La Libre - Exit Poll as of 5pm CET

La Libre - Exit Poll as of 5pm CET
23% — Mélenchon
22% — Le Pen
21% — Macron
18%— Fillon
7% — Hamon

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Présidentielle: Macron devant Le Pen selon un sondage sortie des urnes

That would be great. Le Pen would probably win the second round.

Add the Don

Which one is the commie, melenchon?

That's a pretty even distribution
Are France's election normally like that?

No. this will happen and she'll lose unfortunately

Sadly Fake user.


Everyone going to church make sure to pray for Le Pen

The funny part is that Fillon is the only one of their candidates that would have an actual chance of creating and running a government.
melenchon is a commie meme
le pen is a trump clone meme
macron is a jewish puppet
Fillon is a corrupt asshole

looks like france is even more fucked

I just want to see Macron get fucked, all those EU bureaucrats and the media have been shilling for him non-stop. Mélenchon vs. Le Pen would be fantastic.


You sure? Spanish news network abc gives the same numbers

Melenchon vs Le Pen would be PERFECT.

Even if Le Pen didn't win against the Commie fuck, his presidency would be a fucking joke and would accelerate everything.





Praise Kek.

Macron please be dead

His response to terrorism is literally "deal with it, guys":

How cucked do you have to be to vote for someone like that?

We definitely need Macron to lose.

If Melenchon wins, would it make the scenario in Soumission possible?

>Exit polls

Lame bait.

It was made with software that edits web pages. Melenchon will still win though.

So the commie is winning according to the exit polls?
Better not make that a reality France

Bolshevik lies

Fake News

Definitely. He is a servant to (((Rothschild))), pro race mixing, pro open border, pro EU,Pro globalism and pro Islam.

Le Pen vs Melenchon would be a hell of a vote.

Get in there, comrades !

meme harder faggots

Terrorism is not the top priority of people though

Melenchon vs Le Pen is the best possible case.


Polls this early into the day are unreliable at best. Likely to be strongly influenced by the overseas territories that voted yesterday.

France was hit the hardest by terrorism.

How many people died again? 230+?

How it is not a priority, what the fuck?!

100% income tax on people making 340k or more

he's the french ernie panders

The lack of native French people is.

Frenchies in the UK are voting today though and with an higher than average turnout. One polling station which in 2012 had 800 French citizens vote has 1280 this year.

100,000 are eligible of which 97,000 live in Londonistan. Surely they won't be retarded and vote for more of Londonistan right?

Can someone give me another source?

Melenchon Vs. Le Pen is too perfect. The EU is doomed.


Over 13,000 Millionaires and billionaires abandoned France with the current tax rate. They all went to Russia and Switzerland instead.

i read through those exit polls and there is literally nothing there

Some user predicted this with Le Pen winning round 2 a couple of days ago. I assume Le Pen can take that faggot 1v1 right? Even in France a literal commie can't win the presidency, r-right?

Let's assume for a second that these numbers are final. How would those loser votes go in 2nd round?

This is FAKE NEWS.

Even the source he mentions does not give those numbers.

It's going to be MACRON 1st, LE PEN 2nd

Screencap this

>Exit poll
>When the voting stations aren't closed and the counting process hasn't started

Just checked the polls and he would crush her with 63% vs 37% apparently.

We've seen those polls before mate, have faith in kek. Shadilay!


Macron is in the lead you complete and utter idiots

this. plus real commies are much more based than SJW.

Honnetement Mélénchon / Le Pen c'est pas le pire IMO. Macron au second tour ça ferait chier parce qu'il serait sur de passer.
En revanche Melenchon donne une chance non négligeable à MLP.
Après le top ça serait Le Pen / Fillon, là MLP peut passer tranquille (si les cocos / bobos restent chez eux et chialent sur fb au lieu de voter).
Des gens ont voté pour quelqu'un d'autre que les quatre de tête ici?

>100,000 French in Canada
>100,000 French in the UK

Why do all the French live overseas?

Well, you're German so you tell us.

You mean (((polls)))

Take it with a grain of salt

J'ai pas encore voter, mais comme je participe au dépouillement, je voterai juste avant la fermeture.

Je voterai /mlp/

>le pen is a trump clone meme
Le Pen and the FN were a thing way before Trump, user.

