Can someone explain why Germans are so glad the UK is leaving the EU?
There's no upside for Germany whatsoever.
Can someone explain why Germans are so glad the UK is leaving the EU?
germans are so brainwashed. case in point, two friends of mine grew up in America, left Germany at the age of 8 or so. their grandfather was a pretty badass nazi. anyway, they find out that he was technically Jewish (I dont even believe it, honestly) and all of a sudden they become the most apolitical and shallow people I've ever known. Like... they used to be normal, political kinda like me, and then they find out this "dark family secret" and they start going to night clubs and move to Miami and basically can't stop being a fucking degenerate kikescum nigger.
I guess my point is that the Germany that was left after World War was so heavily abused in those early years and then molded in the zionist image.. these people have such guilt and programming. Germans who don't embrace their heritage (doesn't even have to be national socialism, just stop hating and allowing your own people to be raped and harassed by muslims)
I swear that Illuminati shit is all true. Germans are the worst. Digits confirm...
Sounds pathetic tbqh
Old national rivalry acting up.
I'm not sure if I can even tell what's going on in that image, user.
They are cucks. But the rest 90% of germans hate eternal anglos.
They aren't, it's butthurt.
It's literally "Go and leave me, see if I care! Don't come running back to me when you find out I was the best thing that ever happened to you! I can find someone better than you at every corner! My life will only become better now that you're gone!"
What else would you expect from feminized Western society?
they're multi millionaire trust fund babies too. they'll probably kill themselves just like their father did. lots of pedophilia too, maybe they were Jewish!!!
they used to be my best friends. now i welcome them into the ovens, unless they renounce their degeneracy and agree to help save the white race. last i've seen of them, they are both the ultimate blue-pill, and with tens of millions of euros to spend.
They are not glad, not at all.
It is just the left wing kiddies and their "adults" showing their vicious lust for "revenge" that the Brits made a decision ON THEIR OWN, like how dare they, right?^^
The actual people in power are terrified and want the Brits to stay cause financially they were always very conservative like Germany, but with them gone, you leave Germany almost only with leeches. France with their agriculture subsidies, Poland with their "I want what they are having" attitude, southern Euros with their socialist retardery, northern euros with their socialist retardery that will go on for longer cause they actually have the money to waste, etc.
Maybe they are learning from Trump's dealmaking and try to take that "outcry" of howcouldyouism and take it to the negotioating table, but honestly, I think most EU-druggies are just that retarded without that further intent. I just hope the actual poeple in power at least use the tools given to them, how ridiculous and stupid they might have come to be.
Stop asking stupid questions lad, we are really upset.
This gets at what I mean, it doesn't make sense for Germany to be glad if Britain leaves. They are losing a massive obstacle against France, who regularly vote against Germany in the Council, a net contributor, a member that is fiscally conservative... if you're pro-EU I can't see the upside.
Actually, I find some of the German arguments in favour of Europe quite compelling. I'm not altogether hostile to their perspective. But the attitude that they WANT Britain to leave makes no sense to me.
since nobody else noticed me, i'm gonna check my own digits here. germans are the worst.
>checking ID
trying to ignore you, honestly
t. 2010 football world cup audience
Divide and conquer. It's the shariablue tactic. The more they can make us fight each other, the more they can operate un opposed.
No sane person is overjoyed that the UK is leaving. Soon we'll be the last 1st world to be in this "union".
Anyone who claims otherwise is no better than that vindictive ex who insulted you on facebook for months after your ugly breakup.
>Can someone explain why Germans are so glad the UK is leaving the EU?
>There's no upside for Germany whatsoever.
Because we get the cancerous UK meddling out of EU politics.
Remember, it was the UK that was behind the law that ISPs had to save all your browsing history. Luckily the ECJ found it to be illegal, but there's no doubt that the UK would keep trying.
Total Estonian contribution to the EU budget: € 0.185 billion
Total UK contribution to the EU budget: € 18.209 billion
so it really was as simple as giving handouts to the rest of the EU. so simple that it repels the mind
lol, the UK, Germany, Netherlands, and Sweden are the only countries contributing more than they're taking out.
A few of the Nordic countries are balanced but beyond that it's mostly just the first three holding up the rest.
Take the UK out of the equation and what do you get? Everything falls onto Germany and the Netherlands. Enjoy!
Also you can see who the biggest drains are too, heh.
Yes, because EU budget is more important than having all of our privacy in the hands of private companies.
Oh yeah, which country was it that said they would veto any "EU army" proposals? Right, it was the UK.
Gee, I fucking wonder why Germany is glad you guys are leaving.
>so it really was as simple as giving handouts to the rest of the EU. so simple that it repels the mind
Well, the idea is that the EU is a single market. 1€ spent in the UK gives less return on investment in infrastructure than 1€ in Romania. So it's better for UK business as a whole for Romania's infrastructure to improve. This means their people will be better off and can spend more money on goods from the UK.
