Reminder why Le Pen must win
Reminder why Le Pen must win
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He also happens to be the worse player in that 11. Poor frogs...also since when is griezmann german? he is half german at most.
Varane is born in Lens of French parents (un martiniquais et une de métropole), Griezmann father is alsacian (french) not german, Martial's parents are french (guadeloupéens), Lloris is born in France of a French mother an a Spanish father. Diarra is born in France of a French father.
So, unless if for you to be french is to be white without any non-french ascendency, your point here is incorrect
his father is alsacian so he is french
What's the name of polish guy?
>"All these blacks are technically French"
Yes exactly it means Napoleon fucked up
What's the flag above Lloris?
we all that (((they))) forced germany to hand it over as a part of the reperation agreement
>to be french is to be white without any non-french ascendency
That's what you have to be to be consired french. Everything else is bullshit. My point is correct.
Le pen is a C I V I C
Most of them are from Christian Africa so they would be let in even under lepen
Frankreich is the only legitime German reich
Laurent Koscielny
Why ? She's gonna coach the French National team to World Cup victory?
wrong person, meant to reply him
Reddit Protip of the day: Stop watching niggerball you fucking cucks.
This is the French that Japanese thinks.
Fuck off, allemanischen
Alsace is French clay
griezmann mother is portuguese.
alsace is fucking complicated, it was french before the 1870's war, then German until 1918, then French until 1939 then German again (as in not an occupied territory like the North Zone of France but more Austria-style) then French again since 1945. So it's both but more French now.
Also, to be french is to be born on the french territory (soil law) or of french ascendants, by your logic no one would be french, because every family has, at one point or another mixed with a non french, and from there it trickles down to you.
Futhermore, Varane is born in France of French parents, why would he not be French? What is the coefficient of whiteness needed to be french?
yep but his father is French (blood law) and he is born in France (soil law) and he chosed to represent France in sports (nice of him). So for me he's French
>11 guys
>only 4 can be considered white
>no patriotic emblem on the shirt
Well, it is not only the "french" team, england, dutch, portuguese, belgium, teams don´t look so different.
pic. related, actual position of german male.
Ahahha. SAD!
>full nigger
What is it with France and pitch black, bone in the nose niggers?
Are you retarded?
This picture isn't even remotely accurate. Fake fucking news and a liar from Switzerland.
Overrepresentation of Poles in French team?
She wont even be in round 2 you fool
the map says otherwise
yes by playing only with pure white french players
says the one whose country gets uncucked only when deutschland is playing
>>no patriotic emblem on the shirt
We have a fucking bird on our shirts just like you, what are you on about
forgot map
I love watching Poland but they need more depth
>says the one
kindly end yourself, this is not your tumblr where you can drop your shit nuggets
what map? the one the nazis gave you in the same time as their gold?
National football teams do not accurately reflect the population. Most people who grow up to become professional football players are from poorer backgrounds, mostly migrants. More than often they did not do well in school and never had any sort of academic drive so they focused solely on their athletic career. That's why our national team is like 80% Balkan origin. They may be dumb as rocks, judging from interviews, but they sure as hell play football like their life depends on it. Same with France, most of their teams are African because they have nothing else going for them than sports.
I didn't know that even Lloris was Catalan.. Christ Almighty.
We have one halfcast (he's grand since he's legitimately the best keeper we've had since Bonner) & one black english lad who has deluded himself into thinking he's Irish.
Our Youth team squads scare me a bit though. Usually 3 or 4 nogs in them at most, but then I remember most of those players are just scraped up from Dublin teams.
Why are they bent over with their asses against the dicks of their teammates?
Soccer is such a gay pleb sport.
Of all the reasons she must win this one is last on the list
I'd imagine most polish/russian players are also from the poorer sections of society, it's just less visible because they're all white
youre forgetting that french are weedy and spineless, sport is way too physical for them. even rolling a ciggy is almost too much effort
so I guess you cannot fucking read, i said
> until 1939 then German again (as in not an occupied territory like the North Zone of France but more Austria-style)
which is exactly what this map shows.
Poland and Russia are also shitholes
Too hard to get on English team so he joins Ireland thinking he will shine. Typical black.
for some reason i didn´t mention your's hermano. But unfortunately I do not think you'll keep that way in the next year's.
>when we had our's too.
Reminder that Argentina is more white than the vast majority of Europistan.
i dont care
here you forget that for everyone who made it as a footballer there are thousands who are leeching from our welfare
>one black english lad who has deluded himself into thinking he's Irish.
that's actually funny
fucking young boys is gay sport in your shithole country
german was the most spoken language in alsace before you frogeaters got jealous and decided that you have that change that
>tfw a 60% white countries squad is whiter than yours
Viva La Francistan
Hardly anyone on the US squad is American though.
catalans are an indigenous group in france though
Isn't that because football is a middle-class white sport in America? Whilst in Europe it's more of a working class game that anyone of any background can get into.
