Are single moms a mistake?


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Single moms are the lowest form of r selected scum

Fuck yes they are a mistake. They have done a horrible job raising kids alone while alienating fathers. It is time for the courts to award full custody to fathers by default during divorce. there is no fucking way fathers could do as bad a job as these bitches have done.

that kid should be black for the keks

They were a mistake,their choice of father, their decsions to not use and form of contraception and their children were a mistake, and every decision the community has to make to support that single mother is a mistake, and when that child grows up no doubt they will make the same mistakes and the cycle will continue.

Worst part is that Western society always praises them.

my mom raised me and my brothers alone while my dad spent all his time drinking.
she fed us, helped us in our studies and even paid the bills and she never complained to my father.

>I can do anything!
>relies solely on the handouts of the government, child support, and their own mothers raising their kids while they go out and party and do the dumb shit that led them to their current predicament
Wow, so strong. So independent.


Kind of. Being single mom most often isn't a choice, and they usually do their best to raise children, but the lack of father figure and male role-model really fucks up most people.

Go to a prison sometime and see how many of them were raised by single mothers (a lot).

And the issue generally won't be that their father died when they were young.

so u just had an alcoholic father? not a single mom?

Just a question, but what about when the mother divorces because of the father turning into an alcoholic? My grandmother had to do that and is the most hardworking person I know of.

>Are single moms a mistake

Daughters of single moms are also a mistake.

I don't think it is to say that your mom isn't a great role model. It is more about it being harder to raise kids properly on average.

Blacks in the United States have an over 77% single motherhood rate and you can see how that has turned out. It's a good thing liberals are pushing abortion as a way to combat this problem lol.


Why does Sup Forums blame only the single mother in the cases the father runs away?

>I can do ANYTHING
Except maintain a stable relationship with the father of their children......


It isn't about blame.

It is about staying safe and sane and avoiding an unpleasant situation.

Single mothers still think they will find love one day! lololol

>tfw raised by single mother, parents divorced when I was 3 months old.

Could've turned a lot worse, but still..

Fucking people with 0 hability to forsee life-long relationships, I mean, AT LEAST STAY until the kid develops some brian.

I know a lot of black single mothers I worked with and they make the same mistakes they are insane

>black single mothers

Synonymous with "black mothers" in most of America.

>Ek-spesh-ully Detroit

A whole series of choices lead up to being a single mom.


my father would leave us for a while just to come back saying that he'll be better and to make make things even worse everytime.

Women are terrible at thinking. Always have been.

>I can do ANYTHING, I'm a Single Mom!
Really? Try to upbring a functional member of the society then.

no, the kids are

Time to BTFO women.

Studies indicate that individuals raised by single moms have a metric fuckload of mental issues.

I was raised by a single mother, and this applies to me.

So yes, it was a mistake.

As an aside any tips on how I can unfuck myself?

The only male role models I had was whoever was giving up the dick at any particular time.

She married some betacuck later on and I like him but fuck I don't want to be him.

I'm dating a Mexican single mother. She got educated, got a career, raised her kids right with morals and values and ethics as they are the top of their classes. They are lined up for a battery of scholarships and grants for college and a college fund with cover the minimal rest. They will graduate in STEM with no debt and be worlds ahead of any competition. She loves me and is a proper classical woman in every way.

>muh cuckoo
I do zero child rearing and she was holding her own with no gibmedats before me. We sit in the comfy six digit income life now.

>muh racemixing
Vasectomy, I love burying my thick white dick in that tight Mexican pussy and blowing my load in it and she loves it too.

>muh cock carousel
I'm only the second man she has had sex with.

>muh white race
No fucks to give, I don't have a dog in that fight and don't want one. This world is going to shit anyway and it can't start to burn fast enough.

>muh wetback
Parents immigrated legallay, assimilated fully into American culture. I speak more Spanish than she does, which makes for hilarious looks at the Mexican stores when a gringo does the translating and communication.

Niggers are the real problem. It's their cancerous culture that tears down and destroys everything even remotely exposed to it. Make niggers extinct and you make 90% of America's problems extinct too.

By choice, yeah they're just being dumb and impulsive, at least keep dad around so you can get a little sleep. Obviously the same isn't necessarily true of widows and the like.

I know about the statistics of how much worse kids in single mother households do, but has anyone separated the choice vs tragedy cases? Really want to see how much of the problem is fatherlessness in itself and how much is the quality of the mother.

literally nothing to (You) here

nicely done

Son of a single mother here.

