I'm sick of this complacency with shady behavior from the people we buy things from. Our devices, which we paid for under the assumption that they would be owned and controlled by us, are under remote control by a number of people. There's some fucked shit going on and it's a slippery slope. I'm worried that if we don't reverse this trend soon we could expirience some real fucked shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


SO how dose it feel to live in the soviet union of americas?

Shit as bad as with Stasi and KGB spying in UDSSR.

is that selena gomez?

Oh please.
Don't pretend like it's any different over here.

You are right to worry. I thought cable tv was a scam since you had to pay and tolerate commercials. Now I pay for internet, and the devices, and I have brought spy equipment into my house. 1984 writ large.

It happens globally.
These devices are designed to do this shit.
All the rich people want the data very badly. I doubt they will give it up easily.
You can sleep or you can fight.

Its time we do something about it. I dont think we can wait any longer.

well, I tried.

why would you post this?

LIke what? I never had internet or a computer in the house until I met my wife. Her family lives in another city and she likes to use the net to communicate with them, and she has a smart phone. I don't even have a cell. Don't like technology but I love her. What to do?

>Invest in open hardware and software.
>Educate people.
>Don't use social networking.
>Encrypt data and comunications.
>Insert hardware switches in cameras/microphones.
>Use cables instead of EM waves.

to change the world

Ew wtf bro

run around flailing your arms and screaming as loud as you can everywhere you go
do you think its ironic that stallman's name breaks down into stall man?

I was eating...

what were you eating?

KYS puke fetishist

fuck, i can taste it

Banoffee pie

fucking headbutt a fencepost

>implying you wouldn't drink selena gomez puke as you use the rest for lube

>run around flailing your arms and screaming as loud as you can everywhere you go

I have already tried that and they just pepper sprayed my and took me into custody.

>In Europe you're free!.
they watch what you do and you end up self-censoring less that you get thrown in the Tant, If you get taken to court over anything you can bet they have all your texts/internet activity at least. Its nothing new and if you thought otherwise you're naive


mm. i hear that goes great with BEING FUCKING RAPED.

my government can turn your phone into a bug

i agree, let's force corporations to give us free technology, or we should actually get paid to use the internet instead of paying to use the internet since our data is mined for profit

Millions of unpatched phones with known vuls
App permissions on droid are crazy and for dev you end up with bits you don't need to do normal shite
isp/gov logging in first hop switches and generally most data centres etc
uks legalised hacking anything they want
states legalised selling ppls data


Porque la suciedad mierda!

no fuck you
i just dont want to be spied on

Be a smart consumer then you fucknut

Use an android phone with a custom rom without proprietary blobs and no Gapps

Use a librebooted thinkpad with a free software foundation approved distro

This only happens because YOU allow it, YOU are the problem, but YOU are also the solution

lets fucking start a movement

Is it just me or I really want to abuse her drunken face, will all that droll everywhere.
Fuck she gets me horny.

Hows your citv survialance anglo? Hows you internetspying by the mi5 you cunt.

Its not the eu doing it its your retarded goverment.

The EU oposes this but hey not our problem if you let your self being cuckt in to oblivion.

thats like saying, "become a vegitarian to stop to meat industry from polluting the earth"
its but a drop in the ocean

Yes its a tad better over here then on the soviet staates of america.

thats true. do not let yourselves slip any further, and for your own sake, help reverse what is happening here.

Thats where you wrong kiddo. As long your on the net they know. As long you use comericial hardware they can enter.

There is no escape. You can only fight. Like asange like snoden. Make it imposibel to operate hidden as its the only thing this spying cunts have.


do it

tenemos dos bil hamburguesas




for my morning fap

Stop buying them then. You don't *need* a smartphone.

Just take the standard precautions you know.

Don't use Windows/Mac, use a VPN (preferably in bumfuck nowhere), block cookies and scripts, etc Obviously there are more ways to pinpoint you but its laws of diminishing returns at that point.

As far as the Internet of Memes is concerned, just don't connect the devices to the internet.

fuck you.
we are moving towards something fucked.

that doesnt solve the issue
everyone is being spied on

I said it wasn't comprehensive but its decent common sense measures.

Why is this webm giving me a raging boner?

what if every house you bought came with a camera that could constantly spy on you?

That's not even Selena Gomez.

because you let them

I went without a smartphone for only a few months. it's incredible how much people rely on them. and the vast majority of people will NEVER relinquish them and a lot of people are totally reliant and addicted to them. people don't give a shit about about privacy, they just want all the latest apps. "I've got nothing to hide" sheeple

thats not really what I mean. this is a global issue of someone crossing the line in a very fucked way and a lulled hush about it all because everyone is being coddled by their phone. whats happening is a dark change that will snowball into something very evil if left unchecked. a vpn wont change that.

thats actually what im saying. its time to stop this shit, but noone will or should have to give up this technology. or maybe they should, if it has been actually perverted by the people who STOLE it, but I think, instead of giving it up, we should all come together to take it back.