>fucking young boys is gay sport in your shithole country
Provide evidence. This whole thread depicts soccer players rubbing their asses against dicks so your sport is gay. They're even holding each other knees. Look at these faggots Didn't expect Sup Forums to fall for the football jew.
We're ok with this
How can she win if niggers in france have right to vote? This is bullshit.
>Physical contact between two men in sports equals gayness
No not really, it's much cheaper to get into then other sports like american football.
Not really, there a few exceptions but almost all are completely american especially the main players.
Kek, pretty much.
I know, it's really pathetic, look at this shit: >Born in England, Christie was eligible to represent the Republic of Ireland through his grandmother from Dublin
It's pretty much what you said, he's too shite to get a chance to shine through the england squad & so he goes & desperately looks for some random way to play for another team
I loved The Spanish Team when I was a kid for just how fucking Amazing they were, & now it's Homogenity impresses me too.
hehehehe, "homo"genity
pic related
really? I thought they just as nationalistic as the ones from spain
go train your national, maybe you will stop getting triggered if you get at least some succes
it's okay as long more than half of your team is actually german
you are either r*ssian or kazakh which is a species of roach so you're subhuman either way
mongol+tatar rapebabies FC
Isn't there quite a few nigs on your current team? I didn't know there was alot of nogs in Portugal until I seen last year's squad.
>all those t*rks
>yes by playing with pure white french players
Does it really fucking matter? You think this will suddenly make the team win every world cup? I don't thibk so. Stop bringing racism and politics into sports. Sup Forumsacks do not have to ruin everything they set their eyes on, you know.
yes, some Lisbon suburbs, don´t even look like Portugal anymore
>all those turks
>it's literally 1 turk
There are a few German born players but that's it.
No, but liberals do.
Thanks to ye lot people are being blown up & raped in places where they wouldn't have been 100 Years ago. All in the name of "progress"
they were by far the best around from 2008 until 2012, but I wonder how strong they will when they last players of that generation retire.
there is another world cup for teams with people from different nationalities, it's called fifa club world cup
>europeans walk into continent and fuck shit up
>pol says it is completely fine
>foreigners start coming into their land
>pol goes apeshit and wants a race war now
also I forgot:
big media coverage (that includes sports) and politics go hand in hand. good luck trying to keep that seperate.
>He thinks "racism" isn't already in real sports
There are not niggers or spics in junior categories who really could take a slot in the spanish national team the next 5-10 years. Only Iñaqui williams. So 22 + 1 nigger is something acceptable when comparing with france, germany, uk or the future nordicuck teams.
>yes, some Lisbon suburbs, don´t even look like Portugal anymore
Are these from your colonies? whne did they come into Portugal?
Spain doesn't have that many, so what happened?
When did sweden go into the third world and fuck it up?
How do they deserve what they're going through now?
Two wrongs do not make a right anyway.
Lmao if you think sweden is innocent. They may have had less influence in africa but they still have some blood on their hands. Go read up on history. I'm not a teacher and won't waste time typing ahit out.
You mean you won't type it out because you have no evidence.
So you think it's okay for Europeans who had absolutely nothing to do with some Kings & Politicians intervening in africa & the middle east deserve to get murdered and blown up?
You think it's alright for European girls to be raped en masse because some politicians from the same Country sent soldiers to bumfuckistan?
Here's a little tip, stop listening to professor shekelberg & the sheep on twitter for 2 months, do your own research & see what you come across.
French only watch the game, but they don't play
Yes, they are from our former colonies (cape verd, angola, mozambique, guiné and brazil, bur also from eastern europe), they came in for the past 35 years,. They came for the same reason that jamaicans, paqui's went to Londom,or algerians and senegali went to Paris, employment, quality of life. Spain have more in number's from morroco and south-america, but Spain is bigger, so you don´t notice so much, like you notice in Sweden, Portugal, Belgium or Greece.
Will do Italian user
you do realise that everybody goes apeshit when someone is trying to conquer your country?
not like those people welcomed our foreigners with open arm like we are doing it now
do you guys have an realistic chance to win anything in the next 10 years? your dominance from the last years is gone and the future doesn't look that promising
Didnt know the red-cross had their own country
And how exactly will Le Pen solve that?
Thank you. I always wondered about it,
Answer me this too, did that 11 year old Swedish girl deserve to be ripped in half because other White Countries invaded some brown countries, yes or no, no other answer?
it's a white cross you retarded american.
this is the red cross you are talking about
Holy shit not even the white guys are french. They have been bad in this respect fr about 20years
go shoot someone instead of talking about something that you are too stupid to understand
Congratulations. You know the difference between red and white. Maybe your country isn't such a shit third world place after all, whatever it may be that is.
>legitimately the best keeper we've had since Bonner
What is Shay Given
Burgers always seem to think Mats Hummels is Turk..