She was 16 when she had me.

However, I was raised by my aunt and uncle. She masqueraded as a single woman throughout all her relationships. My whole entire family lineage is in on this farce. At the clan gathering, everyone keeps their mouth shuts. I keep meeting one her her boyfriend after another and say "Hello, auntie". It is because the entire family wants my mother to have another chance at life. I do too. Thus, I offer her my silent sacrifice.

Life is grasped, one soul was chosen, and a once again a child is born anew. My mother successfully remarried. I am truly happy for her.

One day, I spent a spring day with my half-sister. She told "You're my favorite cousin, user!" with a smile bright as the sunflowers. Something inside me broke. I cannot withstand looking at her innocent eyes and kept living a lie. I cut all my ties with family to protect my mother's secret the last and final time.

If the truth that was hidden from her husband got out, how will it ruin the little girl's childhood? I despair such a thought.

I cuck myself one last time.

>I was raised by a single mother, and this applies to me.
Since you're honest enough to include yourself in this I'll give you some genuine advice.
>As an aside any tips on how I can unfuck myself?
You're going to have to learn to be a man yourself. That's not a bad thing. It's an opportunity to thrive and become better. That is the essence of being a man. A willingness to struggle and overcome. Think about what you would teach a child who needed to be guided by his father. A picture will begin to emerge, first of the necessary things and then of the more advanced things needed to round yourself out. You must become strong in mind, body and spirit. In doing so never fall into the trap of putting on a show for anyone else. Your goal should be to become confident in your own abilities to such a degree that you feel you have nothing to prove to anyone. The people that show off at the gym aren't the ones you should seek to emulate. Their show only displays their own insecurities. It's a display of confidence to other men that betrays their self doubt. To the perceptive it reeks of, "Am I doing it right? I'm unsure of myself but afraid to show it so I must add a layer of bluster." That's for niggers, not men. If you do it right you'll be strong and stoic, able to handle any situation calmly. People will gravitate to your leadership naturally. Ultimately, you need to understand that this is something that only you can do. Even if you had a father you are the one responsible for what you become. That's part of being a man too.

There is always one of these comments. Your mom listened to her uterus and picked a shit man and had to deal with the consequences.

Yes. They are one of the largest contributing factors to the downfall of the Western world.

this right there, MTV, pregnant and 16 ughhh

>Single mothers were somehow forced to fuck.

But who raised the kids that way?

>tfw someone perfectly describes your mother on the internet

>I'm dating a Mexican single mother.

I stopped reading right there.
GTFO you traitor. You're a disgrace to the white race.

Marion lepen is a single mom

>responsible single moms who know how to care for a child and has a paying job
>single moms on welfare with multiple children
Huge mistake

I have a single mother and I'm on Sup Forums.

This must explain it, huh.

>in the cases the father runs away?
Because she chose a nigger




It isn't about blame or punishment.

It is about a man protecting himself.


>Because she chose a nigger

The worst of times for a father.

Not sure if pic related because no idea who these people are or when the nigger came.

Poor chose of partnership or casual sex without protection.


where did your mom get the money?

I think it's silly to call all single moms a mistake

However, both parents being present is still objectively better in any way.

Still my dad was raised by a single mom after a dirtbag left her and he raised me to not be a spoiled lefty cunt so they can't be all bad.

Top kek.

So wait, did your father raise you as a single parent or do you have both?

I don't know Sup Forums, you tell me

>Best friend of almost 20 years
>Raised by a single mom
>She refuses to go up the stairs because "hurts mah back"
>This meant my friend did whatever the fuck he wanted, stay on the computer all night, play his games all night, WHAT THE FUCK EVER
>She made absolutely no effort to punish him for anything and if she tried he'd just go "fuck you mom"
>Never cooked or cleaned, house constantly smelled like cat shit and cigarettes
>His brother is 100x worse than he is, his room is full of moldy plates he refuses to take down so she would just buy more, and he would stack those too, literally a fucking skyscraper of nasty ass plates held together by filth
>Both boys failed out of school
>One got arrested for being a little fucking shit with no manners or common sense
>The mom died recently of cancer
>My friend has absolutely no fucking idea of how to run a house, pay bills, or do anything despite being nearly 30
>Lives in this shitty old run down house with his mom's clutter molding up every single room except his which he keeps clean enough to get his tendies to his computer desk

He's basically Chris Chan without the autism, except not really because half his room is also taken over by giant lego knight battles

why no redheads user? weak genepool?

