April 23 thread
Accurate information on the US border wall
the wall
Friendly reminder that the wall is actually a shitty useless fence and Trump's shills will still defend him and think it will actually work.
>t. illegal cartel intellectual
t. increasingly nervous illegal
t. mexican with half his family illegaly in the US
israel knows
prefab wall sections go up fast!
gotta love those impassable tiles
looks like that money coming from daddy in America is going to be shut down paco
Spain was a mistake, sorry americans
Too bad Jeffy will be bussy with the GayFairyGate that Russia will unleash if Trump doesn't submit to Putin.
>t. Mexican civil engineer
No sympathy.
>t. mexican whose lively hood relies on himself or others getting over the fence
I love how there's holes in the wall in the areas where cartel violence in the U.S. is most prevalent
Not that I expected he'd do any research before building it
You're a nasty piece of shit, watsamatter bitch? Can't just waltz on in anymore? Arrogant son of a bitch. They should just shoot you and leave you for the birds.
It's ok Paco, no need to fret over it, you'll be decapitated and hung from a street light soon.
dig a new panama canal
A coat of paint does wonders.
al jazeera = poorest sauce
the wall will keep out the gardeners and the fast food workers, but the criminals will find a way around it.. the $$ drives innovation.
Imagine being such a shitty group of people that your neighbors are forced to build a 40' reinforced concrete wall and hire thousands of more border police...
I'd be too ashamed to post with muh flag.
its like a filter in a tank full of water. does it keep all of the trash out? no, but it DOES make the tank a hell of a lot cleaner and clearer than if you did nothing at all.
>100 days
>still no wall
>Trump BTFO