Wow. Watching Bill Nye's new show. Learning a lot. Are there really people who think climate change isn't real?
Bill Nye's New Show
The usual disagreement is not whether it's 'real' or not. But whether it is anthropogenic and whether it's economically viable to do anything large scale about it.
>liberals all agree that we've passed the point of no return and it doesn't matter what is done about the environment now because we've already fucked it up
>they still won't shut the fuck up about it
Like seriously, what the fuck is their problem?
It is. Watch Based Bill faggot
>Like seriously, what the fuck is their problem?
You right wing retards are the problem
Nobody is saying it's not real, that's just a boogyman the left created, The "science denier". The only people denying science are the retards claiming there's more than two genders.
Sex is on a spectrum
Whether it is or not, the constant strawman arguments about the opposition 'not thinking it is real' isn't doing your side any favors.
Everyone knows the climate has, and always will, change. The argument is whether humans are the leading cause and if so, is there anything we can we can do to change that.
We don't have a realistic solution unless you approve us glassing Africa you know
Drumpfkins are mad their backward worldview has finally been caught by SCIENCE!!!!!
yes, that is literally what I just said
That flag, who are you?
You said it in a gay way though...
What a great thread, you retard nigger faggot fuck head. Go be a kike someplace else
>burger education
That should be Bill's real concern
> seashells
Obviously an oyster.
Call me when they're growing grapes and making wine in northern England again and we can talk.
This is standard for the left. A children's entertainer is their idea of a scientist. Like how everything is Harry Potter to them, all science is Bill Nye. Never grew out of children's entertainment so that's all they can refer to.
I fucking love the Seychelles flag. Its so aesthetically pleasing.
Reminder to sage garbage threads posted by homosexual niggers
why do grey squirrels kill red ones where ever they find them?
Why are there so many slide threads today? Because of the election in France?
Please mods, delete & ban shills, do your fucking job.
A lot of people are getting the argument wrong in this thread. It's not that people deny climate change, it's that people are skeptical as to the impact of humans on the changing climate and if there is human impact, which there probably is, what exactly is the EXTENT of our impact because that will directly impact what we can do to help. If we go 100% carbon free will the seas stop rising by 90% or 2% and there are real economic consequences of that.
Grey squirrels read the Quran
Never seen that flag before
climate change is fake its a non issue. the real issue is pollution. weather we care or not. the climate changes every 100 thousand years. we may accelerate it but 100 thousand years means shit will be different and you will be gone.
>lgbt flag
Carl Sagan was a leftist.
I used to believe in global warming, but now it's pushed by the same people who push gender theory, so I have my doubts
It's obviously Kaz Miller
Stop poisioning the atsmophere maybe. Even if it cant get better it sure as hell can get a lit worse. Change all the fucking coal energy and wind and solar energy, which all sucks, and turn it into nuclear energy.
In a time where leftism was far more reasoned, he was excessively optimistic, but his ideas were grounded in reality. Bill's aren't.
>I fucking love the Seychelles flag. Its so aesthetically pleasing.
I don't, it looks like Romania fucking us in the butt
>hermaphrodite is a vague and hurtful term
>demikindred pansexualite is perfectly clear and descriptive
The argument I have is this.
You can't predict what the weather is tomorrow accurately, how the fuck can you predict this? I've seen the dooms day event change type, size and timeline so many times that I don't believe any of it any more. You can only tell me I'm going to die in 3 years so many times before I stop listening to you.
opposites attract, like magnets repel. Makes sense senpai
>I'm going to SCIENCE THE SHIT out of this
funny af, burger friend
What people need to realize is through capitalism you can have a cleaner environment.
carl sagan was a tv show host who dies of aids
Based as fuck
co2 idiots. what abought led, heavy metals such as mercury alluminum nickel, runofff from the production of this steel. fertilizer runofff. oil leaks. gas leaks. it keeps going and going. we can reduce co2 with just not burning shit. but dumbing led in a field
Bill shilled for this shitty education system.
Get off the heavy metals you nigger
Why worry at all? When you die nothing happens anyways. Right?????
I like your 9gag meme.
Just kind of let it all happen :)
thank you, my retard friend told me the other day that bill nye was so cool and smart and i needed something to show him
It will be okay! Just smile.
It's all good bruh
Mother Earth is slowly killing us anyway
Her allergies are slowly destrying me!
Gas it up cuck
I love these.
look up how ever since we stop putting led in the gas violent crime has been going down
Climate prophecy can be construed as pontifical fact by the high climate priests, denial of this is climate heresy. Now shutup and pay your carbon tithe or consequences may never be the same.
No, it isn't.
Carl Sagan authored many important papers in astrophysics. He demonstrated that amino acids can exist from elementary matter combined with radiation. He basically singlehandedly disproved the book of Genesis.
