What happens here?
What happens here?
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UAE is very similar CIA military base as Israel only created by using slightly different religion as cover some times after shit martini stirrers created Israel by using zionism as cover. keep in mind that there is not a single jew living in Israel. Another thing to keep in mind that CIA lemon party gestapo has enacted lawfare related offshore rules and regulations in UAE allowing registering offshore companies for a few years now. So one such company bought one of the few ports in the Black Sea - in the republic of georgia that is also run by CIA lemon party gestapo. Notice Georgian military is engaged in partnership with georgian state national guard. Must very convenient then cooking books smuggling all those weapons through various military aid, military charity, etc bullshit... Keep in mind very important blip in history - the crematorium with hundreds of american bodies scattered all over the place in georgia.
>funding international terrorism with said oil
>big airport
Rich as fuck saudi funzone with skyscrapers & secret bars.
I'd probably try going if I had the money, my friend's brother works there & he loves it.
They have ISIS tier laws
>Kissing in public is illegal and can result in deportation.[181] Expats in Dubai have been deported for kissing in public.[182][183][184] In Abu Dhabi, people have been sentenced to 80 lashes for kissing in public.[185] A new federal law in the UAE prohibits swearing in Whatsapp and penalizes swearing by a $68,061 fine and imprisonment;[186] expatriates are penalized by deportation.[186][187][188][189] In July 2015, an Australian expatriate was deported for swearing on Facebook.
>Amputation is a legal punishment in the UAE due to the Sharia courts.[198][199][200][201][202] Crucifixion is a legal punishment in the UAE.
>During the month of Ramadan, it is illegal to publicly eat, drink, or smoke between sunrise and sunset.[18] Exceptions are made for pregnant women and children. The law applies to both Muslims and non-Muslims,[18] and failure to comply may result in arrest.[208] Dancing in public is illegal in the UAE.
For those curious.
They have very strict Sharia law over there, but it's predominantly only enforced on the locals. If you're a Westerner and you keep yourself within the "Western" areas, they don't pay any attention to you. Of course, if you draw a lot of attention to yourself you could get in some trouble, otherwise just keep on partying.
Suggestion. If you ever go there, stay in the "Western" areas and do not let your wife/gf/etc go alone outside of those areas. Bad times. If you do go outside those areas, be on your best behavior!!!!!!! Jail there is no game.
I didn't know that.
I was wondering why you see escorts (even ts ones) advertising for Dubai, but now that I know there's nogo Western Areas I know why. Ironic, isn't it?
i've lived in UAE in dubai, it's not that bad, natives mind their own business most of the time, it's pretty, and as far as i've known theres a gigantic US military base in that country
>secret bars?
yea like there's hidden brothels, bars, strip clubs in the desert out of nowhere
Yeah. Most Westerners keep to themselves within their enclaves. Those enclaves are also predominantly considered the "tourist" areas because a large percentage of the people are transient and only live there for a few months at a time. Mostly rich white people. A lot of them from the UK.
They're not really that secret. The government knows but just chooses to ignore them unless they stir up any trouble that gets attention from the locals.
yeah ik, where did you go in UAE? i lived in abu-dhabi
Dubai. Stayed with a friend off and on over the years for up to a week at a time. Usually in the middle of our coldest months here to get a break from the snow and stuff. Last time was in early 2015.
Porta potties get shat on for big money
The bars aren't really a secret in the UAE m9
Lots of coke parties with rich arab men running trains on Russian and Ukrainian whores.
Money, slaves and women in tents.
Where can one buy a slave in the UAE? Asking for a friend
Thats why I was asking. My understanding was you can drink only inside bars and cannot be publicly intoxicated
The public intoxication part is true, but the bars and clubs are totally open for anybody. Only restriction is we can't wear our national (GCC) dress inside, like pic related.
They're typically Indian "servants" or whatever. As long as you provide to them basic amenities no one bats an eye. Those amenities are usually a bedroom that is just a closet you're not using.
>Be rich
>Order an Indian """maid"""
Done. You can even kill them if you like, take them with you to Britain and rape them non stop, everything goes.
Where's the slavery part?
You're a very imaginative man.
> Take their passports away from them and tell them they'll get it back at the expiration of their contract with you.
> Contract terms seemingly never comes to a conclusion and goes on for years.
> Pissed off Westerners write articles about this mistreatment in Western media, causing an uproar.
> Government publicly makes an example of one person. Business goes on as usual.
> Rinse, repeat.
>You're a very imaginative man.
In your country they kill the undesireables in broad daylight on the streets with swords.
Think about the shit going down in Saudi rape dungeons.
If by undesirables you mean murderers and rapists, yes we do that here. No amount of Western cuckoldry will stop that.
The only no-go zones for westerners in Dubai are the areas/slums where the poor pakis/indians/bangladeshi migrant workers live.
1/1/16 never forget
Enormous cities which shine a lot and seem sci-fi tier of technological advancement that are secretly empty and built by a slave labour force
t. lived there
>t. lived there
Nice try, Luigi.
Cute kittens are sent to Abu Dhabi. youtube.com
Are you supposed to sober up before leaving the bar or something? Seems kind of ridiculous. Every time I leave a bar I'm absolutely hammered (as expected)
>Saudi rape dungeons
Sounds comfy to be quite honest.
I'd imagine there's lots of gold, lapislatsuli and exotic furs in there.
Meanwhile the standard issue government mandated rape dungeon in every Austrians home.
Don't forget the incense. Incense goes well with incest.
America, being an individualist society, builds our own out of tool sheds and such. Even the Swedecucks had nice rape dungeons in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Not having oil is suuuufffering.... How will i ever afford an Indian slave servant???
funding and arming of ISIS
How's UAE involved with terrorism? Saudi Arabia and Qatar and known for it. But UAE?
Why even live?
Get a goat instead. It's halal as well.
delet this
The bars are located in the same areas as the houses, hotels, etc. that are in the "Western" areas. You don't need to go through the "public" to get to your room, typically. You're always within the areas that the authorities pay little attention to.
Sandbox. Wealthy oil Arabs.
At the state level I don't think they have anything to do with it. They also regularly clamp down on any imams that even flirt with "extremist" talk. They heavily monitor everything that goes on within their mosques! There's probably some Youtube videos out there talking about this.
>not letting people perform a sexual act in public
>hurr durr isis tier law
Good on them for stomping degeneracy.
There are no enclaves. You're confusing UAE with Saudi Arabia that actually has enclaves for expats. Pretty much the whole UAE is open to Westerners. However besides the big cities and some events in the desert, Westerners are generally not interested. They will not go visit the smaller towns in the UAE, likewise an Indian or Chinese visiting the US wouldn't care about the small towns in the midwest.
What Western areas? There aren't many Westerners to begin with.
That's not true. There are nightclubs and restaurants that serve alchohol, that aren't near hotels. There are drinking parties in boats. People can drink and go in public, they just aren't allowed to be drunk or drive under any alcohol influence.
That's my point. We tend to stick together in specific areas when we're there. We might venture out, but everyone knows where the "Western" areas are. Basically, they're enclaves in a sense.
Source: Been there almost each year since the huge boom in the aughts. (Rich friend and wife have a home there.)
>Saudi Arabia and Qatar and known for it
if by terrorism you mean allowing Americans to be stationed there, then I guess your country supports terrorism as well
Based burger
Oil refineries and LNG plants
Shout out to Ras gas for paying top dollar to consultant. ~7.5k/week consulting and no limit restaurant. Love getting called out there. Worth the 100 hour work weeks
No limit restaurant credit*