If you unironically listen to this man, you do not belong on Sup Forums. Out.
If you unironically listen to this man, you do not belong on Sup Forums. Out
Other urls found in this thread:
Tool time guy?
yeah they belong in cucktakuinacoin.
Back to le**it plz
>gamergate will be put in history books
I find his voice soothing and pleasant to listen to when I fall asleep.
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ECELEB THREAD; IF YOU SEE ANOTHER, DIRECT THEM HERE! If there are multiple threads, the older thread should ideally become the 'go to' thread, unless another thread is more active.) Evereceleb equal. Evereceleb Loved. You don’t have to have a tripcode to be a shill, it’s just for fun. Due to complaints, the links have been removed from the OP copypasta, but a shill will always be ready to help any useful idiot who asks!
Eceleb gossip, Twitter drama, MSM clickbait, and other slide threads are the most important things a Sup Forumslitically incorrect board can have, let's spread some cancer and post some ecelebs!
I think he died several thousands of years ago.
>its incredibly stew-ped
His alt-light scared-to-racially-go-there political beliefs aside, he has an annoying way of speaking and faux intellectual superiority. He really isnt that knowledgable about anything. His videos often say nothing constructive. They just point out how raving leftist dont have consistent logic. As if that was a hard thing to do
>storm/pol/ ousting apostates
It's a bit late, you are the minority now
I like his British accent, his content is dull though.
Well put.
You have to be careful with that, his ideas may end up getting into your head despite your supposedly benign intentions. It's interesting that you point out his voice as a main focus, because that really sums up his content: All presentation, little to no substance. And the substance that he does put in, is better stated and explored elsewhere.
Go back to 2014, kiddo. This tool has real influence over a sizeable minority of Sup Forums.
k I'm not right wing anyway
Who is this guy and why does Sup Forums hate him so much?
Still an eceleb, faggot.
He's mastered the art of turning a 2 minuet talking point into a 30 minute session. I don't understand how people can listen to him while he just repeats the same thing over and over again
Long story short, he is a Brit who likes to comment on American politics and present himself as an intellectual trying to get at truth. He identifies as being part of the """""skeptic""""" community on YouTube, which tells you pretty much all you need to know.
Or you can listen to whomever you want and make a judgement using your own brain about what you agree with and what you think is stupid.
Telling people to not listen to things is SJW bullshit, because they're too dumb to withstand things they disagree with.
I've listened to Sargon maybe two or three times and his opinions are basically uncontroversial. I understand why the left hates him, because they hate everyone who isn't a communist SJW.
If you think he's not extreme enough that's fine, but if you don't understand why there's a necessary place for less-extreme voices on the right then you're just as bad as the SJWs.
After i found /pol, i stopped listening to him. /pol has more interesting topics and i learned a lot more from here in 3 months, than from him in 1 and 1/2 years. Yeah i'm a newfag.
>white nationalists displaced in their home board
o im laffin
I havent seen any good arguments against him, the only people i see attack him (besides leftshits) are stormfags, which would never ever stoop to logical fallacies, not even once
I'm sick of his fanboys coming here and trying to pretend like whatever line Sargon is also the official line of Sup Forums, it has nothing to do with ideological purity, but with quality of discussion.
>not listening/reading a variety of different sources to help decide your own opinion and gauge a better perspective on situations.
Kek I thought we didn't like echo chambers.
Fuck sargon
So, he's egotistical? Like all the other Jewtube fellows?
I don't need to listen to him to know he's in the middle of any topic
30% of Sup Forums has become an echo chamber for fanboys of Sargon and his YouTube buddies. Not exactly the type of people to "listen to/read a variety of sources." More like the type to listen to someone who claims to have read a variety of sources, and then take their conclusions as gospel. Weak minds.
I do that with youtuber MRcaption ranting about rpgs or millenial woes ranting about politics, no advertise. I had like a two day asmr fling but listening to wise autists is more rewarding and comfy.
>Hungary fucks the USA.
Well we got a wall, where are yours?
Sup Forums only likes him for the "Feminists BTFO" or "Islam BTFO" etc.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
If the tide ever turns and he starts professing his liberal values, he'll likely get dropped.
>purity testing your movement out of existence
Never heard of him. Can someone give a quick rundown of him?
Interesting numbers you pulled out your ass there.
this tired of youtube nuphilosophers and reddit faux-right echo chambers
You will not divide us, D&C shill
He calls himself a Classical Liberal although he is pretty centre right if you ask me.
Most of Sup Forums would call him a cuck but he has two kids and a wife so is doing better than most of the people on this board.
If you unironically wrote that OP, you do not belong on Sup Forums. Out
>hungary fucks the US
Hungary, member of:
world trade organization
european union
world bank
Yep, you could say we're getting fucked by the Hungries daily.
A classical liberal but what i read he hates feminism. Hmmm thats quite interesting
>but he has two kids
You mean SHE has two kids, right?
>You have to be careful with that, his ideas may end up getting into your head despite your supposedly benign intentions
Lol, how fragile is your set of beliefs if you're afraid that mere exposure to different ideas will ruin it?
How so you ironically listen to someone?
Well my dudes....
>everyone who doesn't like the guy I get all of my political opinions from is a shill
Fanboy detected! Welcome to Nupol!
You're a dumbfuck who knows nothing about psychology if you think that by bombarding your brain with leftist propaganda, you will somehow manage to avoid seeing the world through leftism.
You're obvious D&C shill because Sup Forums doesn't follow one ideology, we have plenty of ideologies here. You won't divide us so you can stop trying now.