You also have to remember that EU budget is small compared to individual member state budgets.
But Germany doesn't vote alongside other EU members... if Germany wanted to have her say then the UK being there was a GOOD thing
>Remember, it was the UK that was behind the law that ISPs had to save all your browsing history
Helps catch pedophiles, I guess thats why you dont like it though.
What will become of Poland when their EU aid is slashed? No one seems to be considering this. Is this why the EU are demanding such extortionate amounts from us? So they can carry on the Polish gravy train for a few more years?
No, the idea is to make the Brexit as painful as possible so other countries (France, NL) reconsider.
Yup lol. I don't think people realise that it's Germany contribution 3x more that's holding up the whole thing. The UK's 2x and Netherland's 1x. When you take out that middle one, just how are the rest supposed to manage keeping that going?
Sweden won't be contributing for long with how they're collapsing.
That HUGE negative drain from Poland, Greece and the rest, just how are they going to plug that gap and keep that going without the UK's second biggest contribution there?
Netherlands is obv making an effort but the UK and Germany have the whole lot on our shoulders.
It's like when niggers say they're proud of being black. They aren't, it's just that they can't change anything, they can't quite reach those grapes and have to be content with their apple.
You know, the Polish really piss me off.
They've taken so much from the EU, becoming a part of it has literally transformed their country and they owe it all to the contributor EU nations. And yet, the second they're asked to give a little back, take in a few refugees to lessen the burden on the likes of Germany and they start kicking up shit as though they're being treated unfairly.
I mean, I don't blame them for not wanting to take in refugees, I don't blame them at all. It was a stupid idea for Angela Merkel to do what she did in the first place, but for crying out loud, help the fucking Germans out seeing as they've done so bloody much for you over the past decade or so. It's just straight up fucking ungrateful. Is this just a slavic thing or something?
That's all just more reason to ditch the EU if you ask me, who wants to be part of a political union like that? Especially when you're one of the few contributor nations. I truly believe that, had the 2004 enlargement of the EU not occured, then we probably wouldn't have voted to leave, let alone had a referendum in the first place.
Slavs ruined the EU.
>Germany is cucked so Poland should be too
>Just like the Patriot Act is used to keep Americans safe and catch terrorists
t. joo
>Helps catch pedophiles, I guess thats why you dont like it though.
Does it? Is that why the UK wants it so much?
Remember, the UK is the country that had that Pakistani pedophile ring. The UK is the country that had your own politicians host pedophile rings. Remember Jimmy Savile?
But it doesn't seem to me like this is helping catch pedophiles at all. It seems to me much more that your government simply wants to censor the people. Then again, you're British so you want that to happen.
>What will become of Poland when their EU aid is slashed?
Nothing. They simply won't get to do some those new infrastructure projects that would help boost their growth. This just delays their conditions improving by a bit.
Poland has a net contribution of around -13.7€ billion. UK's net contribution is around 4.9€ billion. The total amount of net contributions is 43.5€ billion. If we reduce this number by UK's 4.9€ billion the net contributions shrink by 11.3%. So if the money to Poland is reduced by that amount Poland ends up getting a net contribution of -12.15€ billion. Thus they end up losing around 1.5€ billion in money. This is less than their increase was from 2013 to 2014.
tl;dr nothing would happen to Poland. If Poland wanted they could simply absorb this into their 70-80€ billion national budget.
Don't be a cunt, you know I don't mean it like that.
I'm just saying Poland should have the fucking courtesey to do a small favour for Germany considering all they've done for them. Poles can act like hard uncucked tough guys all they like, fact is they're poor as fuck and without EU aid the country would soon collapse seeing as they've become totally dependent on it.
Can anyone confirm if this shitty attitude is just a Slav thing? It's a bit Jewish really and most Jews are from Slavic countries.
Since you guys were so useless to us after WW1 and during WW2, we might well drain your money and make you hate us even more.
( by the way, I don't have any fucking idea on what is happening to EU's funding. Our GDP is lower than Czech's, not only that but it also drops from time to time )
There you go again with the whole "I couldn't possibly look after myself so would you mind wiping my arse for me" attitude. What the fuck did you expect us to do after both of the world wars? On both occassions we were literally exhausted and you expect us to single handedly take on Russia just because you lot aren't capable of looking after yourselves?
Polish people are fucking useless, I swear. It's a crime against nature that the state of Poland still exists. If this were a just-world Poland would be partitioned once again.
4th Reich
Nobody really cares here if you leave it not.
Nobody cares about anything because they can't speak or read German anyway
Inselaffen need to leave!
>Nobody cares about anything because they can't speak or read German anyway
What did he mean by this?