Post things/culture that non-whites will never understand or appreciate.
Post things/culture that non-whites will never understand or appreciate
Whites come from albinism, a disease. You have nothing to be rpoud about. Nothing. Everything you have was given to you by people you look down on. Priceless. This is what karma looks like.
Makes me cry everytime
dog bless
Are you proud of this?
Fuck those faggots. Do nothing for our Race but harm us.
Or are you ashamed.
is british railways still a mess or did you finely reach 21 century standards?
lol this dumb nig smashing on his keyboard
A job.
You proud to have a lower IQ than whites?
There you are. I haven't seen your shitposts in a while. What's it like living in a country built by whites? Do you feel envious?
>shitposting on a website made by a white person
Depends what part of the country you want to go to, really. Major cities have decent rail links, but links between towns could be a lot better. Britain's heritage tourism industry is fucking huge, hence why we're so obsessed with railway preservation.
Above ground railroad...
But why?
repairing things. Niggers don't do it because they don't know how, gooks don't do it because they rather buy new than fix an old thing.
They will never understand this song
is he okay?
>muh breedoms :DDDDDDDDD
This board belongs to me. I am the devourer of racist white egos. Mr. Guaranteed Yous.
I shine the light of truth into their weak eyes until it shines out the back of their skulls. This is raw power. This is knowledge. And you gon learn today.
Are you proud to come from albinism? A disease.
Whats it like having parents who got divorced? Traumatic?
IF it means having a higher IQ than you then yes.
Shitposting? Im just giving facts. No h8. Just truths.
Lol this moose cucking leaf.
was watching documentation on BR and you still use manual levers to switch tracks and crap like that, looks pretty archaic.
On some tracks threes not even electronic control or traffic lights they use CB radios to get tokens. is that still a thing?
huWhite technology;
Femilab in Illionois
But it doesnt kek. Youre just deficient.
If your iq is so high. Why arent you rich?
Blame the (((people))) who give them their orders. They're just doing their jobs.
>white people
>3 dumb college chicks
>trying to make a joke about split families
O I am laffin
t. nigger
Im not black, dont care. You losers are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS projecting your failures on black ppl. Always. Fucking failrues you. The bottom of the fucking barrel. Dylan roof skinny ass weak white boy no game no social skills having LOSER motherfuckers.
No one likes a bully and Im here to rip you shitstains limb from limb. Smacky smack in your fucking face and theres nothing your wannabe nazi shitstan loser asses can ever do about it. This is it. Fucking cry and rot.
Just punch you in the Gut and watch you keel over. I will witness the terror in your eyes as you know Im coming to stomp your face in.
You will never have peace. Im coming to take it all from you. All of it. I will never rest. You will boil in the poison you flooded the world with. I will waterboard the life out of you using your own hate.
Whatever you say nigger.
Who said Im black, you losers always run to your safe space word. Nigger this nigger that.
Stfu leper. Ya fucking mutie. Know your place bino, it is the lowest you can mr diseased flesh.
It will never amount this this. Nothing will. And you know it.
since this moron came and answering your request
The feeling of having sex with a black person and feeling wrong as if you where actually practicing zoophilia real thing man,you are barely human specially the sub Sahara bitches that come to yurop
Sorry about your whore of a mother. No cure for something like that.
Neck yourself you aspie fuck. You are posting the same bullshit you always do. Congrats on being as autistic as obamaleaf you dumb cunt
Seek help
But don't chinks and Japs have the best trains?
Stfu moor rape baby.
what the hell
I'm making a thread about this
The knowledge that any of your ancestors would gladly open their legs for the price of a packet of peanuts to any yuro or american,or even free
concept of honor
Aww? You dont like it very do you. Getting BTFO in your own safe space. Feelsbadman? Youre not safe. This is the universe at work punishing you. You really thought all that hate would never come back to yah?
Nah. Youre gonna drown in it. I promise you. You will gasp for air, choking on your own hate.
Every single species is here because of genetic mutstions. So yeah, its nice being the most highly evolved human. Sub human niggers need to be gassed
post the past 10 years faggot
stfu moor rape baby, youre more African than ill ever be.
Stfu, the knowldge that you come from a disease, and your MAD ashamed of it. lmao. So righteous karma is. So righteous.
Look at this sperg and laugh. Same BS in every thread, same inane "arguments", same schizophrenic ramblings. Whatever makes you feel like you have a purpose I guess. Autism awareness week will be here soon.
>Niggers really are this stupid
Everyday im thankfull for being white, nothing worse than being a nigger
Do it then coward. Show me what you got Dylan. Nothing a lonely loser. I got a six pack from fucking the brains out of my white gf lmao. Eat shit binos. know your place leper.
I'm white and what is this?
Guaranteed yous from my peasants. I came iinto the "Lion"s den. And just raped that motherfucker. Made it my bitch. My pet. Bark for me doggo.
Youll never be white lmao. Youre a fucking brown boot licking black tongue beggar is what you are. A spineless weakling. Beg them peasant.
Okay that was really bad but
>Coca-Cola logo on the sign
>this autism
Rant all you want schizo, I am LAUGHING at you
>America will never have a functioning rail system because of (((GM)))
It hurts bros.
Im laughing at your dad. Too much of a loser to keep his wife. top kek. A pathethic son so traumatized that he amounted to nothing.
>if I keep ranting like a schizo it makes it true
>Blame the (((people))) who give them their orders. They're just doing their jobs.
Implying they are forced to do their jobs, you fucking faggot.
t. cuck who defends police kikes
You only have yourself to blame, you ignorant faggot.
Just another ugly ass non chad dog molesting hilly billy motherfucker. Sorry about your whore mother buddy. Say hi to step dad for me.
Bay leaves are native to the Mediterranean though.
It will, but it'll probably be after our lifetimes.
Anytime someone says ahahahaa you can tell they are butthurt and stupid. Low education hill billy. Never even went to college. Sad.
>come back
>schizo has replied to me multiple times in my absence
>understand trians n sheit
Guess I am aryan then.
Did he died?