Armed Marxists shot Pepe

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good. Sup Forums supports gun rights and gun safety for all political ideologies. 2A

>be commie
>spend thousands on guns
>vote for people who want to ban guns
>give money to pro-gun pro-capitalist companies
>be anti-capitalist

Just how butthurt and powerless do you need to be to actually draw a pepe target and shoot it


>w-we sure s-showed those nazi b-bigots!

Oh this thread again, yeah we're literally shaking here. I mean, it's not like people have been putting pictures of things they hate and shoot at it. It's totally not a normal thing. If anything, I encourage it. Let them do it every weekend if it makes them feel better.

>Redneck Revolt
I've heard Rumors about leftists trying to rebrand themselves towards working class whites, now I've actually seen it.
It'll never work desu, I'd bet good money that they're all Urbanites as well

Why is he using a hand gun to shoot something so far away?

I thought Marxists was against guns

I think it's adorable that they are trying to appeal to "rednecks" They are gonna suprised how much for average redneck hates unions and pretty much anyone telling them when who and how that should work.

No sir.

There's a reason the first song was woody Guthrie, fun fact he got kicked out of a communist community in cali for being too extreme for them.

>Dp 12 again

3 times now I've seen it pop up in these antifa pro gun things

I'm now convinced all these guns are one guys and he is letting them pose with his guns

God I hope one of these larping faggots actually takes it this far. Do it you cunts.

I'm pretty sure real "Rednecks" hate being referred to like that, it's patronizing, kinda of like how we hate being referred to as "the alt-right"

Why the hell are they shooting so close?

They're in favor of gun rights for themselves and no one else.

>orange cap

Lel, these fuckers ain't rednecks, and they're no match for the weeb brigade.

This. They really aren't that proficient if they aren't even playing with 100 yds+


Jew tube link plox?


I have no idea.

Quite sure other "rednecks" won't side with them. This is cute though, love it actually. This will make AntiFa think they are strong, and hopefully shoot some poor person. After that cleansing begin. Good luck Americans!

Can you get more fucking triggered by drawings?

Is this operator taking a shit?

The government "owning" GM and bailing out banks is the very definition of fascism. "Too big to fail" and the M.I.C. hand in glove. Revolving doors between corporations and government regulatory agencies is fascist at it's rotten core. Not a peep under Obama or any of the other puppets in chief. These fools deserve what comes to them for existing and striking out from their biased ignorance. So be it.

I think it's hilarious that they went to the effort to HAND DRAW these fucking memes, all so that they could shoot at them.
So pathetic

>tfw the pepe didn't fall over from all the shooting.
>tfw you bayonet hitler pepe and he gets stuck on your expensive now bent chinese steel bayonet
>tfw you got a brass burn on your face because the ham planet next to was too close during the photo op.
>tfw you will never fuck the ham planets arm fat while she fires and the rippling brings you to completion.
>tfw you've not mastered even basic stoppage drills.

if they actually knew how to shoot I might be afraid.

They spent time hand drawing each of them and money on the children's markers


The dream is real kids.

did this come from /k/?

Tfw Sabotaging ANTIFA by giving them false information that there will be a Trump Rally at a local Hotel, but in Reality it's a Policeman's Ball

>Do with me what you must cultural marxist. My memes are dank can your memes say the same?

>commie pepe
Wait, what?

Finally, some leftist faggots that will make it a sport when I kill them

You gone full retard, never go full retard. You don't even know what Marxism means.


It has to.

>Actually taking the time to HAND DRAW memes
>All of those fatties and women
>Using a DP12 range toy
>Overly close target engagement despite having rifles
>No mobility drills

Top kek.

Holy shit, I'm triggered.
>steal true Americana culture of the frontier
>as libertarian and free as it gets
>rebrand it as commie
>muh fascist fascist fascist fascist
Disgusting, I'm not even redneck and this pisses me off. RIP in piece good old banjo and blues.

