How can we make white nationalism more palatable to normies

we need to hide our power level by not bringing up stupid militant shit like race mixing and white supremacy

And push the idea that were fine with some immigrants BUT the amount of immigrants need to have limits. Then we need to pursue demographic laws that favor white people and push this agenda under the guise of libertarianism. Make it clear we have no problem with some immigrants but not at a rate that will change the racial demographics of the country

It's a message that can easily be spun to appeal to normies and although it will definitely trigger shit skins and cucks, their unreasonableness and unwillingness to judge may serve as red pills for White normies who are still on the fence with these issues

shitposting irl is the key, worldwide effort of thousands of polacks to put up flyers and stickers containing redpills in the most populate cities in the west.
Just as is was done before the internet.

Why are you so obsessed with penis?

No normies will just use that as an excuse to virtue signal how anti racist they are

You can shout statistics at normies all day it won't change their opinions

You'd honestly be better off making false flag flyers pretending to be black supremacists that aleanate white people then giving them an evil nazi bogey man they can conquer for their Instagram page

when thats all you have i guess thats what you focus on to talk about how great you are? muh penis size?

give up, any push you make will be met with push back
youre only cucking yourself

Have fun having kids with horrible body odor. Also white kids are less likely to be harassed by cops and the whole population in general

That's honestly what we want. The right has nothing to lose when it comes to creating anarchy. the more disgruntled we can make the left the more our reactionary movement grows. Even if like I said the cucks and shit skins reject this which they definitely will. Their sheer unwillingness to take their claws out of our countries will serve as major red pills to normal whites who see everyday people asking politely for a very basic dynamic to be retained in their country being shit on viciously by the radical left

i disagree i think its a great idea, the "posting" material needs to be just specifically formulated.
mate there are some redpills that can appeal emotionally even to normies, if a person who uses NYC metro will see everyday some redpill stickers/posters, he/she WILL get redpilled, it will take over his/her mind - goebbels 1st rule!

Lol notice how only the Americans are triggered by the pic and ignoring the thread

Don't worry guys every time I post cuck shit on here I'm motivating you to be better white men. Always remember that

Im Korean, I just hate niggers. You are not just motivating white men, you are motivating humans (sorry blacks)

It's been tried it does not work. You have to aggravate people into white nationalism or completely rebrand white nationalism as something else. People have been brainwashed to fight "nazis" since they were 5

Post some cuck memes like my op on the subway and I guarantee you it will have a far greater radicalisation affect on white male normies then any pro right piece of literature you could cite

just use memes

normies like hashtags

First things first, get rid of the imposters
>pic related

Thats clearly a jewish dick though

>You know who are obsessed with penis ?
Faggots, like op

This picture is retarded for a multitude of reasons, but nevertheless unimportant. It's really really painfully obvious that people want white nationalism without the label "racist." What you need to do is find a good reason for everything you want that isn't racist and sell it.

Is it the same straya who been posting this cuckshit for years?

Wether you want to admit or not cuck posters are some of the smartest people on pol and there's no more white nationalist an action then to post cuck shit

Cuck shit triggers white men bad and really motivates them to be better white men

>Stronger sperms
>Powerful African seeds

Sage this fucking shill