"Islam is the religion of peace" Varg Vikernes
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stop listening to this convicted murderer
Holy shit, other anons were right when they said he was a crypto-mudslime.
i doubt very much he actually said that
he implied it.
He craves the BMC from his prison days.
what were his actual words?
Kek he looks Finnish in that pic
No he doesn't, get your eyes checked
That Islam is a religion of conquerors and they are right to oppose jews.
Very sad to see how manipulated one man can be.
watch the video idiot
maybe you should be more concerned about the convicted rapists in your country getting off with a slap on the wrists, faggot.
He didn't say that, and nothing he says in this video is wrong.
civic nationalism is cucked
there is no political system
jews in the west created the entire jihadist problem in order to enslave goyim in the west
Nice strawman roach.
He is right about everything as far as this video is concerned.
well he behaves like a mulsim so it's not a surprise
>convicted criminal living on welfare while larping in the woods as a viking
He doesn't say Islam is a religion of peace, he says this modern Jihadist movement is manufactured by western 'bankers' and 'zionists'(he can't say it's the Jews in France) in order to create a threat that justifies stripping European and American citizens of their rights.
he's right about islam being an artifical threat being propped up by the west. Look up operation cyclone. Islam is not a peaceful religion but they wouldn't be an issue if the CIA stopped fucking with them
To be fair he murdered a marxist.
i.e muslims arent really violent people
some do
he's right tho
muslims are actually nice people. it's the jews who are creating the jihadist threat to strip us of our rights
He said we shouldn't vote for Jewish Civic Nationalists because they flood countries with Muslims and then use Muslims as an excuse to go full police state on us.
same same faggot
No he said that that threat was created to strip Europeans of their rights. He never said that the threat was non existent, he only said what the threat was leveraging.
The two things are not mutually exclusive. Islam is a violent religion but had been more or less cowed by the mid twentieth century.
This new wave of terrorism is wholly inspired by and enabled by western policy towards the middle east, both military and economic imperialism and direct financing of terrorist organizations that amplify the violence inherent in Islam. Both Al-Qaida and ISIS are US/Israel financed at the end of the day.
I'm not the one counter signalling Varg.
Varg is an idiot when it comes to religion. He's right on a lot of other stuff, but his religious stuff is all wrong. Even paganism he gets wrong by thinking gods are just metaphors for physical forces or psychological traits.
He is the king of LARPing
Isn't he the viking larper faggot who set fire to an historic church in snowniggerlandia?
Fuck that autist.
Everything he said/typed in that video is right. Sup Forums is full of shitskins and effeminate fags who support (((civic nationalism))) and all (((civic nationalism))) along with the (((alt right))) is just a way to absorb all the popular discontent people have. It redirects their energies into non-productive things and further blinds people to the tricks of the jew.
>buy my books goy
>Islam is just being used by ZOG to make shekels
Sounds about right. It's really not that hard to get Muslims to go back, all you have to do is massacre them back and threaten their families.
You didn't even watch the video did you?
He didn't say that. Go fuck yourself
>Accept the EU goy
Non country get out
my ancestors fucked your ancestors.
Varg shits in his car
He did his time, cuck.
Welfare queen faggot, his kids will get enriched soon enough.
Yeah. Fuck Hitler.
Where in this video did he say that? And I see a lot of shareblue shills in here.
Varg is cringey as fuck and I honestly don't know why he gets the attention here that he does. If he were an American, he'd be a Gary Johnson voter.
>implying Hitler didn't consider neopagans a huge joke.
Why are christlarpers so retarded?
Even worse than actual christards
A fool, can quote their own writings that they love and beleive in, to prove his own interpretation of THEIR BELIEFS. When he brings OUT the toilet paper and their commentaries THEN he can have AUTHORITY OVER THEM
HE is a blasphemer and a hater of the Lord Jesus Christ. As if he was redpilled on evils contained within Islam that were there from the very begining.
They are a plague of locusts ALL OF THEM
really makes me think
>He'd vote
Nigger did you even watch the video where he says there is no candidate right wing enough for him to vote for?
He didn't. Goebells, Himmler, and Rosenberg were all Neo-pagans and he chastised Christianity the most for being KIKE'D. Which is how positive Christianity was created.
White Sharia when?
I died
no, because varg is a faggot.
Start masturbating
too many kike on a stick worshipers in this thread
Varg is a joke.
LARping Autist,murderer,liar and a butt hurt pagan nut.
But he want's your shekels that's true,so keep watching him.
Atleast Islam doesn't worship a dead Jew.