They are against guns immediately after they become the status quo

They're all stationary targets while they're doing that shit. And they all jerk the fuck out of those triggers. And when they all started their little rapid fire drill, they were hitting all over the place.

All I have to do is get back 500 yards and dial my rifle up 2 mils they'd be totally fucked.

i think the one with the guy in the dress was a /k/ meetup

and the other one is mcnig? i could be wrong

With them, it's "guns for me and none for thee."

I make faster follow up shots standing at 150 meteres. Sad, I really wish they'd try to have their revolution they'd get btfo'd

>shooting stationary targets at ten yards
F-fascist watch out!

While remaining stationary themselves. When shit's up that close, you fucking move.

Internalized oppression

In Fairness when they're in a firing line like that I could see why you wouldn't make be up, unless the whole line moved up, which they should have done

Change our targets then.


Take a look at most of them - the longest distance they move each day is from the couch to the fridge.


I know who I'm betting for in american civil war 2.0

>literally dressed as shitskin alquadea
>not one single fagget looks comfortable with """"their""""""" rifles

>John Brown Gun Club is a branch of Redneck Revolt, a national network working to stem the tide of reactionary recruitment within white working class communities, fight white supremacy, & build liberatory community defense.

That's actually a pretty good idea.

Wonder if Ivan would be willing to stock these.....


Even when they're up on the line individually, they're stationary. If they show up and start some shit, they're begging to get whacked by some sharpshooters.

>tiny-ass red dot
>target is less than 5 meters away

I'm so scared

>begging to get whacked by sharp shooters

>comments are disabled for this video



What did you think about the chick with the carbine and the 44+mm optics on her shit at around 1:10? That was the same chick that showed up to the AZ "armed" march a few weeks ago. Field of view is going to be a bitch for her.

They fucking missed just about everything they shot at.....they are trying to take up arms against people who have been shooting since they were children baka

Should be wojacks in the field tbqh

>lol kek is kill
rip in peace ;_;






Show this to the Kekistan normies on reddit. They will lose their shit.

may they doxx 'em

They learned from Islam.


Liberals prove they fear free speech every single day

What I find this great is that touching, seeing or shooting fire arms makes them redpilled. I'm having a great laugh here, they are indoctrinating themselves to the redpills.

Next they're going to hate abortions, illegal immigrants and paying high taxes for others' health care.

>"redneck" revolt
>not one redneck there
>there are actually niggers

Is this Flandre? Is he a full trap yet?

It's a shitty toy shotgun, let them have fun.


kek shit we could just make it a marathon instead of a war and this fatties would still die just the same. CIVIL CROSS COUNTRY BATTLE WHEN

>Five shots in quick succession like its nothing
That maid outfit must give him +5 in Stability

Kek will punish them for blaspheming against his prophet known as Pepe.

The fascists have proven that universal free speech is a concept which is no longer appropriate.

Are you fucking Hindu?

Don't like hearing things that make you sad, snowflake?

Day of the hairdryer when.

gonna need fascists to enforce that idea tho

Liberals R da real Facists

These sad sacks are a result of the indoctrination in college. These marxist professors need to be rekt.

Fascism has a very specific definition. Not just whatever you disagree with.

Yes! That's McNiggerator, he was security at Bundy ranch too

That's funny because most of those fit perfectly every socialist country in the world.

good, good let the hate flow through them. Soon they will know the might of the dark side.

Let's kick this fucker up a notch.

Shoot targets of communist figures and mass burn commie flags.

Those shotguns jam and breaks more than almost any other. They can't fucking function most of the time.

Fucking love it.

Pretty terrifying tbqh.

These are domestic terrorists in training.

/k/ standing by. We've been preparing for this for a while. WTF do you think nuggetfest was all about?

Just kidding. We're all weebs with guns, totally harmless. Pay us no mind.

MFW I was there.

That is Sa/k/uya you dolt.

>antifags have to gather en masse to shoot paper

>our guys operating running waifu recovery scenarios

>be militant leftist
>vote for bernie sanders
>get guns taken away