Climate change is real and natural. Global warming is fake. (((Globalists))) pulled the old bait and switch con when global warming stopped.
I look at that man's face and all I see is the personification of disdain. He looks like such an absolutely bitter person.
There's no way you're getting anything unbiased from him.
You know climate change means that certain areas are gonna get colder right.
Actually you didn't because you've never read a book. You're hardly sentient. You are basically a food animal like a bovine or a goat.
Why is the image of a little grey squirrel dressed like Isis executing a red squirrel on video so funny?
Bill Nye the Bachelors Degree Guy
It is a hoax.
The climate is always changing, to claim we are destroying it is a stretch but we're certainly not making the air we breathe any better.
It's funny that the people who cry about protecting the environment are the same people buying iphones, driving cars instead or walking/riding a bike, and enjoying all the other benefits of a 1st world country thanks to factories.
>Global cooling schtick didn't work
>Now it's global warming
>Hmmm, not biting
>Call it "Climate Change" because the climate always changes and we don't have to be even remotely right
Wow, it takes scientists to figure out that climate changes.
Wow, he struck a nerve.
Shhhhh...It's okay...You're going to be alright.
strawmanning the opposition is the only thing lefties know how to do. After all, these same 'global warming is real, therefore we should all ride bikes and eat insects' cuckholds are the same globalist faggots who happily use enviromental regulations as a bludgeon to destroy western businesses while shipping their own businesses to countries like china where their precious enviromental regulations are rarely followed.
Enviromentalism is one part cult, and two parts business tool designed to keep the middle class from ever rising up the economic/social ladder. Leftists can use factories in china to mass product goods for literally pennies, meanwhile a mom and pop shop trying to make the same product ends up spending 1000x more money.
Holy shit dude it's hot in Africa why is my bedroom so cold? It must be a hoax. At last I have been redpilled.
Water vapor has more impact on atmospheric absorbtion/reflection than C02.
I hope canada freezes over and never thaws. gelisol eating fug nugget
no, "climate change" means literally whatever the fuck they want it to mean when they say it and you will never be 'right' when discussing it if you even imply you are partially against any policy they propose.
Climate change is like gender to leftists, it's fluid.
Even if you attribute 100% of recent global warming to atmospheric chemistry, which isn't true as models based on this assumption being even close to true fail to be predicatively valid, then we'll still need to worry about CO2 toxicity before we would need to worry about CO2 induced global warming producing excessively warm climates for human productivity. In fact, up to a point, significant global warming would actually increase the amount of usable land.
It's not if it's real or not
It's what are they doing about it?
At least Canadians are doing something
Climate models suggest an aggregate temperature increase globally while ecosystems and weather patterns shift. This has been the exact same thing they have been saying for 40 years. Nothing has changed, you just have never listened.
>Why we can't beat the Soviets
They really don't try to hide this shit do they
>Billy boy the science goy
Its unfortunate really.
And yet their models were completely wrong
Bill Nye proves one thing. Some people are fun to listen to when they bullshit. You want to believe everything they say. Qualities of a cult leader.
>certain areas are gonna get colder right
'Oh noes! The sky is falling!' Speaking of "animals", you warmists are sheep that are terrified of nature. Jews have succeeded in politicizing the fucking weather. And you fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Cute pic user :3
I tried reading one of Sagans books but in the preface he somehow started waffling on about lots of humans are weak and pathetic and cling to outdated bigoted opinions like sexism, nationalism and homophobia.
Given that I wanted to read about space and stuff, and not the virtue signalling of a whining leftie neckbeard, I tossed the book aside. I'm was so glad when I heard Sagan died of anal haemorrhaging at an interracial gay gang bang in 1994.
OP pic of Bill Nye, he probably wraps his hands around kids dicks the same way #pedogate
None of these models have turned out to be accurate. Predicting change is not the same as predicting an event and then having the opposite happen. If I predict a ball will roll up a hill and then it rolls down I cannot then go "see! I predicted it wouldn't stay where it was so I am right!"
Wrong? Do you even know how hard it is to map a system as big as earth? Have you even taken a single atmospheric science class that wasn't at a high school level?
that supports his argument not yours. It's too big and complex to accurately map so any predictions are worthless.
Which book was this?
Anyone with an audience will state their political beliefs if people will listen. Read the rest of the book, unless your feelings were too hurt to skip a chapter?
Predictions aren't worthless, if there's plenty of good data. Throwing your hands down and saying "two different research teams came to slightly different predictive trends, they're all shit" is the equivalent of saying math is stupid because a system can have multiple solutions.
They're not slightly different retard. Every year it's a new Hollywood dooms day prediction which can only be fixed NOW or we're all dead in 5 years. Then it doesn't happen so they shift it back another 5 years over and over. It's the same damn story since the 80s that I'm aware of.
How often do you listen to someone crying wolf before you stop panicing?