just look at mexico for your answer.

I hope your child gets the white features.

Fuck off.

That's not the majority of the population though, or even close, now is it?

Mexico Gives Us Its Worst

kek he's right though

Aren't chicanos just the low caste Mexicans who came to the USA to work in the fields and do other menial labor?

OP's pic is rare.. A european/spanish looking mexican girl. Pic related is what normal chicano looks like.

literally niggers with "good hair"

>The share of the population that is Hispanic has been steadily increasing over the past half century. In 2014, Hispanics made up 17.3% of the total U.S. population, up from 3.5% in 1960. According to the latest projections from the U.S. Census Bureau (2014), the Hispanic share of the U.S. population is expected to reach 28.6% by 2060.

Fuck off, kike.

S.Texas spic here again. I have relatives who've done alright for themselves in politics, but "rule" is an overstatement.

Xicana in OP's pic is hot as fuck though

Why are blaming Mexicans for your shitty immigration system?

It is your fault this is happening.

So, is 17.3 or 28.6 anywhere close to 50? No, and you're a retard who can't do math and are trying to salvage the fact that you're wrong and caught in your bullshit.

Oh lord, give me the will not to mix race.

Niggers dont have that orange skintone fucktard.

>he thinks that living among Mexicans is lucky

Once white people disappear from the US, you will have nowhere to run, as Canada too will be overrun with nonwhites. In short, your future is a brown hell like Mexico is today.

You're claiming that wetbacks are below replacement rates in most places. You're a fucking deceiving kike. In half a century, beaners went from 3.5% of the population to nearly 20%, and you're arguing that based on these trends, the European population of America isn't at risk of being displaced?

Fuck off, kike.

>a foreigner thinking he has a relevant opinion

high yellow you fucking monkey. blue gummer or high yellow they're all niggers

high yellow does not look like that either.

Spics are hybrids of the Mexican natives and Spaniards idiot.

brazil's problem was they were 40% nigger. Most latinas coming in the USA are white/native not white/nigger.

>kids emulate nigger culture

yep, this is the problem here


>40% nigger
top kek-

>advocating for white/native hybrids
You're a fucking disgrace to this country. There's a reason we cleansed our share.

so much to give us

and they look like high yellow niggers in that pic. they look like niggers and they act like niggers, that makes them nigger tier

High yellow looks yellow not orange retard. They are not niggers.

hot latinas are my weakness Sup Forums.
is it ok if they're mostly white looking? Do they have enough Spanish blood?

Don't listen to the nigger. Beaners are worse than nigger tier. At least nigs have proven that they can be domesticated.


Did you fall on your head recently?

Give in to the dark side. Those fine lil Hispanic girls have the best pussy.


the worst part is that brazil, being a tropical country with lots of jungles, have monkeys everywhere -- i see them in my uni all the time

that pic is completely correct, i see that scene everyday


Yes, mexibros are based

People who are getting deported aren't going to rule shit

Jesus fucking Christ my erection went from 0-60 in 0.000000000001 seconds upon opening that pic



Those aren't latinas. Those are white girls that you labeled as latina because Sup Forums is retarded and you're retarded.

Yes. I can't wait for our takeover

/Thread, fpbp and rare. Nice.