And Norse fails worships a dead snow nigger and a furry faggot ,whats your point?
Those during the Reich that were caught engaging in paganism were expelled from Hitler's circle and punsihed. I asked Pol about it once and that's what they said, they also had pics of letters to prove it, I was too much of a normie at the time to save them.
But yeah some where caught, a few and Hitler punished thema nd would no more talk to them
Can't remember who it was, it was couple of guys, they got in a lot of trouble. It was illegal to be an odinisst in the 30s in Germany
>convicted criminal living on welfare while larping in the woods as a viking
Also I would add
>His against Civilization but uses Internet and cars.
It doesn't get more ironic than that,but pagans have jerked off to worse than that.
maşallah brother
This leaf knows.
So damn weird growing up in the 90s/early 2000s as a metalhead an having Vargas be some obscure jailed musician who made some of my favorite music of all times and only reading about him in Zines and crap and now he is out of jail and just another youtuber. It's like how Fenriz went from totally out of media to the friggin' Oprah of metal.
qnq konu açta bumplayam aq çok bariz olta atamıyom :D banlıo mod piçi
White Sharia when?
Hitler was trying to keep his occult core of pagans free from LARPing NEETs.
When will this Montenegro poster stop his hate on superior Nordics?
I know pagan fucks are too retarded to understand and will not listen anyone except Varg anyway.
But to other clear thinking pol-ish members
This guy wants Europe to fall,it's his desire.He doesn't care if it burns.No he would LIKE it to burn.To fasten the process he would be glad.
Its called acceleration.
Don't listen to this faggot.
I've seen your threads and posts before. You do nothing but hate on Nordics. Why should anyone listen to you?
I think he just hates varg and his stupid fanboys and t.b.h I hate them to
But he says nothing of the sort in this vid. Are /pol. users unironically retards with room temperature IQ?
like you?
you not a Sup Forums user go back to plebbit you turk rape baby
He's just saying front national isn't redpilled enough, which is correct
I got my answer, thanks
Remember the flag, and you will start noticing his shitposting. It's not just this thread. It's all the time. He got some huge issue with Nordics, I don't know why, but he does. Maybe Varg triggered him or something.
And I'm not a varg fan myself, but he does make some good points sometimes.
come on the the guy thinks gingers were ancient Egyptians and shiet
that's one ugly jew, who is it?
Stop posting this idiot.
sometimes maybe once in a blue moon
I have notice the mountainniggers hate for varg and his fanboys but not nords in general
This guy browse here right? He knows about the wagecuck problem and he maintains his family doing youtube videos, he is living the NEET dream
He killed a commie. I don't like him but that one was very good.
One of the main reasons why I like Varg is because he triggers christcucks so damn hard HAHAHAHHA
>he was gommie so it wuznt wrong
It's still wrong, edgelord fags.
He also surprise attacked him, he did it without honor.
In a way this guy does have very real points.
People are comfortable at the moment, so they're not going to act in a way that would in any way endanger their current existence.
So everyone will tolerate getting buttfucked by every possible way, just as long as that way of life won't get threatened.
He's wishing for a societal collapse to tear people away from this form of existence.
He's right in this way.
On the other hand, wishing to fill Europe with muzzies isn't the solution.
Europe is already going to go through a massive economic collapse at some point.
This shit isn't sustainable even at current levels. Hell the whole planet is experiencing an increasingly shaky economic environment.
Which is going to give people some real problems when it happens.
But what's not going to happen, is a sudden mass deportation of people, who have received a positive asylum decision and are in the country legally.
So if you fill West with Islamists, they're going to be there to stay. Unless they decide to fuck off on their own when the gibs stop.
West isn't going to go full concentration camp mode here.
Best option is to get parties in power that are going to radically limit the immigration and make it harder to get into the country.
And then wait for the system to reach a point, where it has to make a visible decision of supporting it's own increasingly angry citizens, or giving even more money for the migrants.
ats a Sup Forums tier reason to like him
Keep telling yourself that, Varg.
he's batshit insane. He's triggering to anyone trying to preserve Europe.
He says Christians are not European, he puts religion before race.
Which is what pagans always accuse Christians of doing. Varg is no different and infact he's worse because he refuses to explain or defend his stance. At least the Christfags are diverse in their racial opinions have reasons for wanting to preserve Europe and its people.
Varg is a LARPer who WANTS to see Europe fall.
he says christians are not spiritually European, there's a difference, he wants Europeans to be both European in race AND spirit
the ones who put religion before race are exactly christians, with their semitic universalist faith