When did the catholic church turn into such muslim asslickers and started promoting the globalist agenda so much?
Pope says refugee centers are like concentration camps
I wish it was true
Vatican didn't have any problems with concentration camps, why does he care now?
It was pretty bad with Benedict but this new guy is just another level of boot-licker.
>New Worlders
Catholic "Universal" Church wants to establish a New-Age tier syncretic one world religion centered around environmentalism.
Oh boy, I sure am interested in what this illuminati puppet has to say.
The popes opinion is about as valid as yours and mine. It only matters when he speaks from the chair
Since the beginning. Their idol is a Hebrew speaking jew
Why does the Pope think Muslims are even human?
They appeal more to young people this way, and the Church's biggest problem for the last few decades has been holding on to young people.
I'm convinced every couple decades there is an anti-Pope that is completely Satanic but larps as the real pope
The whole point should be to guide, not pander.
Most young people are idiots, and with shit like this they will not be able to snap out of it. Sad!
Always one step behind arn't they.
They should have gone DEUS VULT instead.
>no gas chambers
>no ovens
worst concentration ever, its like theyre not even trying
Not my pope.
The bible is written in aramit not Hebrew but its almost the same.
Church has been kiked since John Paul 2
1/4 of it was written in Greek
Except it doesn't bring in more young people. They already have secular humanism, so they don't need secular humanism catholicism hybrid. Same mistake cuckservatives make.
It's like if a business that has a unique product decides to stop making the unique product to instead make an inferior version of a product in a different market that's already saturated. Bad business. So if it's marketing, it's really bad marketing.
Depends on the translation i guess.
It's been kiked since the 1940s at least. Pope Pius XII was a Jew puppet (which is funny because the Jews now throw him under the bus).
Refugees aren't being made to work though
The new testament was in Greek
Actually the Catholic bible is taken from the Septuagint which is the Greek translation of OT
Did he say this because nobody is gassed to death?
Benedict was based, that's why they forced him out and installed this imposter
Papieża to ty szanuj, meksykańcu. JP2 wasn't event close to Francis' cuckoldry
Burn this fagot on the stake.
Reinstate Benedict (from SS) XVI, now!!!
I got the bible and the new testament in aramit.
I guess kikes are always at fault no matter what.
>concentration camps are like refugee homes
I'm glad people are finally accepting this.
Why arent you inviting those poor refugees into your homes Hans?!
I literally cant even. Even the pope tells you to do it but you arent. Are you getting ready for another hitlering or what
sad, I went to mass a couple weeks ago and they were playing negro R&B gospel music there
i wish you were right, cuck francis.
He's a Free-mason Christ-hater.
The Truth will always win out in the End.
imagine if he could have a go at these bad boys
He is right. The Pope finally saw that the Holohoax was a lie.
I bet the momentum of all the previous Popes turning in their graves, transformed into energy could power the Vatican's structures and half the Italy for a year easy
I mean, what the fuck, I'd be ashamed and felt like a fool if I were catholic or christian by any matter, it's really gotten out of hand
His blood be upon us and our children they said at the trial
what does your gibberish even mean?
Don't fear user. After we see what happens with le pen we will go after a new pope.
it was always meant to be this way. The catholic church has been a luciferian deception since the beginning.
The point is to spread them out so that they can find Christ in local communities
wew lad good thing we don't give a fuck about him.
It's a weird coincidence though that Benedict XVI stepped down because of "bad health" even though he's just fine and all of a sudden this guy from S. America got to be pope, immiediatly started sucking refugee feet, praising Islam and channeling Soros.
The catholic can never steep so low that their mindless cultists will not come and defend their lies.
The polacs destroyed that church...
It's true.
Who can forget that one time the Jews burned down their concentration camp because they ran out of chocolate pudding.
meh, it's Vatican II, every pope must now suck kike cock because of that, not only JP2
he is right, if anything the best thing we did to every immigrants was giving the same life brazilians have
Why poland?
Why did you produce John Paul??
They should make me pope...I will undue vatican II, permit marriage for priest.
Make way for a new crusade against judaism
do it Pablo
He clearly wants Europe destroyed, why is the question.
around the same time joseph let his newwed wife be bred by a bull
Things went downhill when they installed a Pole.
For a while it looked like things would improve when they went with a rational hardliner next.
But then they went full Liberation theology with a South American.
What's next? A nigger?
>What's next? A nigger?
Look up Peter Turkson
He is being considered as a serious succesor to the Pope
>I bet the momentum of all the previous Popes turning in their graves, transformed into energy could power the Vatican's structures and half the Italy for a year easy
>I mean, what the fuck, I'd be ashamed and felt like a fool if I were catholic or christian by any matter, it's really gotten out of hand
Big time kek! I'm an oldfag IRL, here about five years now (inb4 summerfag). You sum up my feelings nicely. I was raised Catholic here in Ohio, parochial school through sixth grade. I just didn't buy their shit, lots of lets "help the niggers and browns come to America." The abuse of young boys and the sweep-it-under-the-rug attitude was also a factor but not a direct issue in our parish FWIW.
Shit is out of hand big time
Fucking liberation theology... It's destroying everything here, what a day when the pillar of society has converted into a subversive enemy...
i like how the pope is always on a moral high horse about everything, meanwhile he sits on his golden throne on a daily basis listening to his many sacred advisors on how the vatican bank is performing
Crusade when?
All while those under him work to cover up the abuse of thousands of children.
>Pope says refugee centers are like concentration camps
Good, then there should be no problem putting them in actual concentration camps.
The profaned pope is just a tool for the nascent narco states of south america and mexico, he has an agenda and will do whatever it takes to subvert the purity of religion an turn it once again into means of political power.
I was actually surprised when I had heard that the cardenal here had admited to helping the polish envoy guy from the vatican here escape prosecution for pederasty...
Our old cardenal was one of the most conservative of the church, he used to call for burning gays in the streets, then he comes out protecting a fucking child rapist?
he's so right
let's do it again like in 1945 and close all those camps and send them to israel
everyone chimps out but think about what you know about the holohoax. concentration camps have been in reality quite comfortable. the pope basically denies the holohoax by comparing it to refugee accomodations.