>cutfags will defend this
>cutfags will defend this
i dont think this is ok or reasonable, and i will not allow it to happen to any child i conceive as long as im alive and free.
im not too torn up about it tho. some people lose a hand as a kid, others lose a foreskin. you win some, you lose some eh?
I'm cut, but I still thing it is a barbaric form of Jewish child abuse.
I'd rather lose a hand lmao
Stop posting cp you fucking twerps
Sure you would lmao
Circumcision is a degenerate, primitive, tribalistic genital mutilation rite inflicted upon defenseless and voiceless children.
what cp?
Dick cheese lol
>Children below 18 are inherently incapable of consenting to sex
>It's ok to mutilate a baby's genitals
Pick one and only one, libshits.
Marked by the Jew like the cattle you are.
>implying cut fags advocate for their own mutilation
I'm cut and I'm probably more against MGM than you are.
>cutfags will defend this
Kek, do you know how butthurt we are over the fact that we had our dicks mutilated? The only cutfags that defend it are brainwashed retards.
>cut mind
Libshits are owned by the kikes, who will always defend it because muh tradition.
pick one
No I won't
>libs defending tradition
This will never happen.
But also circumcision will probably not be made illegal because it is a part of (((certain))) religious traditions, we Americans take the right to practice your religion pretty seriously. What we need to do is change the culture. I'm not going to cut my sons, I'll tell my friends why, they'll tell their friends why. Fucking kikes will lose their herd of goyim.
ITT: larpers with some weirdo forskin fetish role play with each other.