>UK exits the EU and isolate itself from Europe
>France exits the EU and becomes a communist country
>Germany takeover all of the Europe with it's new muslim reich
>San Francisco is nuked and the US is too busy fighting gooks innawoods for the next decade
>The islamization of Brazil begins

the world is going to the shitter lads, i'm killing myself later


High taxes, crime, immigration, etc.

Melon CHAN 4 socialusm!

My dreams are coming true. A 2nd round with LePen and mechellon.

That a very good fake website


So was gert wilders, that didn't stop him from copying drumpf.

Which one of them is most anti-white ?

We'd see an Islamic party vs FN next election as both parties sweep local elections in the next years
It might be to late at the end of a Melenchon term, though
Literal millions in days

people are afraid of saying they voted for Le Pen, just like what happened to Trump
she will win, for sure

More people die from tobacco, alcohol, fast food than terrorism.

I agree. Literally chaos vs. chaos


>236 killed, 856 wounded between 2015-present in France.
That doesn't include abroad.
Without good security services the numbers would literally be 10-12x that with an average of 9 small to medium attacks foiled every month and 2 major attacks a year. With IS and its allies losing ground everywhere a lot of foreign fighters are returning to Europe with an estimated 8,000-16,000 currently in Europe.

A car,gun and suicide vest attack was scheduled in Marseilles for yesterday but was foiled earlier in the week in a CT police raid.

Welp great argument, now you've convinced me.

Let's just let in millions of illiterate 3rd world niggers who hate our culture and have values incompatible with us.

After all, more people die from alcohol, so it doesn't matter.




Just put a champagne bottle in the fridge. Don't let me down Kek


J'ai longtemps hésité j'ai voté NDA ce coup-ci, le type mérite une bien plus grosse visibilité ses idées sont les plus proches de ce que je considère comme la vraie droite.
Quel pied si à la place des républicains on avait un parti avec les idées de NDA, ça aurait été une putain d'opposition (minoritaire certes) pendant les cinq années d'Hollande (mieux que Jacob / Copé et la bande à Juppé) et ça aurait vraiment apporté au débat.



Pls let Melenchon win.

That would be almost as much fun as Le Pen.

If Le Pen and Mélenchon win the first round we already won...

Kek wills it.

If Le Pen can't win, Macron would actually be the next best choice.

Fillon would just be a slow continuation of the cuckening.

If Macron gets in, Le Pen can strip away some of Melenchon's support for another run after Macron accelerates the ruination of France even further.

Geert didn't copy anything, hell he pretty much didn't campaign at all. Shame because it could have been ridiculously effective if he did. At least we got FvD in which is Fortuyn incarnated and will slaughter absolutely everything in the next election (could be 2018/19 because probably unstable coalition).

J'ai voté Asselineau. Il est celui qui a le meilleur argumentaire contre l'euro et l'UE à mon avis.

Pablemos, vete a tomar un poquito por culo anda.

His response to complaints about France becoming Not French was;

>We will bring tens of millions of Africans and Arabs here

>You will not move away from them. We will forcibly integrate them into your neighborhoods

>It will be great for the the economy

Some of us have jobs and lives and don't want chaos, just fuck off

I seriously hope it will be Le Pen vs Malenchon. Against Macron or Fillion, Le Pen would be doomed (the moderates will simply form a coalition as alway and landslide her). If the hippie commie is the enemy, we could as well destroy the tour eiffel and build a kek statue

Assuming France and Europe can survive another 5 years of this.

This can't be true? Melenchon in Round 2 would be hilarious. And the polls would have been off.

Is your job more important than the future of your country and the french people?

Please m8. France needs a big wake-up call.

>muh job!!

Fuck your job. The future of France is more important.

>assuming we can fix this without some choas

It is amazing to me that after the cold war, the disastrous state that the economy of the USSR had, the situation in Venezuela, and the implosion of every communist nation that did not abandon Marxist economics, that 24% of the French people are voting for a literal Communist.

People have such short memories. That symbol that he is pointing to in the OP is drenched in blood and misery.

they write enough about her already. people dont need to look her up

In a period of 2 years from 2015-2017(so far) more than 60% of all casualties relating to terrorism in France since 1970 was committed and thats with a good international intelligence and CT system. Imagine how many daily attacks there would be if the agencies were inept? It would be Syria tier. They foiled a major suicide attack on Tuesday that was set to take place yesterday in Marseilles.

If that's not concerning. You need to get your head out of the sand.

>And the polls would have been off.

mmmm where have i heard that before

fucking pussy