Post shows that got past (((them)))
I'll start, The Smurfs. Literally Nazi propaganda. The guy who created it is obviously a sympathizer
Post shows that got past (((them)))
I'll start, The Smurfs. Literally Nazi propaganda. The guy who created it is obviously a sympathizer
Other urls found in this thread:
Also Dragon Ball Z.
>Cell is the embodiment of multiculturalism.
Smurfs are blue, dumbass. How can that show possibly be redpilled?
Because they're ALL blue idiot. Notice their main enemy (((Gargamel))) is a jewish caricature that wants to turn them into gold, Sherlock?
Blue pilled delivery but educate yourself. Did you ever watch the show?
forgot link
>they turn "super aryan"
>get blonde hair and blue eyes.
>They're enslaved by a transsexual jew.
On a serious note, I for one see the opposite side of that coin: they're all the same; uniformity; equality of outcome.
Hm... I'm not sure what I'm getting at, or at least I don't know how to articulate it but I think it would help you understand if we were on the same page about the nature of 'diversity.' I agree with picrelated; to me, the smurfs are the inevitable conclusion of multiculturalism. Hence they propagandize it.
I could argue further that the presence of an evil Jew in a fictional children's cartoon show only serves to desensitize people, at a young age, to the fact of evil Jews.
look into the guy that made it. The smurfs literally live in a nat soc utopia and dress up in KKK outfits with papa smurf wearing red symbolizing he's the Grand Dragon, with a jew hunting after them trying to turn them into gold.
>Buu is jew magic
DBZ is probably the most
>that video
papa smurf is grand master of the kkk oh wait they are all communist, just look at papa smurf he looks like carl marx.
Holy fuck make up your mind.
Also you don't think if they guy made them white it wouldn't be a tad obvious. They guy did it perfect it started in the 60s and I was watching it as kid in the 90s and 00s. (I'm american just using a proxy)
Each smurf is a simple and rather incompetent archetype but together they form a functional society that can defend against seemingly unstoppable gigantic foreign invaders. The smurfs clear and stable social hierarchy keeps them safe. Everyone has a role and responsibilities decided by their status. The elder has the highest status and the final say.
The people making the video are muh youtube money idiots. It's obvious they live in nat soc. The video just provides good examples in a digestible form.
It's clearly communist.
>dictator smurf (papa smurf)
>work based economy
>evil guy representing capitalism
My nigga.
Gargamel ans azrael still get me.
Typical kike haha
The Smurfs are Commies.
Mother fucking God, Papa Smurf.... PAPA Smurf wears red and and has a beard. He's Marx.
Comrade PAPA Smurf even says, "By each according to his ability and to each according to his needs."
Brainy Smurf is obviously Trotsky; thinks he should be the leader and is actually useless.
Favorite episode:
Kono Suba
>dictator smurf (papa smurf)
That dresses up like a grand dragon
It seems more like that just an aspect of their utopia. you still need agriculture.
>work based economy
so is every economy. If you think that's a bad thing maybe you are a commie
>evil guy representing capitalism
you mean the jew that wants to turn them into GOLD using magic.
I think collectivist is more accurate, they keep to themselves and everything they do is for their own people, not some international ideology that they want to apply to everyone. Whatever they are they are at least clearly ethnic nationalists.
Posting more
Sorry for spoilers
>Prussia/Nazi/all white "reich" wins over democracy
This is k-on right?
Exactly they look after their own.
Sometimes they help a white child escape the jew.
What was that one show with the blue nosed cat called again?
>my thread attracts a rare
I'm honored.
""""""Free"""""" Planets looks like jews.
Close but no
Shut up, Ă…land and go back to being Finland's "Gibsmedats", you fucking piece of Swedish shit.
Dragon Ball might be the most
>untermensch race created by jew scientist out to destroy the ayrans that destroyed his inferior race.
What is this anime?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's amazing. Mandatory viewing for Sup Forums
And not one Estonian name in the bunch. Fuck that noise.
It's bluepilled as fuck. The Smurfs are Communists. Hell. even Papa Smurf once said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
>Not a radioactive hellhole of incest
the smurfs should have made a Hells Smurfs MC and beat the living shit out of gargamel and his cat.
ratpack him, do the bastard and then seize his castle as their own territory.
>papa smurf
they live in a patriarchal society
hook nosed gippo who wants to extract gold from smurfs
i only made it like 30 episode in before i stopped giving a fuck, when does the show get entertaining?
Near the end.