What happens here


Soon to be Isreal 2.0

The goyim will sell it to us in two years

Macri is our puppet


top gear crew gets attacked


Kayaking and Patagonia

There is a village called Moisesville
Its a jew colony and apparently one of the biggest in the world

Chile cucks Argentina

I love the completely arbitrary borders at the bottom there.


nazi grandchildren, glaciers and more recently bolivian injuns
nothing interesting

I was there in a video game once and it's actually just like the far north of canada as you approach the north pole, but a little warmer.

Not a whole heck of a lot down there though because my game was a sailing game and sailing that route was very dangerous because there were hardly any supply ports and lots of storms. Course my game was set in the year 1530 but I doubt much has changed.

So you have no idea, in other words?

>I was there in a video game once and it's actually just like the far north of canada as you approach the north pole, but a little warmer.

the leaf

What happens there?
>pic related


uh, it's basic geography. the environment gets colder closer to the poles. and people don't like to be in the cold.

there are groups of north american natives/tribes that migrated there in the late 1500s through to the late 1600s.



>people don't like to be in the cold
If you don't like cold weather, you're not white.
If you love sunny hot weather, you're a nigger.

white people things

tbf, then you'd have to consider Sherpas, Inuit, etc. as white.

Helicopter rides.

wtf is that