I listen to Sargon a lot. There is nothing wrong with listening to the opinions of others, especially when you don't necessarily agree with them. What's important is that you try to understand what the basis of their beliefs are. He is an egalitarian, I am not.
lmao faggot /nupol/ OP doesn't know that Sup Forums is satire.
When he writes posts on Sup Forums, they represent thoughts he actually thinks! lmao go back to redit you retard.
>Sup Forums is satire
When will this meme end.
I don't think so, Tim.
>Nupol shits on only relevant far right Youtuber on the web
Color me surprised, yawn.
We need to get him to post more interracial gay porn...
same user. i just play a video and go to sleep. never have actually watched one of his videos in their entirety
Are you some kind of larping faggot who literally believes everything he's told?
if you think you belong on Sup Forums you do not belong on Sup Forums.
It's a (inserter YouTuber here) sucks, listen to Varg instead thread.
Scroll up, and find one source of any kind I recommend you get information from....................................................still waiting, faggot.
What if I listen to this guy?
this board is literally called politically incorrect
>being this autistic
Well you see, there are two things:
You can listen to something you disagree with, and you may be able to find faults in your original stance on an issue
There are plenty of people on Sup Forums who share similar beliefs to him who listen to him for entertainment
He is aware that the alt right do not like his rhetoric but he does not care. I believe he even said he doesn't even use it often on his alt channel, he just lurks from time to time for entertainment and a conflicting viewpoint.
He is just a popular classical liberal who has a smooth voice and makes long videos about low hanging fruit and trending talking points with his point of view. He is not a voice for Sup Forums.
If you take everything he says with a grain of salt
He not bad hes right on alot of things.
and by it I mean Sup Forums in general, he said he couldnt figure out how to post so he really doesnt participate
are you new?
Sup Forums has been satire from the beginning
no one here actually wants to "gas kikes" or "lynch niggers" or "make America great again"
have you been thinking we were serious all this time? kek
digits of truth
i like him but the people he's been hosting on his channel recently are fucking awful. that video by the "britisher" was the worst of the lot
Other than his jew pandering and /pol bashing whats wrong with him?
If you dont see that Sargon is expanding / building his "Skeptic" coalition then your head needs examined.
Don't be surprised to see his channel turned into a venue for multiple youtubers.
It's called actually examining arguments. I suppose we should all just communicate with emoji's for brevity?
Sup Forums doesnt hate him. shills Larping as polsters pretend to hate him to try and fragment the right because they know that ecelebs have played a large roll in shifting a lot of normies to the right through critical thinking and questioning of leftist propaganda.
I'm a leftist who has been bombarding myself here with nazi ideas and it hasn't impacted me. Sorry you're so easily persuaded.
They only the I see him is when fags like OP spam this shit here.
(Tip: The less you correct them, the greater the fun.)
Sargon and his circle are important. They have soft redpilled countless normies. And I know naked ape is Sup Forumsack
>it hasn't impacted me
haha he doesn't know
YT faggot who spams himself here for attention
Sargon has redpilled more of my friends than anyone else.
>look how enlightened by my centrism
t. Shareblue shill
>Sorry you're so easily persuaded.
You're the one who got tricked by your normie friends though.
It takes a strong will to break that kind of conditioning. I guess you lack the intellectual fortitude. It's ok. After all.... SOMEBODY's got to hang on the day of the rope.
Remember when he got so triggered by the prayers at the Trump inaguration that he had to mute the volume?
Remember when he said that Rotherdam was a "British problem" and not a muslim one?
You cannot point to a single right winger who has influence even closely approaching his.
This guy cucked someone?
You're a faggot who worships internet facefags. What are you even doing on an anonymous board? Go play on kikebook.
He cucked his wife's son.
The most important thing is that the destructive anti-white and anti-western PC culture is stopped. Until then, the entire red pilled community should be unified in tolerance of each others political diversity.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
this type of thinking is exactly how people like ISIS rose to power, when the US armed them with weapons to fight off our shared enemy
now look where it gets us
>go play on kikebook
I'm not gonna take advice from a shill faggot kikebook is cancer and so are you faggots at shareblue
haha look at you. practically foaming at the mouth.
you should never have left reddit
you fucking know that that is taken out of context.
what's the context?
>Unironically supported a socialist candidate
>Sup Forums calls him redpilled
>Rotherdam was a "British problem" and not a muslim one?
Because it was British problem. Muslims gonna muslim, fucking little kids like their prophet did, but what was really sickening was the response from every corner of British establishment. Truly a nation of cowards who sacrifice 1400 little girls just because they don't want to be called racist.
>prayers at the Trump inaguration that he had to mute the volume
Who the fuck would want to listen to some christcuck preaching about tolerance. I can almost see all those billions of dollars of aid send to Afrika to sponsor the nigger population explosion.
Sometimes he actually provides sources and what have you, which is nice, but a lot of the time it is just him bashing leftist regressives. I like to listen to him while I paint, since it's easy enough to tune out the vacuous shit and only really focus on it when he's saying something interesting.
The patrician sleep aid
Key difference here being that the US didn't need friends like ISIS, they were just to lazy to do shit themselves.
Whereas the new right needs literally everyone they can get. Only when the war is won do you start cleaning house, lest you lose risk fragmentization.
He's a cuck. Totally nu/pol/ shit
I do,
Make me leave faggot.
tfw i was one of sargons first 500 subscribers.
>patrician class
>needing sleep aid
What you need is to get out of your childhood bedroom, get a job, get a life, get hobbies, get a woman, start a family, and not have enough energy to lay awake next to your anime girl pillow at 3am being depressed at your arrested development.
>this amount of projecting
reviewbrah is beyond e-celebrity drama like mentioned in this entire thread