>whats happening is a dark change that will snowball into something very evil if left unchecked

and it's going to happen. (((they))) are already booting up the NWO. there's nothing you can do to stem the tide of darkness and evil. and we are all responsible for it

the only thing you can do is live more naturally, be vigilant, act cleverly and spend your money wisely and you might make it through the apocalypse

close enough. and that puke seems to be all liquid.


before anyone says, "but, user, (((they )))invented it!"
no they didnt
niether gates nor jobs is responsible for this. the technology that they created was hijacked and is being used for evil.
lets take it back.

its time to fucking stop
if there is one thing with the potential to change all of this its you.

seen the gif posted around for so long. can someone finally give the full sauce of this for educational purposes?

Yeah wtf

how do you manage to be fucking hot even when you vomit ?

There's a locked down version of Android you can install. Like the rest of us, I'm just lazy af.

We're a few years out from scary data curation so who gives a fuck.

I too have masturbated to this.

yes, and we all have to change on a personal level

unless a large percentage of us change and raise the spiritual bar, we won't stop it in time

as its looking now, we're all going down together

Absolutely must have more footage pre puke. She was a trooper apparently, you can see she is upset that she is puking

It's some drunk porn video. There's some other webms where she pisses all over inside her apartment.

post the link

I went to the DMV yesterday to renew my license... I went with proof of address, 2 forms of ID, a passport, all my shit... they still needed by birth certificate.

I said no and I won't be going back. Fuck licenses, that shit is unconstitutional anyway.


I'll NEVER get a "permit" for anything ever again. FUCK YOU STATIST SCUM. GET PLUGGED

why is this webm so hot? is this my hidden fetish?

I totally agree. That's the purpose of this thread. I'm trying to reach out to people and shake them from their complacency (and whatever else) but its not enough. I have nowhere else to turn. I need Sup Forums.

true, though you are still broadcasting imei to cell towers, constant ping

What!? NO! Fuck you!

Post the link if you're not fucking lying.

>we're still a few years out from data curation so who gives a fuck
when will you change, you lazy american?

In the future all information will be leaked for everyone to access. Everyting you ever searched or did on the internet, everyone will be able to search your name and go through whatever they want. Look for whatever, find everything.
That will happen, just a matter of time. SO get ready.

Don't worry bro. Enough fucked up people out there that will get more united from an event like that. Many people will also be alienated from eachother though.

They want it to happen. It will make us easier to control and to be pushed into our solitary digital worlds. But oh, when the beats is le tloose and people rediscover that we are still ape beasts, the result shall not be as they please. We'll rise.

Whole point of this thread. Post sauce link to webm

you cannot do this to us.

I have never wanted to be anywhere like I want to be at the bottom of that webm.

It's weird af

I tried looking but I can't find any video of it. She's standing in what looks like a hotel room and pisses on the floor, her makeup is slightly more ruined but you can tell it's her. It's very well lit and looks professionally done. Probably why I can't find it on tubes.

what makes you think this and what makes you think that this is ok?


I must say I've only clicked some porn because the girl looked hot... In fact most if not all.

Why would you click on porn with ugly chicks?


mydrunkenstar.com and wdgirls.com, you can also find more on /gif/. Search for drunk or piss.


why the fuck did I watch the whole thing

prepare to get FULLY integrated bro, the only way will be to stay out of it completely or have a fake persona you show to the systems, either way clandestine

fuck no
change it

site is great. was I meant to find the girl in webm on it? the goal is see her full vid

go make a facebook post saying you love muzzie cock or the gestapo will be giving you a call Hans

Pol doesnt care about privacy
Pol doesnt care

You have my memes OP.

The girls name is misa and the name of the video is Misa beer degustation. Can't find the video anywhere though...

Go onto youtube and start looking at Louis Rossmann's videos(dont worry hes not jewish, hes from italian descent and leans towards the right). He owns a business in NYC called Rossmann Repair Group, and he and his associates fix apple products. hes currently fighting for the right to repair law and needs everyones help. If the right to repair law doesnt pass then his business and everyone elses who does repair for apple products will be deemed illegal, forcing them to close. When this happens Apple will be the sole place to repair their own products. and many fixes such as an audio jack fix or a button replacement will have Apple destroying your old iphone, and giving you a totally new apple product(this may seem like a good idea for most people, but with a new gadget, comes a new contract, and in that contract Apple has 100% authority to decide what they do to your data via a shady long contract they have you sign in order to get your new shiny phone) If you dont want to watch his videos thats fine. But please dont brush this issue over to the side. talk to your governors or congress and demand they change the law.

>Misa beer degustation
bro first result on google

they lie too, i say a italian jew and he said he was a gas chamber haul boy and he pulled out blue faced jews from the gasroom while cyanide poisoning turn you red


You're my hero.

I get it, but thats not the point of the poat. the point is that Apple is the cornerstone of electronic data, and the shady shit they are doing with stopping repair of their products, and forcing recycle companies to shred every single apple product they receive, they will start a pattern of more and more companies doing the same and result in electronic companies to sell you products that you dont own.
I realize i may be talking to the wrong audience here since Sup Forums is mostly inhabited by reddit/13 year olds but any mature adult here needs to help and act fast on this