Dear Nice Guy

>I don’t know you yet but I’m so ready to date you. Seriously, I am. For a long time, I dated bad boys. Yes, I was that girl you blame for always coming in last. I guess I dated bad boys because, somehow, I liked their unavailability, sexy sideways glances, and late-night calls. I fed off the chase and mystery they provided me. I saw them as a challenge that I always happily accepted. Let me tell you, I’ve dated so many jerks throughout the years. A lot of times, I ended up being disappointed with how it ended with them, and wondered why I always had such blind optimism about these guys I clearly knew were jerks to begin with. But to be honest, I don’t regret any of it now.

So nice guys finally get a break.

No idea about redheads but I never dated one or even spent much time with one.

I remember this. The rage still burns within me knowing that someone will fuck this chick.

Single mothers under National Socialism are fine.

Unlaid neckbeards forget no society will get them laid, but White breeding is vital. We must have quantity to win so we can sustain casualties and keep fighting.

The Arab and nigger outbreed the competition because they understand the uterus is a deadly weapon. We need to reward White breeding and fill the world with our race.

The father guaranteed.

>father works himself so hard he becomes alcoholic to cope
>NEET son doesn't understand work and just assumes father was lazy like himself

Yes. If they can't chose a decent man or be a decent woman they shouldn't have fucked like a rabbit and had children.

1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually ditched Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. Avoid bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship.

Getting beta neckbeards laid was the entire point of inventing monogamy in the first place. 99% of all men used to get married.

Jesus, All those tattoos are ugly, and is not artistic.

>tfw liberal father divorced white conservative Christian mother

not all cases are the same user.

She needs to get punched in the face!

caused by

government welfare and minimum wage

prove me wrong

So Strong! So Independent! Ohhhh ahhhh wish that slut was my wifey. Not...

Absolutely this. We have facts a figures to back this up yet feminists and liberals praise them. Figures.

I always have puke in my mouth when I see a fucking body tattoo

The most based woman I've ever met was a Canadian (kek) single mother.

Oh, fucking feminists


Are you a beaner chick pretending to be a white man?

I like that cartoon, Dixon Diaz is a badass

you mean they get a broken pussy. serves them right to be honest.

fuck whores and betas

Here on Sup Forums we actually reference posts newfriend.

So people can know what you are talking about without, you know, trying to use ESP.

This is actually unbelievably retarded.

Gas chambers for feminists and sluts. ALRIGHTY THEN!! :)

Fucking kek. We are going to see a lot more of these lonely miserable women in the future. Good luck all you strong, independent ladies.

It was funnier when the step mom was cut out.

Okay now let's play a little game, remove all black people from those statistics.

This is common.

You do no one any good by telling her secrets.

Dont know your whole story, but if it were me I would wait at least a decade or until your aunt divorces her hubby before you tell anyone.

In the meantime, show lots of love for your parents.

They are the ones who chose you and raised you.

Be a good son to them.

>there is no fucking way fathers could do as bad a job as these bitches have done.

This is true.

So for the answer is "yes"

You cant blame Betas.

They believed the lie.

You don't deserve the right to vote whore. Deal with it.

When will you retards realize that single mothers are fine as long as the child has a father figure in his life. All of the statistics you provide do not account for the race of the person. Yes, maybe 49% of inmates didn't have a father growing up, but what percent of the 49% were black? Black people almost never have a father growing up.

Enjoy raising another man's kid, resident Redditor

Same place

Lot of truth there user

Prove me wrong faggot


> date a single mother
> she had 2 year old boy
> Move in together
> 2 years later everything good I see her child as mine
> then one afternoon I ask the little boy to stop playing too much PS4 he reply "you not my father"
> then the same week a met an old friend I haven't seen in years
> I told my friend my what was goin on, he just say "leave that bitch and fuck that little shit" you deserve better

We broke up a month later I move in with my parent lol I can't not believe I dodge a bullet I'm a went back to be a manchild again and don't regret it. I go to massage parlors and sometimes I see Korean escorts life is good.

Prove you wrong about what? Do you think raising another man's kid is completely hunky-dory? The kid isn't going to grow up with questions about their identity, their family? You as the stand-in father would feel as fulfilled spending your energy raising a kid that was never biologically from you? You're defending degenerative single-mom behavior because they are broken families that are an easy way to get with a woman

Are you kidding me? I would tell boyfriend she ever brought home. Those men need to know what a terrible slut your mother is.